98 research outputs found

    Meat consumption: theory, practice and future prospects

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    This research reviewed human meat consumption and highlighted associated history, challenges and benefits. Selected literature for the manuscript was from relevant titles and reliable international sources. From early times of the mankind meat consumption and animal husbandry were inseparable parts of living, and with similar consequences as dramatic influence on environment. Human need for meat consumption fueled development of large world markets with incredible trade, processing and consumption. This overconsumption has caused health problems associated with high intake of cholesterol and sodium chloride. Another problem with meat consumption is the use of additives in processed products. In modern time these problems are tackled by the use of additives from plants that have health benefits. Thermal processing is yet another problem with meat consumption that food industry and science addresses by non-thermal replacements (e. g. high-pressure processing and electrotechnologies). Recently, interesting alternatives for meat processing included 3D Printing that is able to engineer admirable meat products from by-products. However, this technology might need to employ enzymes such as transglutaminase, associated with potential health problems and misleading the customers. Unfortunately, fraudulent activities are common for meat products and it would be prudent to organize enforcement centers with at least police and analysts skilled in chemometrics and various laboratory techniques for food defense. It seems as humankind expands it will seek more proteins from plant, insects, unicellular biomass, and synthetic meat than from the animal origin, however all of the alternatives must be carefully evaluated against consumer acceptance, public health and environmental concerns

    Influence of Acidity and Extraction Time on the Recovery of Flavonoids from Grape Skin Pomace Optimized by Response Surface Methodology

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    Grape pomace is recognized as an economical source for the recovery of a large number of biologically active compounds, such as polyphenols. Grape pomace extracts can be successfully used as raw material for functional foods production, since they are generally recognized as safe for the food industry. This study aimed to quantify the amounts of recovered flavonoids (total flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins, and flavonols) from grape skin pomace (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Merlot) under conventional extraction with different acidities (0.5 % – 1 % HCl) and lengths of extraction time (30–60 minutes). The grand average values in this study were as follows: (i) proanthocyanidins 12.08±0.25 mg CE g–1 d.m., (ii) anthocyanins 2.17±1.02 mg Mvd-3-glc g–1 d.m., (iii) flavonols 7.73±0.11 mg QE g–1 d.m., and (iv) total flavonoids 36.28±0.42 mg QE g–1 d.m. The amounts of studied polyphenols generally increased with acidity and length of extraction time. This relation was more evident for flavonols and total flavonoids, while less clear for other examined phenolics

    Virtual Enterprise integration management based on a Meta-enterprise - A PMBoK approach

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    A Virtual Enterprise (VE) can be viewed as a project, with a lifecycle corresponding to the period between its creation and integration of the constituting elements until its dissolution, comprehending its operation and including its reconfigurations. The authors propose that the VE lifecycle is aligned and can be managed using the frameworks provided by several bodies of knowledge, such as the PMBoK Guide. In this paper the authors propose an alignment referential between the Project Management phases defined by PMBoK and management processes during the VE lifecycle.This work has been supported by (1) COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 (2) FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    P2P Web service based system for supporting decision-making in cellular manufacturing scheduling

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    With the increase of the Internet and Virtual Enterprises (VEs), interfaces for web systems and automated services are becoming an emergent necessity. In this paper we propose a Peer-to-peer (P2P) web-based decision-support system for enabling access to different manufacturing scheduling methods, which can be remotely available and accessible from a distributed knowledge base. The XML-based modeling and communication is applied to manufacturing scheduling. Therefore, manufacturing scheduling problems and methods are modeled using XML. The proposed P2P web-based system works as web services, under the SOAP protocol. The system’s distributed knowledge base enables sharing information about scheduling problems and corresponding solving methods in a widened search space, through a scheduling community, integrating a VE. Running several methods enables different results for a given problem, consequently, contributing for a better decision-making. An important aspect is that this knowledge base can be easily and continuously updated by any contributor through the VE. Moreover, through this system once suitable available methods, for a given problem, are identified, it enables running one or more of them, for enabling a better manufacturing scheduling support, enhanced though incorporated fuzzy decision-making proceduresAichi Science and Technology Foundation(PTDC/EME-GIN/102143/2008)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysing the correlation between social network analysis measures and performance of students in social network-based engineering education

