522 research outputs found

    Application de la mĂ©thode de rĂ©trodiffusion des Ă©lectrons Ă  la mesure en continu des faibles Ă©paisseurs de revĂȘtements lĂ©gers sur mĂ©taux ou alliages lĂ©gers

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    Le problĂšme envisagĂ© concerne la mesure en continu des faibles Ă©paisseurs de revĂȘtements organiques sur mĂ©taux ou alliages lĂ©gers. Nous Ă©tudions les caractĂ©ristiques d'une jauge Ă  rĂ©trodiffusion ÎČ opĂ©rant sous atmosphĂšre d'hĂ©lium. Nous montrons que le fait de travailler sous hĂ©lium amĂ©liore les rĂ©sultats de façon trĂšs importante. L'influence de l'Ă©nergie de la source radio-active et du numĂ©ro atomique du revĂȘtement sont examinĂ©s. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus concernent Ă©galement la prĂ©cision, le temps de mesure ainsi que la surface de l'Ă©chantillon sous investigation

    Phenotypic Effects of an Allele Causing Obligate Parthenogenesis in a Rotifer

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    Transitions to obligate asexuality have been documented in almost all metazoan taxa, yet the conditions favoring such transitions remained largely unexplored. We address this problem in the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus. In this species, a polymorphism at a single locus, op, can result in transitions to obligate parthenogenesis. Homozygotes for the op allele reproduce strictly by asexual reproduction, whereas heterozygous clones (+/op) and wild-type clones (+/+) are cyclical parthenogens that undergo sexual reproduction at high population densities. Here, we examine dosage effects of the op allele by analyzing various life-history characteristics and population traits in 10 clones for each of the 3 possible genotypes (op/op, +/op, and +/+). For most traits, we found that op/op clones differed significantly (P < 0.05) from the 2 cyclical parthenogenetic genotypes (+/+ and +/op). By contrast, the 2 cyclical parthenogenetic genotypes were almost indistinguishable, except that heterozygote individuals were slightly but significantly smaller in body size compared with wild-type individuals. Overall, this indicates that the op allele is selectively neutral in the heterozygous state. Thus, selective sweeps of this allele in natural populations would first require conditions favoring the generation of homozygotes. This may be given by inbreeding in very small populations or by double mutants in very large populations

    Partial pharmacologic blockade shows sympathetic connection between blood pressure and cerebral blood flow velocity fluctuations

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    Cerebral autoregulation (CA) dampens transfer of blood pressure (BP)-fluctuations onto cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV). Thus, CBFV-oscillations precede BP-oscillations. The phase angle (PA) between sympathetically mediated low-frequency (LF: 0.03–0.15 Hz) BP- and CBFV-oscillations is a measure of CA quality. To evaluate whether PA depends on sympathetic modulation, we assessed PA-changes upon sympathetic stimulation with and without pharmacologic sympathetic blockade. In 10 healthy, young men, we monitored mean BP and CBFV before and during 120-second cold pressor stimulation (CPS) of one foot (0 °C ice-water). We calculated mean values, standard deviations and sympathetic LF-powers of all signals, and PAs between LF-BP- and LF–CBFV-oscillations. We repeated measurements after ingestion of the adrenoceptor-blocker carvedilol (25 mg). We compared parameters before and during CPS, without and after carvedilol (analysis of variance, post-hoc t-tests, significance: p < 0.05). Without carvedilol, CPS increased BP, CBFV, BP-LF- and CBFV-LF-powers, and shortened PA. Carvedilol decreased resting BP, CBFV, BP-LF- and CBFV-LF-powers, while PAs remained unchanged. During CPS, BPs, CBFVs, BP-LF- and CBFV-LF-powers were lower, while PAs were longer with than without carvedilol. With carvedilol, CPS no longer shortened resting PA. Sympathetic activation shortens PA. Partial adrenoceptor blockade abolishes this PA-shortening. Thus, PA-measurements provide a subtle marker of sympathetic influences on CA and might refine CA evaluation

    Norm estimates of complex symmetric operators applied to quantum systems

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    This paper communicates recent results in theory of complex symmetric operators and shows, through two non-trivial examples, their potential usefulness in the study of Schr\"odinger operators. In particular, we propose a formula for computing the norm of a compact complex symmetric operator. This observation is applied to two concrete problems related to quantum mechanical systems. First, we give sharp estimates on the exponential decay of the resolvent and the single-particle density matrix for Schr\"odinger operators with spectral gaps. Second, we provide new ways of evaluating the resolvent norm for Schr\"odinger operators appearing in the complex scaling theory of resonances

    From spin liquid to magnetic ordering in the anisotropic kagome Y-Kapellasite Y3Cu9(OH)19Cl8: a single crystal study

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    Y3Cu9(OH)19Cl8 realizes an original anisotropic kagome model hosting a rich magnetic phase diagram [M. Hering et al, npj Computational Materials 8, 1 (2022)]. We present an improved synthesis of large phase-pure single crystals via an external gradient method. These crystals were investigated in details by susceptibility, specific heat, thermal expansion, neutron scattering and local muSR and NMR techniques. At variance with polycristalline samples, the study of single crystals gives evidence for subtle structural instabilities at 33K and 13K which preserve the global symmetry of the system and thus the magnetic model. At 2.1K the compound shows a magnetic transition to a coplanar (1/3,1/3) long range order as predicted theoretically. However our analysis of the spin wave excitations yields magnetic interactions which locate the compound closer to the phase boundary to a classical jammed spin liquid phase. Enhanced quantum fluctuations at this boundary may be responsible for the strongly reduced ordered moment of the Cu2+, estimated to be 0.075muB from muSR

    The dynamical Green's function and an exact optical potential for electron-molecule scattering including nuclear dynamics

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    We derive a rigorous optical potential for electron-molecule scattering including the effects of nuclear dynamics by extending the common many-body Green's function approach to optical potentials beyond the fixed-nuclei limit for molecular targets. Our formalism treats the projectile electron and the nuclear motion of the target molecule on the same footing whereby the dynamical optical potential rigorously accounts for the complex many-body nature of the scattering target. One central result of the present work is that the common fixed-nuclei optical potential is a valid adiabatic approximation to the dynamical optical potential even when projectile and nuclear motion are (nonadiabatically) coupled as long as the scattering energy is well below the electronic excitation thresholds of the target. For extremely low projectile velocities, however, when the cross sections are most sensitive to the scattering potential, we expect the influences of the nuclear dynamics on the optical potential to become relevant. For these cases, a systematic way to improve the adiabatic approximation to the dynamical optical potential is presented that yields non-local operators with respect to the nuclear coordinates.Comment: 22 pages, no figures, accepted for publ., Phys. Rev.
