123 research outputs found

    Kajian Potensi Hutan Mangrove Parit Belida dan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Ekosistem

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    - This research is conducted because of the limited information of mangrove forest in Parit Belida and the damage caused by the lack of society awarness. Based on the preliminary research, those are due to the irrelevant prior knowledge and information transfer. Mangrove forest in Parit Belida provides facts on the ground and biological object materials which are relevant with the topic of ecosystem. It has various plants and animals with special morphology, various types of adaptation, and the physical characteristics of the mangrove forest itself. However those can not be directly applied to the learning process. It needs to be processed into functional materials which allows the students to understand the concept of the fact presented in the teaching materials. The R&D method was used to obtain teaching material initiated with preliminary study, composing draft, development, validation and program implementation. As Curriculum 2013 said that teaching learning process should develop character education and scientific approach for students, the concept and the attitude of the students towards the awarness of mangrove forests can be improved by involving them actively and innovatively. The development of teaching materials based on the facts and potency of local mangrove forest could create the conservation characteristic of student

    Analisis Zonasi Daerah Rentan Banjir Dengan Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Geografis (Studi Kasus : Kota Kendal Dan Sekitarnya)

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    Kota Kendal merupakan daerah dataran rendah yang berada di pesisir pantai utara Laut Jawa yang sering dilanda bencana banjir, tidak terkecuali daerah-daerah di sekitar Kota Kendal. Seiring dengan terus bertambahnya jumlah penduduk di Kota Kendal dan sekitarnya akan memberikan dampak terhadapan pembangunan pemukiman yang baru yang akan mempersempit ruang resapan air. Disamping Kota Kendal dan sekitarnya yang memiliki drainase yang buruk dan banyaknya sungai yang sering meluap ketika hujan turun akan menimbulkan terjadinya banjir. Pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) sangatlah penting, dimana kurangnya aplikasi SIG yang bisa menjelaskan, mempresentasikan objek daerah rentan banjir dari dunia nyata yang digunakan di dalam bentuk digital. Dalam penelitian ini, parameter yang digunakan adalah data kemiringan lereng, jenis tanah, jaringan drainase, curah hujan, dan penggunaan lahan tahun 2008 yang diperoleh dalam bentuk peta digital. Peta digital akan diolah dengan menggunakan software ArcGIS 9.3. Setiap data parameter akan diskoring dengan pemberian harkat dan bobot sesuai pengklasifikasiannya masing-masing yang kemudian dilakukan overlay intersect. Pada tahap akhir dilakukan validasi yang bermanfaat untuk menguji kebenaran kerentanan banjir di lapangan. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah Peta Kerentanan Banjir Kota Kendal dan Sekitarnya

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Permukiman Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis (Studi Kasus : Semarang Bagian Selatan)

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    In residential developments that occurred in the area of Southren Semarang namely Gunung Pati, Tembalang and Banyumanik is directly influenced by the presence of colleges and traders or workers who later came to the region. Beside the land area that is still widespread, and the facilities are sub-districts eventually be one of the places to activities. Geographic Information System (GIS) is a right step in presenting the spatial aspects (spatial). In this case the GIS has the benefit that can be used to analyze the process of land suitability evaluation in accordance with predetermined parameters, namely land use, slope, soil type, rainfall, distance to the main road and ground movement. From the analysis using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) showed much weight affect for each parameter of 35.78% for the slope and soil movement, 10.80% for the type of soil, 8.33% for the landuse, 5, 42% of the distance to the main road and 3.89% for outpour of rainfall. From the results of the scoring overlay the map results obtained land with an area of 5101.10 (ha), or approximately 31.87% is very suitable for settlement, land with an area of 3764.69 (ha), or approximately 23.52% according to settlements, land with wide 2914.16 (ha), or approximately 18.21% is quite suitable for settlement, land with an area of 1287.36 (ha), or approximately 8.04% less land suitable for settlement and land with an area of 3012.56 (ha) or around 18.82% are not suitable

    Aplikasi Terrestrial Laser Scanner Untuk Pemodelan Tampak Muka Bangunan (Studi Kasus: Gedung PT. Almega Geosystems, Kelapa Gading-Jakarta)

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    Perkembangan dunia survei dan pemetaan sangatlah pesat. Di era sekarang ini, pemanfaatan teknologi Terrestrial Laser Scanner dapat memberikan solusi untuk pendokumentasian suatu bangunan maupun pengukuran topografi. Teknologi ini dinilai sangat efisien jika dibandingkan dengan teknologi pengukuran lainnya. Hasil pengukuran Terrestrial Laser Scanner berupa point clouds yang mempunyai koordinat 3 dimensi. Dalam tugas akhir ini, metode pengukuran Terrestrial Laser Scanner digunakan untuk pemodelan tampak muka bangunan gedung PT. Almega Geosystems, Kelapa Gading-Jakarta. Proses akuisisi data di lapangan dan pengolahan data menggunakan software Cyclone V.7.4 (compatible with Leica Scan Station 2). Hasil akhir dalam penelitian ini adalah model tampak muka bangunan gedung PT. Almega Geosystems, Kelapa Gading-Jakarta. Pengujian hasil pengolahan model dilakukan dengan dua pengujian, yaitu perbandingan jarak antar sisi gedung hasil pengukuran Electronic Total Station dan laser disto meter. Nilai rata-rata kesalahan dari perbandingan jarak antar sisi mengunakan Electronic Total Station sebesar 0.00527 meter dan nilai rata-rata kesalahan dari perbandingan jarak antar sisi dengan laser disto meter sebesar 0.00708 meter

