1,199 research outputs found

    Can One-Run-Fixed-Arrhenius Kerogen Analysis Provide Comparable Organofacies Results to Detailed Palynological Analysis? A Case Study from a Prospective Mississippian Source Rock Reservoir (Bowland Shale, UK)

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    Organofacies analysis, a fundamental component within source rock appraisal based on the study of kerogen within a source rock, is typically produced from microscopy (palynological) and geochemical (kerogen kinetic) data, both of which are costly to acquire. One-Run-Fixed-Arrhenius (ORFA) kerogen kinetic analysis based on Rock–Eval pyrolysis offers a substantially cheaper kinetic dataset. Here, ORFA and palynological analyses are compared in organofacies characterization of a prospective Mississippian source rock reservoir (Bowland Shale, UK). Two-end-member organofacies were determined based on the abundance of the 56 kcal/mol activation energy peak derived from ORFA data: absence ( 15%) indicating ‘organofacies B’ containing the highest proportion of sporomorphs (Type II kerogen). A mud-dominated slope setting for the rock reservoir was also used to test the accuracy of organofacies analysis in determining depositional environment. Organofacies A found within lithofacies deposited from dilute waning density flows and hemipelagic suspension settling occurred between shelf edge, slope and basin. Organofacies B found within lithofacies deposited from dilute waning density flows, and low-strength cohesive debrites occurred only within the lower slope. This study demonstrates that ORFA kerogen kinetic analysis provides comparable net results to palynological analysis, enabling cheaper and faster organic characterization during initial source rock appraisal. However, caution must be exercised in drawing interpretations as to biological source(s), organic matter mixing and preservation state(s) without additional investigation using data from detailed palynological analysis

    The MemProtMD database : a resource for membrane-embedded protein structures and their lipid interactions

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    Integral membrane proteins fulfil important roles in many crucial biological processes, including cell signalling, molecular transport and bioenergetic processes. Advancements in experimental techniques are revealing high resolution structures for an increasing number of membrane proteins. Yet, these structures are rarely resolved in complex with membrane lipids. In 2015, the MemProtMD pipeline was developed to allow the automated lipid bilayer assembly around new membrane protein structures, released from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). To make these data available to the scientific community, a web database (http://memprotmd.bioch.ox.ac.uk) has been developed. Simulations and the results of subsequent analysis can be viewed using a web browser, including interactive 3D visualizations of the assembled bilayer and 2D visualizations of lipid contact data and membrane protein topology. In addition, ensemble analyses are performed to detail conserved lipid interaction information across proteins, families and for the entire database of 3506 PDB entries. Proteins may be searched using keywords, PDB or Uniprot identifier, or browsed using classification systems, such as Pfam, Gene Ontology annotation, mpstruc or the Transporter Classification Database. All files required to run further molecular simulations of proteins in the database are provided

    Interactions of heavy nuclei, Kr, Xe and Ho, in light targets

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    Over the past few years, the HEAO-3 measurements of the abundances of ultra-heavy cosmic ray nuclei (Z 26) at earth have been analyzed. In order to interpret these abundances in terms of a source composition, allowance must be made for the propagation of the nuclei in the interstellar medium. Vital to any calculation of the propagation is a knowlege of the total and partial interaction cross sections for these heavy nuclei on hydrogen. Until recently, data on such reactions have been scarce. However, now that relativistic heavy ion beams are available at the LBL Bevalac, some of the cross sections of interest can be measured at energies close to those of the cosmic ray nuclei being observed. During a recent calibration at the Bevalac of an array similar to the HEAO-C3 UH-nuclei detector, targets of raphite (C), polyethylene (CH2), and aluminum were exposed to five heavy ion beams ranging in charge (Z) from 36 to 92. Total and partial charge changing cross sections for the various beam nuclei on hydrogen can be determined from the measured cross sections on C and CH2, and will be applied to the propagation problem. The cross sections on Al can be used to correct the abundances of UH cosmic rays observed in the HEAO C-3 detector for interactions in the detector itself

    Blending adaptive governance and institutional theory to explore urban resilience and sustainability strategies in the Rome Metropolitan Area, Italy

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    Adaptive governance is an emerging theory in natural resource management. This paper addresses a gap in the literature by exploring the potential of adaptive governance for delivering resilience and sustainability in the urban context. We explore emerging challenges to transitioning to urban resilience and sustainability: bringing together multiple scales and institutions; facilitating a social-ecological-systems approach and; embedding social and environmental equity into visions of urban sustainability and resilience. Current approaches to adaptive governance could be helpful for addressing these first two challenges but not in addressing the third. Therefore, this paper proposes strengthening the institutional foundations of adaptive governance by engaging with institutional theory. We explore this through empirical research in the Rome Metropolitan Area, Italy. We argue that explicitly engaging with these themes could lead to a more substantive urban transition strategy and contribute to adaptive governance theory

    Taking a shortcut: what mechanisms do fish use?

