586 research outputs found

    PT symmetry and large-N models

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    Recently developed methods for PT-symmetric models can be applied to quantum-mechanical matrix and vector models. In matrix models, the calculation of all singlet wave functions can be reduced to the solution a one-dimensional PT-symmetric model. The large-N limit of a wide class of matrix models exists, and properties of the lowest-lying singlet state can be computed using WKB. For models with cubic and quartic interactions, the ground state energy appears to show rapid convergence to the large-N limit. For the special case of a quartic model, we find explicitly an isospectral Hermitian matrix model. The Hermitian form for a vector model with O(N) symmetry can also be found, and shows many unusual features. The effective potential obtained in the large-N limit of the Hermitian form is shown to be identical to the form obtained from the original PT-symmetric model using familiar constraint field methods. The analogous constraint field prescription in four dimensions suggests that PT-symmetric scalar field theories are asymptotically free.Comment: 15 pages, to be published in J. Phys. A special issue on Pseudo Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physic

    Complete High Temperature Expansions for One-Loop Finite Temperature Effects

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    We develop exact, simple closed form expressions for partition functions associated with relativistic bosons and fermions in odd spatial dimensions. These expressions, valid at high temperature, include the effects of a non-trivial Polyakov loop and generalize well-known high temperature expansions. The key technical point is the proof of a set of Bessel function identities which resum low temperature expansions into high temperature expansions. The complete expressions for these partition functions can be used to obtain one-loop finite temperature contributions to effective potentials, and thus free energies and pressures.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, no figures. To be published in Phys. Rev D. v2 has revised introduction and conclusions, plus a few typographical errors are corrected; v3 corrects one typ

    All Hermitian Hamiltonians Have Parity

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    It is shown that if a Hamiltonian HH is Hermitian, then there always exists an operator P having the following properties: (i) P is linear and Hermitian; (ii) P commutes with H; (iii) P^2=1; (iv) the nth eigenstate of H is also an eigenstate of P with eigenvalue (-1)^n. Given these properties, it is appropriate to refer to P as the parity operator and to say that H has parity symmetry, even though P may not refer to spatial reflection. Thus, if the Hamiltonian has the form H=p^2+V(x), where V(x) is real (so that H possesses time-reversal symmetry), then it immediately follows that H has PT symmetry. This shows that PT symmetry is a generalization of Hermiticity: All Hermitian Hamiltonians of the form H=p^2+V(x) have PT symmetry, but not all PT-symmetric Hamiltonians of this form are Hermitian

    The Finite Temperature SU(2) Savvidy Model with a Non-trivial Polyakov Loop

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    We calculate the complete one-loop effective potential for SU(2) gauge bosons at temperature T as a function of two variables: phi, the angle associated with a non-trivial Polyakov loop, and H, a constant background chromomagnetic field. Using techniques broadly applicable to finite temperature field theories, we develop both low and high temperature expansions. At low temperatures, the real part of the effective potential V_R indicates a rich phase structure, with a discontinuous alternation between confined (phi=pi) and deconfined phases (phi=0). The background field H moves slowly upward from its zero-temperature value as T increases, in such a way that sqrt(gH)/(pi T) is approximately an integer. Beyond a certain temperature on the order of sqrt(gH), the deconfined phase is always preferred. At high temperatures, where asymptotic freedom applies, the deconfined phase phi=0 is always preferred, and sqrt(gH) is of order g^2(T)T. The imaginary part of the effective potential is non-zero at the global minimum of V_R for all temperatures. A non-perturbative magnetic screening mass of the form M_m = cg^2(T)T with a sufficiently large coefficient c removes this instability at high temperature, leading to a stable high-temperature phase with phi=0 and H=0, characteristic of a weakly-interacting gas of gauge particles. The value of M_m obtained is comparable with lattice estimates.Comment: 28 pages, 5 eps figures; RevTeX 3 with graphic

    Phenomenological Equations of State for the Quark-Gluon Plasma

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    Two phenomenological models describing an SU(N) quark-gluon plasma are presented. The first is obtained from high temperature expansions of the free energy of a massive gluon, while the second is derived by demanding color neutrality over a certain length scale. Each model has a single free parameter, exhibits behavior similar to lattice simulations over the range T_d - 5T_d, and has the correct blackbody behavior for large temperatures. The N = 2 deconfinement transition is second order in both models, while N = 3,4, and 5 are first order. Both models appear to have a smooth large-N limit. For N >= 4, it is shown that the trace of the Polyakov loop is insufficient to characterize the phase structure; the free energy is best described using the eigenvalues of the Polyakov loop. In both models, the confined phase is characterized by a mutual repulsion of Polyakov loop eigenvalues that makes the Polyakov loop expectation value zero. In the deconfined phase, the rotation of the eigenvalues in the complex plane towards 1 is responsible for the approach to the blackbody limit over the range T_d - 5T_d. The addition of massless quarks in SU(3) breaks Z(3) symmetry weakly and eliminates the deconfining phase transition. In contrast, a first-order phase transition persists with sufficiently heavy quarks.Comment: 22 pages, RevTeX, 9 eps file

    Fluctuations and the QCD phase diagram

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    In this contribution the role of quantum fluctuations for the QCD phase diagram is discussed. This concerns in particular the importance of the matter back-reaction to the gluonic sector. The impact of these fluctuations on the location of the confinement/deconfinement and the chiral transition lines as well as their interrelation are investigated. Consequences of our findings for the size of a possible quarkyonic phase and location of a critical endpoint in the phase diagram are drawn.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Physics of Atomic Nucle

    Calculation of the Hidden Symmetry Operator in PT-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics

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    In a recent paper it was shown that if a Hamiltonian H has an unbroken PT symmetry, then it also possesses a hidden symmetry represented by the linear operator C. The operator C commutes with both H and PT. The inner product with respect to CPT is associated with a positive norm and the quantum theory built on the associated Hilbert space is unitary. In this paper it is shown how to construct the operator C for the non-Hermitian PT-symmetric Hamiltonian H=12p2+12x2+iÏ”x3H={1\over2}p^2+{1\over2}x^2 +i\epsilon x^3 using perturbative techniques. It is also shown how to construct the operator C for H=12p2+12x2−ϔx4H={1\over2}p^2+{1\over2}x^2-\epsilon x^4 using nonperturbative methods
