1,951 research outputs found

    Efektivitas Kinerja Pegawai pada PT. Pln (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Timur Area Malang Rayon Dinoyo untuk Mewujudkan Pelayanan Prima

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    : As the company that sells electric energy services PT. PLN should be charming/sharp to meet the desire and need of its customers by using the effective service methods and more focus attention to employee performance to achieve/make the success of excellent service. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of employee performance and the barriers/obstacles of employee performance in implementing the excellent service. The research used is qualitative research. The sources of data were obtained from secondary and primary data. Data collection technique used observation, interview, and documentation. Technique to determine the respondents is snowball sampling. Technique to analyze data that is reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data used is triangulation. The result of employee performance in PLN Rayon Dinoyo in giving services to its customers are less effective, but PLN is always trying to fix/improve the service that is by always inform to the customer if it would do blackout by mail or by radio. Then make action/give response to interruption of the customer's home relative quickly and the customer is given the ease of access to the service at the Contact Center PLN 123 if need the help of PLN. But the number of officers in the field is still very less and not in accordance with the area and the population density around Dinoyo, the transport access that jammed cause constrained services, also environment factor and weather that resulted in disruption of electrical safety. Keywords: Effectiveness, Employee Performance and Excellent Servic

    Bures distance as a measure of entanglement for symmetric two-mode Gaussian states

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    We evaluate a Gaussian entanglement measure for a symmetric two-mode Gaussian state of the quantum electromagnetic field in terms of its Bures distance to the set of all separable Gaussian states. The required minimization procedure was considerably simplified by using the remarkable properties of the Uhlmann fidelity as well as the standard form II of the covariance matrix of a symmetric state. Our result for the Gaussian degree of entanglement measured by the Bures distance depends only on the smallest symplectic eigenvalue of the covariance matrix of the partially transposed density operator. It is thus consistent to the exact expression of the entanglement of formation for symmetric two-mode Gaussian states. This non-trivial agreement is specific to the Bures metric.Comment: published versio

    Komunikasi Keluarga Antara Anak Dengan Ibu Dalam Upaya Mencari Pasangan Baru

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana komunikasi keluarga yang terjadi antara anak dengan Ibu dalam upaya mencari pasangan baru. Unsur-unsur dari komunikasi keluarga adalah sumber komunikasi, pesan, media, penerima, dan pengaruh hal ini dapat menentukan bagaimana komunikasi keluarga yang terjadi.Metode penelitian ini adalah studi kasus, teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah model Miles dan Huberman untuk mendapatkan data yang berkualitas dan kredibel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi keluarga itu tidak hanya anak ke orang tua, tetapi orang tua juga terbuka kepada anak. Data yang ditemukan adalah anak-anak memberi tanggapan kepada orang tua yang ingin mencari pasangan baru, orang tua meminta saran kepada kedua anaknya tentang upayanya mencari pasangan baru, mendiskusikan USAha yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pasangan baru, membicarakan kriteria pasangan baru, membicarakan upaya pencarian pasangan baru itu kapan dan bagaimana di dalam komunikasi keluarga yang dilakukan, anggota keluarga merasa nyaman untuk saling berkomunikasi satu sama lain, ibu merespon tanggapan kedua anaknya dalam upaya mencari pasangan baru, anak memberikan masukan kepada Ibu

    Quality Costs : Facilitating The Quality Initiative

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    Ideas of what constitute quality costs have been changing rapidly. Whereas only a few years ago the costs of quality (COQ) were perceived as the cost of running the quality assurance department and the laboratory plus scrap and warranty costs, it is now widely accepted that they are the costs incurred in designing, implementing, operating, and maintaining quality management systems, the costs involved in introducing and sustaining a process of continuous and company β€” wide quality improvement, plus the costs incurred owing to failures of the systems, products and/or services. There is a general consensus that quality dollars expended on prevention and appraisal costs have the greatest return, and organizations spend the largest percentage of quality dollars in these categories. The remaining categories, failure costs (both internal and external), should ideally constitute only a minor percentage of total dollars spent on quality. The remaining category, failure costs (both internal and external), should ideally constitute only a minor percentage of total dollars spent on quality. Contrary to expectations, in many organizations, the highest percentage of the quality dollar is spent on the category with the lowest return, internal and external failures, followed by appraisal costs. Finally prevention costs, which produce the greatest return on investment, typically receive only a little share of the quality dollar

