784 research outputs found

    Superpixel quality in microscopy images: the impact of noise & denoising

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    Microscopy is a valuable imaging tool in various biomedical research areas. Recent developments have made high resolution acquisition possible within a relatively short time. State-of-the-art imaging equipment such as serial block-face electron microscopes acquire gigabytes of data in a matter of hours. In order to make these amounts of data manageable, a more data-efficient representation is required. A popular approach for such data efficiency are superpixels which are designed to cluster homogeneous regions without crossing object boundaries. The use of superpixels as a pre-processing step has shown significant improvements in making computationally intensive computer vision analysis algorithms more tractable on large amounts of data. However, microscopy datasets in particular can be degraded by noise and most superpixel algorithms do not take this artifact into account. In this paper, we give a quantitative and qualitative comparison of superpixels generated on original and denoised images. We show that several advanced superpixel techniques are hampered by noise artifacts and require denoising and parameter tuning as a pre-processing step. The evaluation is performed on the Berkeley segmentation dataset as well as on fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy data

    Anomalous diffusion and asymmetric tempering memory in neutrophil chemotaxis.

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    The motility of neutrophils and their ability to sense and to react to chemoattractants in their environment are of central importance for the innate immunity. Neutrophils are guided towards sites of inflammation following the activation of G-protein coupled chemoattractant receptors such as CXCR2 whose signaling strongly depends on the activity of Ca2+ permeable TRPC6 channels. It is the aim of this study to analyze data sets obtained in vitro (murine neutrophils) and in vivo (zebrafish neutrophils) with a stochastic mathematical model to gain deeper insight into the underlying mechanisms. The model is based on the analysis of trajectories of individual neutrophils. Bayesian data analysis, including the covariances of positions for fractional Brownian motion as well as for exponentially and power-law tempered model variants, allows the estimation of parameters and model selection. Our model-based analysis reveals that wildtype neutrophils show pure superdiffusive fractional Brownian motion. This so-called anomalous dynamics is characterized by temporal long-range correlations for the movement into the direction of the chemotactic CXCL1 gradient. Pure superdiffusion is absent vertically to this gradient. This points to an asymmetric 'memory' of the migratory machinery, which is found both in vitro and in vivo. CXCR2 blockade and TRPC6-knockout cause tempering of temporal correlations in the chemotactic gradient. This can be interpreted as a progressive loss of memory, which leads to a marked reduction of chemotaxis and search efficiency of neutrophils. In summary, our findings indicate that spatially differential regulation of anomalous dynamics appears to play a central role in guiding efficient chemotactic behavior

    Aberrant visual pathway development in albinism: from retina to cortex

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    Albinism refers to a group of genetic abnormalities in melanogenesis that are associated neuronal misrouting through the optic chiasm. Previous imaging studies have shown structural alterations at different points along the visual pathway of people with albinism (PWA) including foveal hypoplasia, optic nerve and chiasm size alterations and visual cortex reorganisation, but fail to provide a holistic in-vivo characterisation of the visual neurodevelopmental alterations from retina to visual cortex. We perform quantitative assessment of visual pathway structure and function in 23 PWA and 20 matched controls using optical coherence tomography (OCT), volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), diffusion tensor imaging and visual evoked potentials (VEP). PWA had a higher streamline decussation index (percentage of total tractography streamlines decussating at the chiasm) compared to controls (Z=-2.24, p=0.025), and streamline decussation index correlated weakly significantly with inter-hemispheric asymmetry measured using VEP (r=0.484, p=0.042). For PWA, a significant correlation was found between foveal development index and total number of streamlines (r=0.662, p less than 0.001). Optic nerve (p=0.001) and tract (p=0.010) width, and chiasm width (P less than 0.001), area (p=0.006) and volume (p=0.005), were significantly smaller in PWA compared to controls. Significant positive correlations were found between peri-papillary retinal nerve fibre layer thickness and optic nerve (r=0.642, p less than 0.001) and tract (r=0.663, p less than 0.001) width. Occipital pole cortical thickness was 6.88% higher (Z=-4.10, p less than 0.001) in PWA and was related to anterior visual pathway structures including foveal retinal pigment epithelium complex thickness (r=-0.579, p=0.005), optic disc (r=0.478, p=0.021) and rim areas (r=0.597, p=0.003). We were unable to demonstrate a significant relationship between OCT-derived foveal or optic nerve measures and MRI-derived chiasm size or streamline decussation index. Non-invasive imaging techniques demonstrate aberrant development throughout the visual pathways of PWA compared to controls. Our novel tractographic demonstration of altered chiasmatic decussation in PWA corresponds to VEP measured cortical asymmetry and is consistent with chiasmatic misrouting in albinism. We also demonstrate a significant relationship between retinal pigment epithelium and visual cortex thickness indicating that retinal pigmentation defects in albinism lead to downstream structural reorganisation of the visual cortex

