5 research outputs found

    Prevalência de atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor em pré-escolares

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    O desenvolvimento infantil é um processo de mudanças relacionado com a idade e influenciado pelo ambiente em que a criança vive. Desta maneira, o objetivo é verificar o a prevalência de atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor (DNPM) em pré-escolares. Procedimentos: tratou-se de um estudo transversal analítico realizado em três abrigos e uma escola particular da Zona Leste de São Paulo-SP, na qual participaram 81 crianças. Aplicou-se um questionário aos responsáveis pelas crianças participantes e para avaliar o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor das crianças foi utilizado o Teste Denver II. Os resultados revelaram a prevalência de atraso no DNPM em crianças institucionalizadas (31,6%), p=0,06. A linguagem foi a área mais freqüentemente afetada nas crianças com suspeita de atraso. Em relação ao suporte familiar e condições ambientais não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas crianças institucionalizadas. Verificou-se que os resultados não significativos talvez sejam conseqüência da relação de apego que as crianças institucionalizadas adquirem entre si e da convivência com um maior número de crianças. Conclusão: o presente estudo não encontrou diferenças estatisticamente significativas no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de crianças institucionalizadas e não-institucionalizadas, porém houve maior prevalência de suspeita de atraso nas crianças institucionalizadas.The child development is a process of age-related changes and influenced by the environment where the child lives. This way, the goal is to determine the prevalence of delay development neuropsychomotor in preschool children. Procedures: this was an analytical cross-sectional study performed in three shelters and a private school in the East zone of São Paulo-SP, attended 81 children. A questionnaire was applied to children participating and to evaluate the development neuropsychomotor of children was used testing Denver II. The results revealed the prevalence of late DNPM institutionalised children (31.6%), p = 0.06. The language was the area most often affected in children with suspected delays. In relation to the support of family and environmental conditions there were statistically significant differences in institutionalised children. The insignificant results may be a consequence of the relationship of attachment that institutionalized children acquire each other and co-existence with a greater number of children. Conclusion: this study found no statistically significant differences in the development of institutionalized children neuropsicomotor and non-institutionalized, but there were higher prevalence of suspected delay in institutionalised children

    Prevalence of pest nematodes associated with soybean (Glycine max) in Wisconsin from 1998 to 2021

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    The prevalence of Heterodera glycines and other cyst and vermiform genera was determined from 8,009 soil samples over two decades. Prevalence of cyst nematodes for farms increased from 16% in 1998 to 1999, reaching a peak of 40%, with marked differences among Wisconsin’s nine agricultural districts in how much the odds of a positive test increased. Estimates at the sample scale also increased over time but peaked at 29%. Assay of all nematodes beginning in 2012 showed Pratylenchus, Helicotylenchus, and Xiphinema to be more prevalent in Wisconsin soybean fields than cyst nematodes. Prevalence estimates for Pratylenchus and Helicotylenchus for soybean and rotation crops ranged from 76 to 89% and 58 to 83%, respectively. Species identification of Pratylenchus from a subset of the samples revealed six species. The majority of cyst-positive samples were infested with Pratylenchus, and count data showed that the number of cyst eggs and juveniles per 100 cm3 soil was 60% lower in samples positive for Pratylenchus. The influence was reciprocal, as Pratylenchus population densities were 41% lower in samples positive for cyst nematodes, suggesting a competitive interaction. The Wisconsin soybean nematode testing program provides a useful model for estimating nematode prevalence using citizen-based surveys