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    Social network-based engineering education (SNEE) is designed and implemented as a model of Education 3.0 paradigm. SNEE represents a new learning methodology, which is based on the concept of social networks and represents an extended model of project-led education. The concept of social networks was applied in the real-life experiment, considering two different dimensions: (1) to organize the education process as a social network-based process; and (2) to analyze the students' interactions in the context of evaluation of the students learning performance. The objective of this paper is to present a new model for students evaluation based on their behavior during the course and its validation in comparison with the traditional model of students' evaluation. The validation of the new evaluation model is made through an analysis of the correlation between social network analysis measures (degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, eigenvector centrality, and average tie strength) and the grades obtained by students (grades for quality of work, grades for volume of work, grades for diversity of work, and final grades) in a social network-based engineering education. The main finding is that the obtained correlation results can be used to make the process of the students' performance evaluation based on students interactions (behavior) analysis, to make the evaluation partially automatic, increasing the objectivity and productivity of teachers and allowing a more scalable process of evaluation. The results also contribute to the behavioural theory of learning performance evaluation. More specific findings related to the correlation analysis are: (1) the more different interactions a student had (degree centrality) and the more frequently the student was between the interaction paths of other students (betweenness centrality), the better was the quality of the work; (2) all five social network measures had a positive and strong correlation with the grade for volume of work and with the final graThe authors wish to acknowledge the support of the Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, through the Grants "Projeto Estrategico-UI 252-2011-2012'' reference PEst-OE/EME/UI0252/2011, "Ph.D. Scholarship Grant'' reference SFRH/BD/85672/2012, and the support of Parallel Planes Lda.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Split Course Hyperfractionated Accelerated Radio-Chemotherapy (SCHARC) for patients with advanced head and neck cancer: Influence of protocol deviations and hemoglobin on overall survival, a retrospective analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The advantage of hyperfractionated accelerated radiation therapy for advanced head and neck cancer has been reported. Furthermore, randomized trials and meta-analyses have confirmed the survival benefit of additional chemotherapy to radiotherapy. We retrospectively analyzed the efficiency and toxicity of the Regensburg standard therapy protocol "SCHARC" and the overall survival of our patients. METHODS: From 1997 to 2004, 64 patients suffering from advanced head and neck cancer (88 % stage IV, 12 % stage III) were assigned to receive the SCHARC protocol. Around half of the patients were diagnosed with oro-hypopharynx carcinoma (52 %), one third with tongue and floor of mouth tumors (29 %) and one fifth (19 %) suffered from H & N cancer at other sites. The schedule consisted of one therapy block with 30 Gy in 20 fractions over a two week period with concomitant chemotherapy (d 1–5: 20 mg/m(2)/d DDP + 750–1000 mg/m(2)/d 5FU (cont. infusion). This therapy block was repeated after a fortnight break up to a cumulative dose of 60 Gy and followed by a boost up to 70 Gy (69–70.5 Gy). All patients assigned to this scheme were included in the survival evaluation. RESULTS: Forty patients (63 %) received both radiation and chemotherapy according to the protocol. The mean follow up was 2.3 years (829 d) and the median follow up was 1.9 years (678 d), respectively. The analysis of survival revealed an estimated 3 year overall survival rate of 57 %. No patient died of complications, 52 patients (80 %) had acute grade 2–3 mucositis, and 33 patients (58 %) suffered from acute grade 3 skin toxicity. Leucopenia was no major problem (mean nadir 3.4 g/nl, no patient < 1.0 g/nl) and the mean hemoglobin value decreased from 13.2 to 10.5 g/dl. Univariate analysis of survival showed a better outcome for patients with a hemoglobin nadir >10.5 g/dl and for patients who completed the protocol. CONCLUSION: The SCHARC protocol was effective in patients diagnosed with advanced head and neck cancer. It led to long-term disease control and survival in about 50 % of the patients with significant but acceptable toxicity. Most patients were not anemic at beginning of therapy. Therefore, we could assess the influence of pre-treatment hemoglobin on survival. However, a low hemoglobin nadir was associated with poor outcome. This result suggests an influence of anemia during therapy on prognosis

    Manual de procedimentos de referência e pesquisa dos serviços de atendimento da Biblioteca Acadêmico Luiz Viana Filho, do Senado Federal

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Curso de Graduação em Biblioteconomia, 2018.O objetivo deste trabalho é elaborar/atualizar o Manual dos processos realizados pela área de Atendimento ao Usuário, pertencente a Biblioteca Acadêmico Luiz Viana Filho do Senado Federal, que engloba os setores de Serviço de Empréstimo e Devolução de Material Bibliográfico (SEEMP), Serviço de Pesquisa e Recuperação de Informações Bibliográficas (SEPRIB), Serviço de Manutenção e Conservação de Acervo (SEMACO) e o Serviço de Pesquisa Parlamentar (SEPESP). O manual proporciona o registro das atividades realizadas diariamente, pelos setores mencionados, direcionadas para senadores, servidores do senado e usuários externos que são seu público alvo. Fez-se necessário a descrição de rotinas, para a orientação de como funcionam os processos, tanto para os servidores que os realizam, quanto para os futuros funcionários da instituição, além de servir como base para melhorias nos serviços prestados pelo setor. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados a pesquisa participante, a análise documental e entrevista com profissionais dos setores. Utiliza como procedimentos metodológicos a abordagem qualitativa descritiva e a pesquisa participante.The objective of this work is to prepare a Manual of the processes performed by the Customer Service area, belonging to the Luiz Viana Filho Academic Library of the Federal Senate, which encompasses the Service of Loan and Return of Bibliographic Material (SEEMP), Research and Recovery of Bibliographic Information (SEPRIB), Service of Maintenance and Preservation of the Collection (SEMACO) and the Service of Parliamentary Research (SEPESP). The purpose of the manual is to provide a record of activities performed daily by the sectors mentioned above, directed at senators, senate servers and external users who are your target audience. It was necessary to describe routines, to guide how the processes work, both for the servers that perform them and for the future employees of the institution, as well as serve as a basis for improvements in the services provided by the sector. To collect data were used the participant research, the documentary analysis and interview with professionals of the sectors. It uses as methodological procedures the qualitative descriptive approach and the participant research

