17 research outputs found

    Neuronal c-Jun is required for successful axonal regeneration, but the effects of phosphorylation of its N-terminus are moderate.

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    Although neural c-Jun is essential for successful peripheral nerve regeneration, the cellular basis of this effect and the impact of c-Jun activation are incompletely understood. In the current study, we explored the effects of neuron-selective c-Jun deletion, substitution of serine 63 and 73 phosphoacceptor sites with non-phosphorylatable alanine, and deletion of Jun N-terminal kinases 1, 2 and 3 in mouse facial nerve regeneration. Removal of the floxed c-jun gene in facial motoneurons using cre recombinase under control of a neuron-specific synapsin promoter (junΔS) abolished basal and injury-induced neuronal c-Jun immunoreactivity, as well as most of the molecular responses following facial axotomy. Absence of neuronal Jun reduced the speed of axonal regeneration following crush, and prevented most cut axons from reconnecting to their target, significantly reducing functional recovery. Despite blocking cell death, this was associated with a large number of shrunken neurons. Finally, junΔS mutants also had diminished astrocyte and microglial activation and T-cell influx, suggesting that these non-neuronal responses depend on the release of Jun-dependent signals from neighboring injured motoneurons. The effects of substituting serine 63 and 73 phosphoacceptor sites (junAA), or of global deletion of individual kinases responsible for N-terminal c-Jun phosphorylation were mild. junAA mutants showed decrease in neuronal cell size, a moderate reduction in post-axotomy CD44 levels and slightly increased astrogliosis. Deletion of Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)1 or JNK3 showed delayed functional recovery; deletion of JNK3 also interfered with T-cell influx, and reduced CD44 levels. Deletion of JNK2 had no effect. Thus, neuronal c-Jun is needed in regeneration, but JNK phosphorylation of the N-terminus mostly appears to not be required for its function

    Adaption of the serotoninergic neuronal phenotype in the absence of 5-HT autoreceptors or the 5-HT transporter: involvement of BDNF and cAMP

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    Serotonin 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors and the 5-HT transporter are key regulators of the serotoninergic neuronal phenotype. We show here that genetic deletion of any of these elements differentially regulates 5-HT neuronal number in rostral raphe cultures from E14 mice. Serotonin neuronal number was increased by almost four-fold and 1.8-fold in cultures from 5-HT1AR-/- and 5-HT1BR-/- mice, respectively. In contrast, the lack of serotonin transporter expression was associated with a 50% decrease in 5-HT neuronal number. In raphe cultures from the rat, BDNF and cAMP have been shown to up-regulate the neuronal serotoninergic phenotype through TrkB-dependent mechanisms [Rumajogee et al. (2002) J. Neurochem., 83, 1525-1528]. Similar tyrosine kinase-dependent up-regulating effects, in the absence of serotoninergic key-elements are reported here, on both 5-HT neuronal number and neurites length. However, the extents of BDNF-triggered and cAMP-triggered effects on serotoninergic neuritic length were approximately 1.5-fold higher in 5-HT1AR-/- mutants. These findings show that the up-regulatory mechanisms triggered by BDNF on serotoninergic neuronal number and neurite extension are different and that the latter are partially linked to 5-HT, probably through 5-HT1A autoreceptors. Together, these data suggest that serotonin autoreceptors, mainly 5-HT1A but also 5-HT1B, may be responsible for a tonic auto-inhibitory effect of 5-HT itself on the serotoninergic neuronal phenotype during embryonic development, particularly marked in the absence of the 5-HT transporter

    Differential subcellular localization of the 5-HT 3 -A s receptor subunit in the rat central nervous system

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    International audienceFollowing the cloning and sequencing of the A subunit of the 5-HT3 receptor, two alternatively spliced isoforms, 5-HT3-AS and 5-HT3-AL, have been identified. In order to analyse the distribution of the receptor, a polyclonal antibody has been produced against the short form which is the most abundant in the central nervous system [Doucet et al. (2000) Neuroscience 95, 881-892]. As expected from the recognition of functional 5-HT3 receptors, immunostaining by this anti-5-HT3-R-AS antibody matched the distribution of the high-affinity 5-HT3 binding sites in the rat brain and spinal cord. 5-HT3-AS-like immunoreactivity was detected at low levels in the limbic system, particularly in the amygdala and the hippocampus, and in the frontal, piriform and entorhinal cortices. High levels of immunoreactivity were found in the brainstem, mainly in the nucleus tractus solitarius and the nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve, and in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. At the ultrastructural level, immunostaining was generally found associated with axons and nerve terminals (70-80%) except in the hippocampus, where labelled dendrites were more abundant (56%). This preferential localization on nerve endings is consistent with the well-documented physiological role of 5-HT3 receptors in the control of neurotransmitter release. However, the different distribution in the hippocampus raises the question of whether differential addressing mechanisms exist for preferentially targeting 5-HT3 receptors to postsynaptic dendritic sites as compared to presynaptic nerve endings, depending on the nature of the neurons bearing these receptors