275 research outputs found

    Fire Scenarios Inside a Room-and-Pillar Underground Quarry Using Numerical Modeling to Define Emergency Plans

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    Underground fires are still one of the most significant risks in mines today. In order to manage this risk, it is necessary to know the potential evolution of a fire and the effects it can have on people and other objects. Ventilation plays an essential role in the development of a fire; it also influences the propagation of toxic fumes and the variation of temperatures in all other areas of a mine. Currently, it is possible to jointly analyze, through numerical modeling, the ventilation circuit and a fire for different possible scenarios in order to define, in detail, the emergency plans that need to be adopted. In this paper, a numerical study was conducted via the use of Ventsim Software (an integrated mine and tunnel ventilation numerical package that is able to analyze airflows, pressures, heat, gases, and fires along all of a defined circuit over time using an iterative procedure to solve Kirchhoff’s current law). Furthermore, in this study, it is illustrated how the joint numerical modeling of the ventilation circuit and fire, when applied to an underground gypsum mine in the northwest of Italy, provides all the elements necessary to define the safety procedures that should be adopted in standard conditions as well as during an emergency due to a fire. More specifically, it was possible to identify suitable escape routes depending on the location of the possible fire and the time available for the staff to be able to evacuate safely

    Spectral Analysis of Multi-dimensional Self-similar Markov Processes

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    In this paper we consider a discrete scale invariant (DSI) process {X(t),tR+}\{X(t), t\in {\bf R^+}\} with scale l>1l>1. We consider to have some fix number of observations in every scale, say TT, and to get our samples at discrete points αk,kW\alpha^k, k\in {\bf W} where α\alpha is obtained by the equality l=αTl=\alpha^T and W={0,1,...}{\bf W}=\{0, 1,...\}. So we provide a discrete time scale invariant (DT-SI) process X()X(\cdot) with parameter space {αk,kW}\{\alpha^k, k\in {\bf W}\}. We find the spectral representation of the covariance function of such DT-SI process. By providing harmonic like representation of multi-dimensional self-similar processes, spectral density function of them are presented. We assume that the process {X(t),tR+}\{X(t), t\in {\bf R^+}\} is also Markov in the wide sense and provide a discrete time scale invariant Markov (DT-SIM) process with the above scheme of sampling. We present an example of DT-SIM process, simple Brownian motion, by the above sampling scheme and verify our results. Finally we find the spectral density matrix of such DT-SIM process and show that its associated TT-dimensional self-similar Markov process is fully specified by {RjH(1),RjH(0),j=0,1,...,T1}\{R_{j}^H(1),R_{j}^H(0),j=0, 1,..., T-1\} where RjH(τ)R_j^H(\tau) is the covariance function of jjth and (j+τ)(j+\tau)th observations of the process.Comment: 16 page

    Melatonin pretreated blastocysts along with calcitonin administration improved implantation by upregulation of heparin binding-epidermal growth factor expression in murine endometrium

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    Objective: Implantation failure is an obstacle in assisted reproduction techniques (ART). Calcitonin is a molecules involved in uterine receptivity and embryo implantation. Melatonin can promote embryo quality and improve implantation. This study examines the effect of pretreatment of blastocysts with melatonin and calcitonin on heparin binding-epidermal growth factor (HB-EGF) expression in murine endometrium. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, we collected 2-cell embryos from the oviducts of 1.5 day pregnant NMRI mice. Embryos were cultured to the blastocyst in GTM medium with or without 10-9 M melatonin. Pregnant and pseudo-pregnant mice received intraperitoneal (IP) injections of 2 IU calcitonin. After 24 hours, we transferred the cultured blastocysts into the uteri of pseudo-pregnant mice. Two days later, implantation sites were counted and we assessed the levels of HB-EGF mRNA and protein in the uteri of naturally pregnant and pseudo-pregnant mice by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and Western blot. Statistical analysis was performed with one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey post hoc test. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Melatonin pretreatment of blastocysts along with calcitonin administration significantly increased HB-EGF mRNA and protein (P<0.001) in the endometrium of pseudo-pregnant mice. Administration of calcitonin in naturally pregnant mice significantly increased HB-EGF mRNA and protein levels (P<0.001). Compared with the control group (2.6 ± 0.5), the average number of implantation sites in the melatonin group (4.6 ± 0.5, P<0.05) and calcitonin group (7 ± 1, P<0.001) significantly increased. There was a significant increase in implantation sites in the combined melatonin and calcitonin group (8.6 ± 0.5, P<0.001). Calcitonin significantly enhanced calcitonin receptor mRNA (P<0.001) and protein (P<0.05) in the uteri of naturally pregnant and pseudo-pregnant mice. Conclusion: Melatonin pretreated blastocysts along with calcitonin increased HB-EGF expression in the uteri of pseudopregnant mice. Calcitonin administration upregulated HB-EGF in uteri of naturally pregnant mice