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    Path integration is a powerful navigational mechanism whereby individuals continuously update their distance and angular vector of movement to calculate their position in relation to their departure location, allowing them to return along the most direct route even across unfamiliar terrain. While path integration has been investigated in several terrestrial animals, it has never been demonstrated in aquatic vertebrates, where movement occurs through volumetric space and sensory cues available for navigation are likely to differ substantially from those in terrestrial environments. By performing displacement experiments with Lamprologus ocellatus, we show evidence consistent with fish using path integration to navigate alongside other mechanisms (allothetic place cues and route recapitulation). These results indicate that the use of path integration is likely to be deeply rooted within the vertebrate phylogeny irrespective of the environment, and suggests that fish may possess a spatial encoding system that parallels that of mammals

    The Abundances of Ultraheavy Elements in the Cosmic Radiation

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    Analysis of a new, higher resolution data set from the Heavy Nuclei Experiment on the HEA0-3 spacecraft has yielded the cosmic ray abundances relative to iron of oddeven element pairs with atomic number, Z, in the range 33≤Z≤60. The abundances are consistent with a solar-system source provided an allowance is made for a source fraetionation based on first ionization potential (FIP). However, extending this analysis· to element groups with Z>60, we find enhancements of the Pt group (74≤Z≤80) abundance relative to the solar system and a corresponding increase in the largely secondary nuclei in the range 62≤Z≤73, in agreement with recent Ariel-6 results. These abundances suggest an enhancement of the r-process contribution to the source of the Z > 60 nuclei

    The specialty choices of graduates from Brighton and Sussex Medical School: a longitudinal cohort study

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    BACKGROUND Since 2007 junior doctors in the UK have had to make major career decisions at a point when previously many had not yet chosen a specialty. This study examined when doctors in this new system make specialty choices, which factors influence choices, and whether doctors who choose a specialty they were interested in at medical school are more confident in their choice than those doctors whose interests change post-graduation. METHODS Two cohorts of students in their penultimate year at one medical school (n = 227/239) were asked which specialty interested them as a career. Two years later, 210/227 were sent a questionnaire measuring actual specialty chosen, confidence, influence of perceptions of the specialty and experiences on choice, satisfaction with medicine, personality, self-efficacy, and demographics. Medical school and post-graduation choices in the same category were deemed 'stable'. Predictors of stability, and of not having chosen a specialty, were calculated using bootstrapped logistic regression. Differences between specialties on questionnaire factors were analysed. RESULTS 50% responded (n = 105/277; 44% of the 239 Year 4 students). 65% specialty choices were 'stable'. Factors univariately associated with stability were specialty chosen, having enjoyed the specialty at medical school or since starting work, having first considered the specialty earlier. A regression found doctors who chose psychiatry were more likely to have changed choice than those who chose general practice. Confidence in the choice was not associated with stability. Those who chose general practice valued lifestyle factors. A psychiatry choice was associated with needing a job and using one's intellect to help others. The decision to choose surgical training tended to be made early. Not having applied for specialty training was associated with being lower on agreeableness and conscientiousness. CONCLUSION Medical school experiences are important in specialty choice but experiences post-graduation remain significant, particularly in some specialties (psychiatry in our sample). Career guidance is important at medical school and should be continued post-graduation, with senior clinicians supported in advising juniors. Careers advice in the first year post-graduation may be particularly important, especially for specialties which have difficulty recruiting or are poorly represented at medical school

    Pulsed Feedback Defers Cellular Differentiation

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    Environmental signals induce diverse cellular differentiation programs. In certain systems, cells defer differentiation for extended time periods after the signal appears, proliferating through multiple rounds of cell division before committing to a new fate. How can cells set a deferral time much longer than the cell cycle? Here we study Bacillus subtilis cells that respond to sudden nutrient limitation with multiple rounds of growth and division before differentiating into spores. A well-characterized genetic circuit controls the concentration and phosphorylation of the master regulator Spo0A, which rises to a critical concentration to initiate sporulation. However, it remains unclear how this circuit enables cells to defer sporulation for multiple cell cycles. Using quantitative time-lapse fluorescence microscopy of Spo0A dynamics in individual cells, we observed pulses of Spo0A phosphorylation at a characteristic cell cycle phase. Pulse amplitudes grew systematically and cell-autonomously over multiple cell cycles leading up to sporulation. This pulse growth required a key positive feedback loop involving the sporulation kinases, without which the deferral of sporulation became ultrasensitive to kinase expression. Thus, deferral is controlled by a pulsed positive feedback loop in which kinase expression is activated by pulses of Spo0A phosphorylation. This pulsed positive feedback architecture provides a more robust mechanism for setting deferral times than constitutive kinase expression. Finally, using mathematical modeling, we show how pulsing and time delays together enable “polyphasic” positive feedback, in which different parts of a feedback loop are active at different times. Polyphasic feedback can enable more accurate tuning of long deferral times. Together, these results suggest that Bacillus subtilis uses a pulsed positive feedback loop to implement a “timer” that operates over timescales much longer than a cell cycle

    Power Spectrum Analysis of BNL Decay-Rate Data

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    Evidence for an anomalous annual periodicity in certain nuclear decay data has led to speculation concerning a possible solar influence on nuclear processes. As a test of this hypothesis, we here search for evidence in decay data that might be indicative of a process involving solar rotation, focusing on data for 32Si and 36Cl decay rates acquired at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Examination of the power spectrum over a range of frequencies (10 - 15 year^-1) appropriate for solar synodic rotation rates reveals several periodicities, the most prominent being one at 11.18 year^-1 with power 20.76. We evaluate the significance of this peak in terms of the false-alarm probability, by means of the shuffle test, and also by means of a new test (the "shake" test) that involves small random time displacements. The last two tests indicate that the peak at 11.18 year^-1 would arise by chance only once out of about 10^7 trials. Since there are several peaks in the search band, we also investigate the running mean of the power spectrum, and identify a major peak at 11.93 year^-1 with peak running-mean power 4.08. Application of the shuffle test and the shake test indicates that there is less than one chance in 10^11, and one chance in 10^15, respectively, finding by chance a value as large as 4.08.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figures, to be published in Astroparticle Physic