    Balanced Scorecard Based Performance Measurement & Strategic Management System

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    Developing strategy and performance measurement are an integral part of management control system. Making strategic decision about planning and controlling require information regarding how different subunits in organization work. To be effective, performance measurement, both financial and non-financial must motivate manager and employees at different levels to force goal accomplishment and organization strategic. An organizations measurement system strongly affects the behavior of people both inside and outside the organization. If companies, are to survive and prosper in information age competition, they must use measurement and management systems derived from their strategies and capabilities. Unfortunately, many organizations espouse strategies about customer relationships, core competencies, and organizational capabilities while motivating and measuring performance only with financial measures. The Balance Scorecard retains financial measurement as a critical summary of managerial and business performance, but it highlights a more general and integrated set of measurements that link current customer, internal process, employee and system performance to long term financial success

    Peran Akuntan Datam Penerapan Good Corporate Governance

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    Comprehensive Corporate Governance concept start growing since\u27 The New York stock Exchange Grash \u27on October 1987, where there were many multinational company rccorded in New York stock Exchange, had big financlal losses. At that time, for hidding the internal problem in their company, many excecutlves did \u27 window dressing \u27 and also , financial engineering\u27. Triggering wlth that event, many Good Corporate Govemance concept are developed. At the same time, Accountant are forced to accommodate excecutives in implementing GCG in their companies

    Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Menopause Dengan Kecemasan Ibu Menghadapi Menopause

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    Menopause merupakan tahap akhir masa reproduksi seorang perempuan. Perempuan yang akan memasuki menopause akan mengalami masalah fisik dan psikologis, apabila hal tersebut tidak ditangani dengan baik maka akan menimbulkan kecemasan, sehingga diperlukan adanya pengetahuan yang cukup. Hasil studi pendahuluan di Kelurahan Sorosutan menunjukkan bahwa dari 10 wanita, terdapat 6 wanita tidak mengerti tentang menopause dan 7 wanita mengalami kecemasan dalam menghadapi menopause.Penelitian ini bertujuan Membuktikan hubungan antara pengetahuan ibu tentang menopause dengan kecemasan ibu menghadapi menopausedi Kelurahan Sorosutan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, desain penelitian survei analitikdan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 40 orang dengan metode total sampling. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner tertutup. Metode analisa data menggunakan distribusi frekuensi dan uji Kendall's tau.Penelitian ini membuktikan adanya hubungan signifikan pengetahuan ibu tentang menopause dengan kecemasan ibu dalam menghadapi menopause sebesar – 0,304 dengan p value 0,011

    Accounting Conservatism in Transitional Economies

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    Executive summary Prior research shows that accounting conservatism exists in mature economies. However there is not too much research about accounting conservatism in transitional economies. This paper analyses the influence of institutional and political factors on accounting conservatism in Eastern European countries which have already joined the European Union. I researched the levels of unconditional and conditional conservatism in Eastern Europe and compared them with Western European results. I did not find evidence that there is conditional conservatism in Eastern Europe. My research shows that there was conditional conservatism only in Poland during the analyzed period. I found significant evidence proving my expectations regarding the influence of the quality of law, securities law and the risk of expropriation on conditional conservatism

    Analisa Interdependensi Antara Value Chain Dan Business Model Pada Industri Pengolahan Makanan

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    Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah dengan melihat kondisi lingkungan bisnis yang semakin ketat dan bersaing maka diperlukan model bisnis dan value chain untuk mampu bersaing dalam lingkungan industri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisa dan mengevaluasi pada value chain saat ini kemudian merancang pengembangan value chain berdasarkan komponen model bisnis. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara dan data value chain makanan saat ini yang diambil dari artikel Djamaris. Teknik analisa data menggunakan model Miles & Huberman. Hasil penelitian dalam hal ini pengembangan value chain dapat digunakan sebagai sebuah instrumen yang tepat untuk menghadapi keunggulan kompetitif dan sustainability dalam industri makanan
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