33 research outputs found

    Exploring positive women\u27s lives in Namakkal District, India

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    This report describes an initiative that was undertaken to document the experiences of HIV-positive ever-married women in Namakkal district, Tamil Nadu, India. The initiative sought to explore the circumstances in which women learned about their HIV status; their feelings on finding out they were HIV-positive; the nature of husband–wife relationships prior to and following disclosure of women’s HIV status; the extent of support or discrimination that women experienced from family members, friends, and neighbors; treatment-seeking behaviors; and women’s perspectives about ways in which the multiple needs of HIV-infected women can be met. Drawing on the testimonies of these women gathered by trained investigators who were themselves HIV-positive, the report attempts to bring faces and voices to the reality of the HIV epidemic, particularly among married women. Findings show that women living with HIV face multiple vulnerabilities, ranging from physical and mental ill-health to concerns about financial security, family and peer support, and securing the future of their children. The findings call, correspondingly, for multiple efforts that address HIV-positive women’s health and well-being as well as empower them to lead their lives with confidence and dignity


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    Objective: The present study focused on synthesizing silver nanoparticles (AgNO3) using Moringa Oleifera seeds and Glycyrrhiza glabra stems. Methods: The synthesized AgNO3 were used to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) by agar well diffusion method. AgNO3 were produced from silver nitrate using M. oleifera seeds and G. glabra stems. Results: AgNO3 were characterized using UV-visible spectroscopy at a wavelength of 400–460 nm. AgNO3 from G. glabra stems showed high anti- MRSA activity with 32 mm zone of inhibition, and M. oleifera seed extract showed 30 mm inhibition zone of inhibition against MRSA. Conclusion: The biologically synthesized AgNO3 can be used against MRSA


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    This paper aims at selection of a leader for a company (whose founder is about to retire) with one of the popular decision making techniques. Analytic Hierarchy Process is an approach to decision making that involves structuring multiple criteria into hierarchy. There are several methods to calculate the priority vectors. Three prioritization methods are used to select a leader among three alternatives and four criteria. It is observed that Dick stands first in ranking and Tom stands second and Harry stands third in rankings. Consistency Ratio (C.R) also calculated for all pair-wise comparison matrices and analyzed. &nbsp

    Total and Edge Domination on Anti Fuzzy Line Graph

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    In this paper, the total dominating set, edge dominating set and domination number (TDN & EDN) for anti fuzzy line graph is computed by maxima method algorithm (MMA). This calculation is executed using strong adjacency matrix of anti fuzzy graphs and its line graph

    Association of hyperlipidemia in preterm delivery

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    Background: There are 3.6 million/year neonatal deaths around the world, of which 99 percent deaths are contributed by the developing countries. An infant born before 37 completed weeks is called as preterm. Normal human pregnancy results in a pronounced physiological hypertriglyceridemia involving a gestational rise in blood triglycerides (TGL) and cholesterol.  As elevated circulating levels of triglycerides and cholesterol are markers for increased risk of preterm labor in pregnant women. Atherosis of the Utero placental spiral arteries may be induced by the Hyperlipidemia in pregnancy to cause preterm delivery.Methods: The study group included 444 healthy pregnant women in the age group of 17-35 years and whose gestational age was confirmed either by their last menstrual period or by dating ultrasound. This study was conducted to evaluate the association of elevated serum triglycerides and cholesterol levels, in an uncomplicated pregnancy and preterm delivery. In all these antenatal mothers (study group) a detailed history with special reference to diet and habits, followed by a complete obstetric and general examination were done. All antenatal mothers who were included in the study were subjected for serum triglycerides and cholesterol estimation from the overnight fasting blood samples, at 24, 28, & 32 weeks of gestation.Results: In this study 374 patients who had normal cholesterol delivered at term, however 15 patients out of 26 (42.5%) patients who showed abnormal cholesterol had preterm delivery and 22 patients out of 35 (62.8%) patients with abnormal triglycerides level delivered prematurely.Conclusions: The measurement of serum total cholesterol and triglycerides along with other measures like clinical and serum screening of Alpha fetoprotein and inhibin A can potentially be used for predicting the preterm labo