    Bayesian Inference Underlies the Contraction Bias in Delayed Comparison Tasks

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    Delayed comparison tasks are widely used in the study of working memory and perception in psychology and neuroscience. It has long been known, however, that decisions in these tasks are biased. When the two stimuli in a delayed comparison trial are small in magnitude, subjects tend to report that the first stimulus is larger than the second stimulus. In contrast, subjects tend to report that the second stimulus is larger than the first when the stimuli are relatively large. Here we study the computational principles underlying this bias, also known as the contraction bias. We propose that the contraction bias results from a Bayesian computation in which a noisy representation of a magnitude is combined with a-priori information about the distribution of magnitudes to optimize performance. We test our hypothesis on choice behavior in a visual delayed comparison experiment by studying the effect of (i) changing the prior distribution and (ii) changing the uncertainty in the memorized stimulus. We show that choice behavior in both manipulations is consistent with the performance of an observer who uses a Bayesian inference in order to improve performance. Moreover, our results suggest that the contraction bias arises during memory retrieval/decision making and not during memory encoding. These results support the notion that the contraction bias illusion can be understood as resulting from optimality considerations

    Breakfast Staple Types Affect Brain Gray Matter Volume and Cognitive Function in Healthy Children

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    Childhood diet is important for brain development. Furthermore, the quality of breakfast is thought to affect the cognitive functioning of well-nourished children. To analyze the relationship among breakfast staple type, gray matter volume, and intelligence quotient (IQ) in 290 healthy children, we used magnetic resonance images and applied voxel-based morphometry. We divided subjects into rice, bread, and both groups according to their breakfast staple. We showed that the rice group had a significantly larger gray matter ratio (gray matter volume percentage divided by intracranial volume) and significantly larger regional gray matter volumes of several regions, including the left superior temporal gyrus. The bread group had significantly larger regional gray and white matter volumes of several regions, including the right frontoparietal region. The perceptual organization index (POI; IQ subcomponent) of the rice group was significantly higher than that of the bread group. All analyses were adjusted for age, gender, intracranial volume, socioeconomic status, average weekly frequency of having breakfast, and number of side dishes eaten for breakfast. Although several factors may have affected the results, one possible mechanism underlying the difference between the bread and the rice groups may be the difference in the glycemic index (GI) of these two substances; foods with a low GI are associated with less blood-glucose fluctuation than are those with a high GI. Our study suggests that breakfast staple type affects brain gray and white matter volumes and cognitive function in healthy children; therefore, a diet of optimal nutrition is important for brain maturation during childhood and adolescence

    Functional Brain Networks Develop from a “Local to Distributed” Organization

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    The mature human brain is organized into a collection of specialized functional networks that flexibly interact to support various cognitive functions. Studies of development often attempt to identify the organizing principles that guide the maturation of these functional networks. In this report, we combine resting state functional connectivity MRI (rs-fcMRI), graph analysis, community detection, and spring-embedding visualization techniques to analyze four separate networks defined in earlier studies. As we have previously reported, we find, across development, a trend toward ‘segregation’ (a general decrease in correlation strength) between regions close in anatomical space and ‘integration’ (an increased correlation strength) between selected regions distant in space. The generalization of these earlier trends across multiple networks suggests that this is a general developmental principle for changes in functional connectivity that would extend to large-scale graph theoretic analyses of large-scale brain networks. Communities in children are predominantly arranged by anatomical proximity, while communities in adults predominantly reflect functional relationships, as defined from adult fMRI studies. In sum, over development, the organization of multiple functional networks shifts from a local anatomical emphasis in children to a more “distributed” architecture in young adults. We argue that this “local to distributed” developmental characterization has important implications for understanding the development of neural systems underlying cognition. Further, graph metrics (e.g., clustering coefficients and average path lengths) are similar in child and adult graphs, with both showing “small-world”-like properties, while community detection by modularity optimization reveals stable communities within the graphs that are clearly different between young children and young adults. These observations suggest that early school age children and adults both have relatively efficient systems that may solve similar information processing problems in divergent ways