21 research outputs found

    Advances in modeling transport phenomena in material-extrusion additivemanufacturing: Coupling momentum, heat, and mass transfer

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    Material-extrusion (MatEx) additive manufacturing involves layer-by-layer assembly ofextruded material onto a printer bed and has found applications in rapid prototyping.Both material and machining limitations lead to poor mechanical properties of printedparts. Such problems may be addressed via an improved understanding of thecomplex transport processes and multiphysics associated with the MatEx process.Thereby, this review paper describes the current (last 5 years) state of the art modelingapproaches based on momentum, heat and mass transfer that are employed in aneffort to achieve this understanding. We describe how specific details regardingpolymer chain orientation, viscoelastic behavior and crystallization are often neglectedand demonstrate that there is a key need to couple the transport phenomena. Such acombined modeling approach can expand MatEx applicability to broader applicationspace, thus we present prospective avenues to provide more comprehensive modelingand therefore new insights into enhancing MatEx performanc

    Appraisal of open software for finite element simulation of 2D metal sheet laser cut

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    FEA simulation of thermal metal cutting is central to interactive design and manufacturing. It is therefore relevant to assess the applicability of FEA open software to simulate 2D heat transfer in metal sheet laser cuts. Application of open source code (e.g. FreeFem++, FEniCS, MOOSE) makes possible additional scenarios (e.g. parallel, CUDA, etc.), with lower costs. However, a precise assessment is required on the scenarios in which open software can be a sound alternative to a commercial one. This article contributes in this regard, by presenting a comparison of the aforementioned freeware FEM software for the simulation of heat transfer in thin (i.e. 2D) sheets, subject to a gliding laser point source. We use the commercial ABAQUS software as the reference to compare such open software. A convective linear thin sheet heat transfer model, with and without material removal is used. This article does not intend a full design of computer experiments. Our partial assessment shows that the thin sheet approximation turns to be adequate in terms of the relative error for linear alumina sheets. Under mesh resolutions better than m , the open and reference software temperature differ in at most 1 of the temperature prediction. Ongoing work includes adaptive re-meshing, nonlinearities, sheet stress analysis and Mach (also called 'relativistic') effects