9 research outputs found

    Europeanization of civil society organizations in times of crisis? Exploring the evolution grant-seeking strategies in the EU multi-level system

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    This article analyses how humanitarian and development Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have responded to the alteration of public funding opportunities over a long time period. Analysing a long time period allows for a better understanding of the potential impact of external shocks, such as the European sovereign and debt crisis. Data show that many CSOs severely affected by budget cuts at the national level in the context of the euro crisis have adopted a compensation strategy consisting on turning more frequently to international and European funds. Thus, in some countries, the economic crisis has contributed to the Europeanization of CSOs. This in-depth comparative qualitative analysis is based on the study of national humanitarian and development CSOs based in France and Spain

    French NGOs and the state: Paving the way for a new partnership?

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    This paper asks whether French non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have fallen into line with the trend towards partnership with the state that has marked the Northern non-profit sector, most notably Anglo-American NGOs, over the last two decades. It shows how French NGO-state relations were poor over the early post-colonial years. It then demonstrates how, over the global era, the French government has made overtures and how NGOs, particularly developmental NGOs (NGDOs), have embraced these legal, financial and consultative concessions, while refusing to see them as the basis of a mutually consenting partnership. Finally, it explains the continuing lack of French NGDO-state rapport in terms of Resource Dependence theory