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    ABSTRACTObjective: To evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of tuberculosis patients and to provide structured patient education through patient counselling on disease, drugs and lifestyle modifications in tuberculosis patients.Methods: All enrolled patient received structured & standard education regarding the disease tuberculosis, medication, diet & lifestyle modification after the preliminary assessment of KAP towards TB. Changes in the knowledge, attitude, and practice in the post-intervention phase were assessed and analyzed statistically.Results: Change in knowledge score of the patients before and after counselling was observed as 37.74% to 79.06% where the mean change in percentage is 41.32%. The change in the attitude of the patients before and after counselling was found to be 21.61%. Counseling towards practice before and after counseling was increased from 63.18% to 82.12% with a mean change of 18.94%.Conclusion: Change in KAP due to educating the patients would help in the increased adherence to antitubercular therapy (ATT) in the patients with tuberculosis; thereby resistance towards the drugs can be reduced.Keywords: Tuberculosis, Koch's disease, Compliance, KAP study


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    Drugs taken by a person are affected by a number of ways. A number of interactions are known to affect the drugs, change its efficacy or result intoxicity. Habits of a common person could also cause such interactions. Most of the people have habits of smoking, consumption of alcohol and takingdietary supplements without the advice of their physicians. Some drug interactions such as those between drug-herbs and drug-citrus fruit wouldbring us shock; even small fruit could sometimes bring adverse drug reactions to occur in our body. Due to drug interactions, there would sometimesbe an increase or decrease in the efficacy of a drug. Being a pharmacist, it would be their ultimate role to check at a person's hygienic record, lookingand gathering information of the past recorded drugs, dietary supplements, hereditary diseases, etc. They would have to gather information aboutthe recently releasing drugs and know complete information on the reactions which occur on their administration. Knowledge to people about herbaland food-drug interactions is very less. They take them to be natural and do not care about its consequences. However, this interaction depends on theamount and the potency of pharmacologically active ingredient present in the compounds. These herbal drugs are known to contain a varying numberof phytochemicals which may cause a change to the transporters, enzymatic systems, causing failure of the therapeutic effect of the drug interactions.The elimination of some particular drugs is also affected due to these interactions. As a result of this interaction, a number of drugs which had takenbirth had quickly been removed from the US markets. Thus, the ways for a person to avoid these interactions can only be the above mentionedadvices given by the health practitioners, not to administer drugs by self-medication methods, taking a note of all the additional supplements takenby a patient to his physician, so that there is a clear picture about the interactions at their initial stage. (1) There are various drug interactions with anumber of factors. (2) Unless there is clear knowledge about the pathway of drug elimination, drug interaction stands to be very difficult to be avoided.Keywords: Drug-food interactions, Pharmacokinetic, Pharmacodynamic, Drug-drug interactions.Ă‚

    Green HRM Practices and the Factors Forcing it: A Study on Health Care Entities in Chennai

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of Global Human Resource Management (GHRM) practices on the efficiency of healthcare organizations in the Chennai area. It aims to understand how GHRM can contribute to the success of these organizations, despite potential conflicts with their core values.   Design/Methodology/Approach: The study employs a research methodology that focuses on healthcare organizations within the Chennai area. It employs a comprehensive approach to analyze the implementation of GHRM practices in this specific context. The research design allows for an in-depth exploration of how GHRM practices influence the efficiency of these organizations.   Findings: The findings of this study reveal that GHRM practices have a substantial impact on the efficiency of healthcare businesses in Chennai. Despite potential conflicts with their core values, these organizations benefit from the advanced HRM strategies associated with GHRM. The study uncovers valuable insights into the role of GHRM in the healthcare industry.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This research has implications for both research and practice. It provides valuable insights for academics and researchers studying the impact of HRM practices on different industries, especially in contexts where traditional values may be challenged. Additionally, it offers practical guidance for healthcare organizations in Chennai and beyond, demonstrating the potential benefits of adopting GHRM practices. On a broader social scale, the study underscores the adaptability and relevance of GHRM in diverse sectors.   Originality/Value: The originality and value of this study lie in its specific focus on healthcare organizations in Chennai and their adoption of GHRM practices. By examining a niche sector within a specific geographic region, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of the applicability and benefits of GHRM. It adds to the body of knowledge by highlighting the adaptability of GHRM practices, even in industries with established core values, and underscores the potential for organizational success through strategic HR management

    Probability, statistics and random processes

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