    Evaluasi Tata Letak Bangunan Terhadap Garis Sempadan Jalan Di Kawasan Central Business District Kota Semarang

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    Central Business District (CBD) consisting of Semarang City Pemuda, Pandanaran, Thamrin and Gajahmada street is located in the Urban Area Part I is an area that has a function as an office area, trade, and services. In this case many of the buildings or building plots outer (such as fences, etc.) don't stand in accordance with Regulation No.14 of 2011, and therefore interesting authors to evaluate buildings in the region that violates / does not comply with regulation Semarang No.14 of 2011. For secondary data, the authors conducted digitization of individual plots obtained from the interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery, as well as making a line of evaluation with a certain distance from the axle path. Evaluation of building layout Line Border Roads is a process of assessment of the outer building layout of the plots that have been on the local regulation is governed by a certain distance to the outer buildings as road / middle of the road. In doing this thesis the author requires data related to the study such as: Satellite Imagery; Road Network Map. The results of these studies will provide information that violates buildings with an area (m2) violations at Pemuda; Pandanaran; Thamrin; Gajahmada street set forth in the regulation of Semarang

    Pembuatan Peta Jalur Kondusif Bersepeda Kota Semarang

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    Bike started to be used by people of Semarang city as an alternative transportation for daily activities such as go to work, go to school, and go to college. However, using the bike for daily activities can lead to fatigue, causing decreased concentration. One workable solution is to create a map that presents information about bike lanes in the Semarang city that conducive to pass. In this study, the bike lanes in the Semarang city will be identified into 5 categories based on the height difference between two points every 100 meters. Category flat-track and slight-downhill is a conducive path. Category steep-downhill and easy-uphill is a semi-conducive path. And category hard-uphill is not a conducive path. From the results of the study at 10 locations, noted that the bike lanes in the Semarang city has a composition of 90% flat-track, 4% slight-downhill, 3.2% easy-uphill, 2% hard-uphill, and 0.8% steep-downhill

    Kajian Citra Quickbird Untuk Pelacakan Batas Wilayah Secara Kartometrik (Studi Kasus : Kecamatan Semarang Tengah, Semarang Utara, Semarang Timur)

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    Determination and Confirmation of boundaries is an activity to determine the limiting inter-regional administrative area which is a series of coordinate points that are on the surface of the earth. Therefore we need a measurement of boundaries in accordance with the technical specifications of the city / county to avoid border disputes caused by uncertainty lies the point limit.Semarang city is the capital of the Central Java province and that is main area of this Semarang City. Along the border area between the Central District of Semarang, East Districtof Semarang and North District of Semarang consists of roads, rivers, coastlines, and railroads. In essence, tracking activity is tracking the boundary point use QuickBird imagery using kartometrik method with reference to the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 76 Year 2012 on Guidelines for Region Emphasis.In this research, the results are distance moving of pillars point between field tracking and tracking on the quickbird imagery with the biggest moving is 9,803 meters which located in PABA0005-B pillar and the smallest distance moving is 0,001 meters which located in PABA 0004-A pillar, with deviation standar distance moving of 26 pillars is 5,717 meters, so it doesn't meet requirement of PBBD team with requirement 25 cm. Beside that distance movement, this final assignment get the results of the biggest distance validation between field tracking and distance measured on the quickbird imagery is 8,691 meters which located in PABA 0003-B pillar, and the smallest one is 0,013 meters which located in PABA 0004-D pillar, and from 26 pillars any 1 pillar doesn't meet planimetris requirement 5 meters which stated by Permendagri Number 76 Year 2012 because the deviation standar results is 6,382 meters, while 25 pillars other can meet that requirement

    North-PHASE : Studying periodicity, hot spots, accretion stability and early evolution in young stars in the northern hemisphere

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    Funding: RK is funded by the STFC under grant number ST/W507404/1. LS was funded by the RAS Undergraduate Summer Bursary. VR acknowledges the support of the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) through the INAF GTO Grant ‘ERIS & SHARK GTO data exploitation’ and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and the European Research Council via the ERC Synergy Grant ‘ECOGAL’ (project ID 855130). JCW and CM are Funded by the European Union (ERC, WANDA, 101039452).We present the overview and first results from the North-PHASE Legacy Survey, which follows six young clusters for five years, using the 2 deg2 FoV of the JAST80 telescope from the Javalambre Observatory (Spain). North-PHASE investigates stellar variability on timescales from days to years for thousands of young stars distributed over entire clusters. This allows us to find new YSO, characterise accretion and study inner disk evolution within the cluster context. Each region (Tr 37, Cep OB3, IC 5070, IC 348, NGC 2264, and NGC 1333) is observed in six filters (SDSS griz, u band, and J0660, which covers Hα), detecting cluster members as well as field variable stars. Tr 37 is used to prove feasibility and optimise the variability analysis techniques. In Tr 37, variability reveals 50 new YSO, most of them proper motion outliers. North-PHASE independently confirms the youth of astrometric members, efficiently distinguishes accreting and non-accreting stars, reveals the extent of the cluster populations along Tr37/IC 1396 bright rims, and detects variability resulting from rotation, dips, and irregular bursts. The proper motion outliers unveil a more complex star formation history than inferred from Gaia alone, and variability highlights previously hidden proper motion deviations in the surrounding clouds. We also find that non-YSO variables identified by North-PHASE cover a different variability parameter space and include long-period variables, eclipsing binaries, RR Lyr, and δ Scuti stars. These early results also emphasize the power of variability to complete the picture of star formation where it is missed by astrometry.Peer reviewe