    Laser Powder Bed Fusion of NiTiHf High-Temperature Shape Memory Alloy: Effect of Process Parameters on the Thermomechanical Behavior

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    Laser powder bed fusion has been widely investigated for shape memory alloys, primarily NiTi alloys, with the goal of tailoring microstructures and producing complex geometries. However, processing high temperature shape memory alloys (HTSMAs) remains unknown. In our previous study, we showed that it is possible to manufacture NiTiHf HTSMA, as one of the most viable alloys in the aerospace industry, using SLM and investigated the effect of parameters on defect formation. The current study elucidates the effect of process parameters (PPs) on the functionality of this alloy. Shape memory properties and the microstructure of additively manufactured Ni-rich NiTiHf alloys were characterized across a wide range of PPs (laser power, scanning speed, and hatch spacing) and correlated with energy density. The optimum laser parameters for defect-free and functional samples were found to be in the range of approximately 60–100 J/mm3. Below an energy density of 60 J/mm3, porosity formation due to lack-of-fusion is the limiting factor. Samples fabricated with energy densities of 60–100 J/mm3 showed comparable thermomechanical behavior in comparison with the starting as-cast material, and samples fabricated with higher energy densities (\u3e 100 J/mm3) showed very high transformation temperatures but poor thermomechanical behavior. Poor properties for samples with higher energies were mainly attributed to the excessive Ni loss and resultant change in the chemical composition of the matrix, as well as the formation of cracks and porosities. Although energy density was found to be an important factor, the outcome of this study suggests that each of the PPs should be selected carefully. A maximum actuation strain of 1.67% at 400 MPa was obtained for the sample with power, scan speed, and hatch space of 100 W, 400 mm/s, and 140 µm, respectively, while 1.5% actuation strain was obtained for the starting as-cast ingot. These results can serve as a guideline for future studies on optimizing PPs for fabricating functional HTSMAs

    Melatonin pretreated blastocysts along with calcitonin administration improved implantation by upregulation of heparin binding-epidermal growth factor expression in murine endometrium

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    Objective: Implantation failure is an obstacle in assisted reproduction techniques (ART). Calcitonin is a molecules involved in uterine receptivity and embryo implantation. Melatonin can promote embryo quality and improve implantation. This study examines the effect of pretreatment of blastocysts with melatonin and calcitonin on heparin binding-epidermal growth factor (HB-EGF) expression in murine endometrium. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, we collected 2-cell embryos from the oviducts of 1.5 day pregnant NMRI mice. Embryos were cultured to the blastocyst in GTM medium with or without 10-9 M melatonin. Pregnant and pseudo-pregnant mice received intraperitoneal (IP) injections of 2 IU calcitonin. After 24 hours, we transferred the cultured blastocysts into the uteri of pseudo-pregnant mice. Two days later, implantation sites were counted and we assessed the levels of HB-EGF mRNA and protein in the uteri of naturally pregnant and pseudo-pregnant mice by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and Western blot. Statistical analysis was performed with one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey post hoc test. P&lt;0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Melatonin pretreatment of blastocysts along with calcitonin administration significantly increased HB-EGF mRNA and protein (P&lt;0.001) in the endometrium of pseudo-pregnant mice. Administration of calcitonin in naturally pregnant mice significantly increased HB-EGF mRNA and protein levels (P&lt;0.001). Compared with the control group (2.6 ± 0.5), the average number of implantation sites in the melatonin group (4.6 ± 0.5, P&lt;0.05) and calcitonin group (7 ± 1, P&lt;0.001) significantly increased. There was a significant increase in implantation sites in the combined melatonin and calcitonin group (8.6 ± 0.5, P&lt;0.001). Calcitonin significantly enhanced calcitonin receptor mRNA (P&lt;0.001) and protein (P&lt;0.05) in the uteri of naturally pregnant and pseudo-pregnant mice. Conclusion: Melatonin pretreated blastocysts along with calcitonin increased HB-EGF expression in the uteri of pseudopregnant mice. Calcitonin administration upregulated HB-EGF in uteri of naturally pregnant mice

    Effect of natural and calcined halloysite clay minerals as low-cost additives on the performance of 3D-printed alkali-activated materials

