13,575 research outputs found

    Are domestic banks' pass through higher than foreign banks? Empirical evidence from Pakistan

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    This study contributes to the literature by estimating Interest Rate Pass Through (IRPT) using Pakistani aggregate banks’ lending and deposit rate data. Lending and deposit rates are estimated to be sluggish in terms of their response to a change in monetary policy rate. There is also evidence of asymmetry in the pass through of four types of banks (i.e., privatized, nationalized, foreign and specialized). Overall, the domestic banks’ pass through is estimated to be higher than that of foreign bank. Although the IRPT is estimated to be incomplete, the degree of lending rate pass- through is not very low. This study provides evidence of an increase in the adjustment speed when the lending rate is below equilibrium after January 2005. However, there was no significant change in the pass through after January 2005 which coincided with the constant increase in the Treasury bill rate by the State Bank of Pakistan.Monetary policy, Treasury Bill rate, pass thropugh

    Theory of the electronic structure of dilute bismide and bismide-nitride alloys of GaAs: Tight-binding and k.p models

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    The addition of dilute concentrations of bismuth (Bi) into GaAs to form GaBiAs alloys results in a large reduction of the band gap energy Eg accompanied by a significant increase of the spin-orbit-splitting energy (delta_SO), leading to an Eg < delta_SO regime for ~10% Bi composition which is technologically relevant for the design of highly efficient photonic devices. The quaternary alloy GaBiNAs offers further flexibility for band gap tuning, because both nitrogen and bismuth can independently induce band gap reduction. This work reports sp3s* tight binding and 14-band k.p models for the study of the electronic structure of GaBiAs and GaBiNAs alloys. Our results are in good agreement with the available experimental data.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figur

    Electrochemical characterization of nanoporous nickel oxide thin films spray-deposited onto indium-doped tin oxide for solar conversion scopes

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    Nonstoichiometric nickel oxide (NiOx) has been deposited as thin film utilizing indium-doped tin oxide as transparent and electrically conductive substrate. Spray deposition of a suspension of nanoparticles in alcoholic medium allowed the preparation of uniform coatings. Sintering of the coatings was conducted at temperatures below 500°C for few minutes. This scalable procedure allowed the attainment of films with mesoporous morphology and reticulated structure. The electrochemical characterization showed that electrodes possess large surface area (about 1000 times larger than their geometrical area). Due to the openness of the morphology, the underlying conductive substrate can be contacted by the electrolyte and undergo redox processes within the potential range in which is electroactive. This requires careful control of the conditions of polarization in order to prevent the simultaneous occurrence of reduction/oxidation processes in both components of the multilayered electrode. The combination of the open structure with optical transparency and elevated electroactivity in organic electrolytes motivated us to analyze the potential of the spray-deposited films as semiconducting cathodes of dye-sensitized solar cells of p-type when erythrosine B was the sensitizer

    Effects of Ionospheric Asymmetry on Electron Density Standard Inversion Algorithm Applicable to Radio Occultation (RO) Data Using Best-suited Ionospheric Model

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    The "Onion-peeling" algorithm is a very common technique used to invert Radio Occultation (RO) data in the ionosphere. Because of the implicit assumption of spherical symmetry for the electron density (Ne) distribution in the ionosphere, the standard Onion-peeling algorithm could give erroneous concentration values in the retrieved electron density vertical profile Ne(h). In particular, this happens when strong horizontal ionospheric electron density gradients are present, like for example in the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) region during high solar activity periods. Using simulated RO Total Electron Content (TEC) data computed by means of the best-suited ionospheric model and ideal RO geometries, we evaluated the asymmetry level index for quasi-horizontal TEC observations. This asymmetry index is based on the Ne variations that a signal may experience along its ray-path (satellite to satellite link) during a RO event. The index is strictly dependent on RO geometry and azimuth of the occultation plane and is able to provide us indication of the errors (in particular those concerning the peak electron density NmF2 and the vertical TEC) expected in the retrieval of Ne(h) using standard Onion-peeling algorithm. On the basis of the outcomes of our work, and using best-suited ionospheric model, we will try to investigate the possibility to predict the ionospheric asymmetry expected for the particular RO geometry considered. We could also try to evaluate, in advance, its impact on the inverted electron density profile, providing an indication of the product qualit


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    Analysis of data collected from a questionnaire survey of randomly selected Tennessee nursery businesses revealed that wholesalers and retailers differed significantly in their stated reasons for attending and participating in industry trade shows. When controlled for business size (gross sales), wholesalers and retailers also differed significantly in their perception of the usefulness of catalogs, newspapers, trade journals, trade shows, and radio to advertise nursery products and services.advertising channels, business operation size, Chi-square tests of independence, nursery retail business, nursery wholesale business, strategic marketing, stratified random sample, Industrial Organization,

    Delay-Optimal Relay Selection in Device-to-Device Communications for Smart Grid

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    The smart grid communication network adopts a hierarchical structure which consists of three kinds of networks which are Home Area Networks (HANs), Neighborhood Area Networks (NANs), and Wide Area Networks (WANs). The smart grid NANs comprise of the communication infrastructure used to manage the electricity distribution to the end users. Cellular technology with LTE-based standards is a widely-used and forward-looking technology hence becomes a promising technology that can meet the requirements of different applications in NANs. However, the LTE has a limitation to cope with the data traffic characteristics of smart grid applications, thus require for enhancements. Device-to-Device (D2D) communications enable direct data transmissions between devices by exploiting the cellular resources, which could guarantee the improvement of LTE performances. Delay is one of the important communication requirements for the real-time smart grid applications. In this paper, the application of D2D communications for the smart grid NANs is investigated to improve the average end-to-end delay of the system. A relay selection algorithm that considers both the queue state and the channel state of nodes is proposed. The optimization problem is formulated as a constrained Markov decision process (CMDP) and a linear programming method is used to find the optimal policy for the CMDP problem. Simulation results are presented to prove the effectiveness of the proposed scheme

    Nickel oxide photocathodes prepared using rapid discharge sintering for p-type dye-sensitized solar cells

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    This paper compares the photoelectrochemical performances of nickel oxide (NiO) thin films processed using two different sintering procedures: rapid discharge sintering (RDS) and conventional furnace sintering (CS). Prior to sintering, NiO nanoparticles were sprayed onto substrates to form loosely adherent nanoparticulate coatings. After RDS and furnace sintering the resultant NiO coatings were sensitized with erythrosine B dye and corresponding p-type dyesensitized solar cells were fabricated and characterized. NiO electrodes fabricated using the RDS technique exhibited a fourfold enhancement in electroactivity compared to CS electrodes. A possible explanation is the smaller sintered grain size and more open mesoporous structure achieved using the microwave plasma treatments


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    Although much has been written on consumer attitudes toward genetically modified foods, not much is known about how or where consumers get the information for the decisions they make about genetically modified foods. This paper reports on the media used by consumers in acquiring information about biotech food and nutrition issues, and examines how much trust consumers put in selected information sources. The paper also discusses how socio-economic variables affect level of trust in selected sources. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were applied to data collected from focus groups and a mail questionnaire survey. Analyses showed that consumers used newspapers (73.7%), television (73.2%), and magazines (71.2%) occasionally or more frequently than other sources to collect information about food and biotechnology. Health professionals, extension professionals, and University scientists were most trusted for providing information about GM foods. Findings of the study could provide information on choice of effective channels for communicating information about modified food and biotechnology.Consumer/Household Economics,
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