63 research outputs found

    A critical evaluation of interlaboratory data on total, elemental, and isotopic carbon in the carbonaceous particle reference material, NIST SRM 1649a

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    Because of increased interest in the marine and atmospheric sciences in elemental carbon (EC), or black carbon (BC) or soot carbon (SC), and because of the difficulties in analyzing or even defining this pervasive component of particulate carbon, it has become quite important to have appropriate reference materials for intercomparison and quality control. The NIST "urban dust" Standard Reference Material? SRM 1649a is useful in this respect, in part because it comprises a considerable array of inorganic and organic species, and because it exhibits a large degree of (14C) isotopic heterogeneity, with biomass carbon source contributions ranging from about 2 % (essentially fossil aliphatic fraction) to about 32 % (polar fraction). A primary purpose of this report is to provide documentation for the new isotopic and chemical particulate carbon data for the most recent (31 Jan. 2001) SRM 1649a Certificate of Analysis. Supporting this is a critical review of underlying international intercomparison data and methodologies, provided by 18 teams of analytical experts from 11 institutions. Key results of the intercomparison are: (1) a new, Certified Value for total carbon (TC) in SRM 1649a; (2) 14C Reference Values for total carbon and a number of organic species, including for the first time 8 individual PAHs; and (3) elemental carbon (EC) Information Values derived from 13 analytical methods applied to this component. Results for elemental carbon, which comprised a special focus of the intercomparison, were quite diverse, reflecting the confounding of methodological-matrix artifacts, and methods that tended to probe more or less refractory regions of this universal, but ill-defined product of incomplete combustion. Availability of both chemical and 14C speciation data for SRM 1649a holds great promise for improved analytical insight through comparative analysis (e.g., fossil/ biomass partition in EC compared to PAH), and through application of the principle of isotopic mass balance.Carrie, L. A., Benner, B. A., Kessler, J. D., Klinedinst, D. B., Klouda, G. A., Marolf, J. V., . . . Schmid, H. (2002). A Critical Evaluation of Interlaboratory Data on Total, Elemental, and Isotopic Carbon in the Carbonaceous Particle Reference Material, NIST SRM 1649a. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 107(3), 279-298

    The PHR proteins: intracellular signaling hubs in neuronal development and axon degeneration

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    In silico analysis of phytohormone metabolism and communication pathways in citrus transcriptome

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    Non-aqueous electrolyte solutions in chemistry and modern technology

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    In this paper a brief survey is given of the properties of non-aqueous electrolyte solutions and their applications in chemistry and technology without going into the details of theory. Specific solvent-solute interactions and the role of the solvent beyond its function as a homogenous isotropic medium are stressed. Taking into account Parker's statement1) ldquoScientists nowadays are under increasing pressure to consider the relevance of their research, and rightly sordquo we have included examples showing the increasing industrial interest in non-aqueous electrolyte solutions. The concepts and results are arranged in two parts. Part A concerns the fundamentals of thermodynamics, transport processes, spectroscopy and chemical kinetics of non-aqueous solutions and some applications in these fields. Part B describes their use in various technologies such as high-energy batteries, non-emissive electro-optic displays, photoelectrochemical cells, electrodeposition, electrolytic capacitors, electro-organic synthesis, metallurgic processes and others. Four Appendices are added. Appendix A gives a survey on the most important non-aqueous solvents, their physical properties and correlation parameters, and the commonly used abbreviations. Appendices B and C show the mathematical background of the general chemical model. The Symbols and abbreviations of the text are listed and explained in Appendix D