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    Crown Copyright © 2022. This study investigates the effects of natural and calcined halloysite clay minerals (“NH” and “CH”, respectively) on the performance of 3D printed alkali-activated materials (AAMs). Halloysite clay minerals are selected as they are low-cost and abundantly available. At first, different characterisation techniques were employed to characterise the NH and CH additives. Mechanical performance, extrusion window, and shape stability of several AAM formulations containing various dosages (0.5 wt% to 5 wt%) of the NH and CH additives were evaluated. The best-performing mixtures in terms of fresh and hardened properties namely, NH-1.5 and CH-1.5 mixtures (containing 1.5 wt% of NH and CH additives, respectively) were then selected for 3D printing. The results showed that the CH-1.5 mixture exhibited enhanced shape stability, buildability, and mechanical properties as compared to the control mixture. The flexural and compressive strengths of 3D printed CH-1.5 samples were 88% and 40%, respectively higher than those of the printed control samples. Using the CH-1.5 mixture, a twisted column with an intricate shape was printed to verify the suitability of the developed CH-modified AAM for the construction of complex structures. This study establishes the use of halloysite clay minerals as low-cost additives for enhancing the mechanical properties and printing performance of AAMs.European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement ID: 101029471; National Science Centre, Poland, within Project No. 2020/39/D/ST8/00975 (SONATA-16)

    Transcriptional Responses of Resistant and Susceptible Fish Clones to the Bacterial Pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum

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    Flavobacterium psychrophilum is a bacterial species that represents one of the most important pathogens for aquaculture worldwide, especially for salmonids. To gain insights into the genetic basis of the natural resistance to F. psychrophilum, we selected homozygous clones of rainbow trout with contrasted susceptibility to the infection. We compared the transcriptional response to the bacteria in the pronephros of a susceptible and a resistant line by micro-array analysis five days after infection. While the basal transcriptome of healthy fish was significantly different in the resistant and susceptible lines, the transcriptome modifications induced by the bacteria involved essentially the same genes and pathways. The response to F. psychrophilum involved antimicrobial peptides, complement, and a number of enzymes and chemokines. The matrix metalloproteases mmp9 and mmp13 were among the most highly induced genes in both genetic backgrounds. Key genes of both pro- and anti-inflammatory response such as IL1 and IL10, were up-regulated with a greater magnitude in susceptible animals where the bacterial load was also much higher. While higher resistance to F. psychrophilum does not seem to be based on extensive differences in the orientation of the immune response, several genes including complement C3 showed stronger induction in the resistant fish. They may be important for the variation of susceptibility to the infection

    Main assumptions for energy pathways

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    © The Author(s) 2019. The aim of this chapter is to make the scenario calculations fully transparent and comprehensible to the scientific community. It provides the scenario narratives for the reference case (5.0 °C) as well as for the 2.0 °C and 1.5 °C on a global and regional basis. Cost projections for all fossil fuels and renewable energy technologies until 2050 are provided. Explanations are given for all relevant base year data for the modelling and the main input parameters such as GDP, population, renewable energy potentials and technology parameters

    Acute Hypoglycemia Induces Retinal Cell Death in Mouse

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    BACKGROUND: Glucose is the most important metabolic substrate of the retina and maintenance of normoglycemia is an essential challenge for diabetic patients. Glycemic excursions could lead to cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, neuropathy and retinopathy. A vast body of literature exists on hyperglycemia namely in the field of diabetic retinopathy, but very little is known about the deleterious effect of hypoglycemia. Therefore, we decided to study the role of acute hypoglycemia in mouse retina. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To test effects of hypoglycemia, we performed a 5-hour hyperinsulinemic/hypoglycemic clamp; to exclude an effect of insulin, we made a hyperinsulinemic/euglycemic clamp as control. We then isolated retinas from each group at different time-points after the clamp to analyze cells apoptosis and genes regulation. In parallel, we used 661W photoreceptor cells to confirm in vivo results. We showed herein that hypoglycemia induced retinal cell death in mouse via caspase 3 activation. We then tested the mRNA expression of glutathione transferase omega 1 (Gsto1) and glutathione peroxidase 3 (Gpx3), two genes involved in glutathione (GSH) homeostasis. The expression of both genes was up-regulated by low glucose, leading to a decrease of reduced glutathione (GSH). In vitro experiments confirmed the low-glucose induction of 661W cell death via superoxide production and activation of caspase 3, which was concomitant with a decrease of GSH content. Moreover, decrease of GSH content by inhibition with buthionine sulphoximine (BSO) at high glucose induced apoptosis, while complementation with extracellular glutathione ethyl ester (GSHee) at low glucose restored GSH level and reduced apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We showed, for the first time, that acute insulin-induced hypoglycemia leads to caspase 3-dependant retinal cell death with a predominant role of GSH content