14,875 research outputs found

    Performative regulation: a case study in how powerful people avoid criminal labels

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    This paper explores the role of invested powerful business actors in the criminalisation process as applied to the illicit antiquities market. We present a case study of the precise mechanics of the role played by trade interests in the formation of the Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Act 2003. This process involved the trade’s entering appearance in the legislative process and neutralising the possible constraining effects on its members of the new criminal offence which was to be created. We begin by exploring the political, historical and economic context in which discussion of the terms of the 2003 Act first began. We then follow the Act from its genesis through its various stages of drafting and re-drafting, to its enactment. This case study of a single piece of legislation provides further data to add to the line of prior research that illustrates that powerful white-collar criminals, as well as sometimes preventing criminal legislation entering the statute books, can also influence the design of criminal legislation that does enter the statute books in order to protect themselves and their own business interests. We also use this case study of a process of contemporary law-making to outline the concept of performative regulation: broadly, that which in appearance serves political ends but in practice effects an inconsequential level of control

    On the Viability of Lattice Perturbation Theory

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    In this paper we show that the apparent failure of QCD lattice perturbation theory to account for Monte Carlo measurements of perturbative quantities results from choosing the bare lattice coupling constant as the expansion parameter. Using instead ``renormalized'' coupling constants defined in terms of physical quantities, like the heavy-quark potential, greatly enhances the predictive power of lattice perturbation theory. The quality of these predictions is further enhanced by a method for automatically determining the coupling-constant scale most appropriate to a particular quantity. We present a mean-field analysis that explains the large renormalizations relating lattice quantities, like the coupling constant, to their continuum analogues. This suggests a new prescription for designing lattice operators that are more continuum-like than conventional operators. Finally, we provide evidence that the scaling of physical quantities is asymptotic or perturbative already at β\beta's as low as 5.7, provided the evolution from scale to scale is analyzed using renormalized perturbation theory. This result indicates that reliable simulations of (quenched) QCD are possible at these same low β\beta's.Comment: 3

    Development of a novel metastable composite material

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    The development of a new family of mouldable metastable composite materials has been demonstrated. Their special quality is derived from the ability to maintain the matrix as a supercooled liquid or gel whose solidification can be triggered mechanically, as desired, by a user. This article describes some aspects of the development work. In particular, the following are explained: the choice of matrix material; the use of additives to enhance the properties of the matrix; and the selection of reinforcement fibre. As part of the work, some mechanical testing was performed on several variations of a matrix-fibre pair and, to demonstrate the potential of such materials, some comparisons were made with a possible competitor material, a glass-reinforced urethane. It was shown that the metastable material could be formulated to provide mechanical properties that would make it suitable for applications such as orthopaedic casting, splinting and body armour, and in items of sports equipment, these being areas where its mouldability could be particularly desirable

    Non-classical computing: feasible versus infeasible

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    Physics sets certain limits on what is and is not computable. These limits are very far from having been reached by current technologies. Whilst proposals for hypercomputation are almost certainly infeasible, there are a number of non classical approaches that do hold considerable promise. There are a range of possible architectures that could be implemented on silicon that are distinctly different from the von Neumann model. Beyond this, quantum simulators, which are the quantum equivalent of analogue computers, may be constructable in the near future

    Transport of Sellafield-derived C-14 from the Irish Sea through the North Channel

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    Since the early 1950s, the Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Northwest England has released radio-carbon into the Irish Sea in a mainly inorganic form as part of its authorized liquid effluent discharge. In contrast to the trend in which the activities of most radionuclides in the Sellafield liquid effluent have decreased substantially, C-14 discharges have increased since 1994-95. This has largely been due to a policy change favoring marine discharges over atmospheric discharges. C-14 is radiologically important due to its long half life, mobility in the environment, and propensity for entering the food chain. Current models for radionuclide dispersal in the Irish Sea are based on a reversible equilibrium distribution coefficient (k(d)), an approach which has been shown to be inadequate for C-14. Development of predictive models for the fate of Sellafield-derived C-14 requires a thorough understanding of the biogeochemical fluxes between different carbon reservoirs and the processes controlling the net flux of C-14 out of the Irish Sea, through he North Channel. In this study., both an empirical and a halving time approach indicate that close to 100% of the C-14 that is discharged from Sellafield is dispersed beyond the Irish Sea on a time-scale of months in the form of DIC, with little transfer to the PIC, POC, and DOC fractions, indicating that the "dilute and disperse" mechanism is operating satisfactorily. This is consistent with previous research that indicated little transfer of C-14 to Irish Sea sediments, While significant C-14 enhancements have been observed in the biota of the Irish Sea, this observation is not necessarily in conflict with either of the above as the total biomass has to be taken into account in any calculations of C-14 retention within the Irish Sea

    Sources of anthropogenic C-14 to the North Sea

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    The Sellafield nuclear fuel reprocessing plant on the northwest coast of England is the largest source of anthropogenic radiocarbon to the UK coastal environment. In a mid-1990s study of C-14 distribution around the UK coast, the pattern of dilution with increasing distance from Sellafield appeared to be perturbed by anomalously high C-14 activities in marine biota in the coastal environment of northeast England. This present study was undertaken during 1998 and 1999 to determine whether this C-14 enhancement was due to Sellafield or the nuclear power plants on the east coast. Seawater, seaweed (Fucus sp.), and mussel (Mytilus edulis) samples that were collected from the vicinity of the Torness and Hartlepool advanced gas-cooled reactor (AGR) nuclear power stations were all enhanced above the contemporary regional background activity derived from natural production and atmospheric nuclear weapons testing. We used previously published dilution factors and transfer times for Tc-99 between Sellafield and various points on the UK coast to determine likely Sellafield- derived C-14 contributions to the activities at the nuclear power plant sites. The results suggest that the activities observed at Torness, which are only marginally enhanced above the natural background activity, are possibly due to discharges from Sellafield; however, the significant C-14 enhancements at Hartlepool are not Sellafield-derived. Furthermore, since both reactors have the same fundamental design, the low activities at the Torness AGR imply that the activities at Hartlepool are not from the AGR, suggesting that there is an input of C-14 to the marine environment in the vicinity of Hartlepool which is probably non-nuclear-power related. However, there is no other authorized site in the area that could account for the observed C-14 enrichments; therefore, further research is required to ascertain the source of this C-14

    Metamodelling of multivariable engine models for real-time flight simulation.

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    Sophisticated real-time distributed flight simulation environments may be constructed from a wide range of modelling and simulation tools. In this way accuracy, detail and model flexibility may be incorporated into the simulator. Distributed components may be constructed by a wide range of methods, from high level environments such as Matlab, through coded environments such as C or Fortran to hardware-in-the- loop. In this paper the Response Surface Methodology is combined with a hyper-heuristic (evolutionary algorithm) and applied to the representation of computationally intensive non-linear multivariable engine modelling. The paper investigates the potential for metamodelling (models of models) dynamic models which were previously too slow to be included in multi-component, high resolution real-time simulation environments. A multi-dimensional gas turbine model with five primary control inputs, six environmental inputs and eleven outputs is considered. An investigation has been conducted to ascertain to what extent these systems can be approximated by response surfaces with experiments which have been designed by hyper-heuristics as a first step towards automatic modelling methodology