    Effects of two common polymorphisms in the 3' untranslated regions of estrogen receptor β on mRNA stability and translatability

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    Estrogen signaling is mediated by estrogen receptors (ERs), ERα and ERβ. Aberrant estrogen signaling is involved in breast cancer development. ERα is one of the key biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Unlike ERα, ERβ is still not introduced as a marker for diagnosis and established as a target of therapy. Numerous studies suggest antiproliferative effects of ERβ, however its role remains to be fully explored. Albeit important, ERα is not a perfect marker, and some aspects of ERα function are still unclear. This thesis aims to characterize distinct molecular facets of ER action relevant for breast cancer and provide valuable information for ER-based diagnosis and treatment design. In PAPER I, we analyzed the functionality of two common single nucleotide polymorphisms in the 3’ untranslated regions of ERβ, rs4986938 and rs928554, which have been extensively investigated for association with various diseases. A significant difference in allelic expression was observed for rs4986938 in breast tumor samples from heterozygous individuals. However, no difference in mRNA stability or translatability between the alleles was observed. In PAPER II, we provided a more comprehensive understanding of ERβ function independent of ERα. A global gene expression analysis in a HEK293/ERβ cell model identified a set of ERβ-regulated genes. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis showed that they are involved in cell-cell signaling, morphogenesis and cell proliferation. Moreover, ERβ expression resulted in a significant decrease in cell proliferation. In PAPER III, using the human breast cancer MCF-7/ERβ cell model, we demonstrated, for the first time, the binding of ERα/β heterodimers to various DNA-binding regions in intact chromatin. In PAPER IV, we investigated a potential cross-talk between estrogen signaling and DNA methylation by identifying their common target genes in MCF-7 cells. Gene expression profiling identified around 150 genes regulated by both 17β- estradiol (E2) and a hypomethylating agent 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine. Based on GO analysis, CpG island prediction analysis and previously reported ER binding regions, we selected six genes for further analysis. We identified BTG3 and FHL2 as direct target genes of both pathways. However, our data did not support a direct molecular interplay of mediators of estrogen and epigenetic signaling at promoters of regulated genes. In PAPER V, we further explored the interactions between estrogen signaling and DNA methylation, with focus on DNA methyltransferases (DNMT1, DNMT3a and DNMT3b). E2, via ERα, up-regulated DNMT1 and down-regulated DNMT3a and DNMT3b mRNA expression. Furthermore, DNMT3b interacted with ERα. siRNA-mediated DNMT3b depletion increased the expression of two genes, CDKN1A and FHL2. We proposed that the molecular mechanism underlying regulation of FHL2 and CDKN1A gene expression involves interplay of DNMT3b and ERα. In conclusion, the studies presented in this thesis contribute to the knowledge of ERβ function, and give additional insight into the cross-talk mechanisms underlying ERα signaling with ERβ and with DNA methylation pathways

    Genetic diversity of sugar beet under heat stress and deficit irrigation

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    In the light of climate changes and globalwarming, as well as the rapid expansion in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cultivation in Egypt, the development of sugar beet varieties with improved tolerance to high temperature and deficit irrigation is of great importance. The objective of this studywas to evaluate sugar beet genotypes under high temperatures and deficit irrigation conditions for further identification and selection of heat and drought tolerant genotypes. In the current study, a panel of 18 sugar beet breeding lines produced at the USDA–ARS–NWISRL, Kimberly, ID, and the commercial sugar beet cultivar Kawimera were evaluated for yield and quality under high temperature. Six promising lines in terms of yield and quality were further evaluated under both high temperature and deficit irrigation for two growing seasons. All lines performed differently under deficit irrigation, indicating a high degree of genetic variability in the evaluated lines. Additionally, yield traits showed negative effect due to deficit irrigation. A significant positive correlation was observed between stress tolerance index (STI), and average root and sugar yields under stressed and non-stressed conditions. A linear relationship between STI and average root and sugar yields indicates that STI is a reliable stress index to select high yielding genotypes under both optimum- and deficit-irrigation conditions. USKPS25 and USC944-6-68 breeding lines are most likely adapted to deficit irrigation and high temperature and suitable to be utilized in the proposed sugar beet breeding programs in Egypt