16,341 research outputs found
SUBOPT: A CAD program for suboptimal linear regulators
An interactive software package which provides design solutions for both standard linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and suboptimal linear regulator problems is described. Intended for time-invariant continuous systems, the package is easily modified to include sampled-data systems. LQR designs are obtained by established techniques while the large class of suboptimal problems containing controller and/or performance index options is solved using a robust gradient minimization technique. Numerical examples demonstrate features of the package and recent developments are described
Design curves for optimizing stability of herringbone-grooved journal bearings
Curves span wide range of operating conditions, including: lubricant compressibility numbers from 0 to 80, bearing length-to-diameter ratios from 1/4 to 2, and either rotating or stationary grooved members
On the origin of the Trojan asteroids: Effects of Jupiter's mass accretion and radial migration
We present analytic and numerical results which illustrate the effects of
Jupiter's accretion of nebular gas and the planet's radial migration on its
Trojan companions. Initially, we approximate the system by the planar circular
restricted three-body problem and assume small Trojan libration amplitudes.
Employing an adiabatic invariant calculation, we show that Jupiter's
thirty-fold growth from a core to its present mass causes the
libration amplitudes of Trojan asteroids to shrink by a factor of about 2.5 to
of their original size. The calculation also shows that Jupiter's
radial migration has comparatively little effect on the Trojans; inward
migration from 6.2 to 5.2 AU causes an increase in Trojan libration amplitudes
of . In each case, the area enclosed by small tadpole orbits, if made
dimensionless by using Jupiter's semimajor axis, is approximately conserved.
Similar adiabatic invariant calculations for inclined and eccentric Trojans
show that Jupiter's mass growth leaves the asteroid's eccentricities and
inclinations essentially unchanged, while one AU of inward migration causes an
increase in both of these quantities by . Numerical integrations
confirm and extend these analytic results. We demonstrate that our predictions
remain valid for Trojans with small libration amplitudes even when the
asteroids have low, butComment: Submitted to Icarus - 13 Fig
Optimization of self-acting herringbone-grooved journal bearings for maximum stability
Groove parameters were determined to maximize the stability of herringbone-grooved journal bearings. Parameters optimized were groove depth, width, length, and angle. Optimization was performed by using a small-eccentricity, infinite-groove analysis in conjunction with a previously developed Newton-Raphson procedure for bearings with the smooth member rotating or with the grooved member rotating at low compressibility numbers, and a newly developed vector technique for bearings with the grooved member rotating at high compressibility numbers. The design curves in this report enable one to choose the optimum bearing for a wide range of operating conditions. Compared with bearings optimized to maximize load capacity, bearings optimized for stability allow a thousandfold increase in bearing-supported mass in some cases before onset of instability, and lose no more than 77 percent of their load capacity in any case studied. Stability is much greater when the grooved member rotates
Optimization of self-acting herringbone journal bearing for maximum stability
Groove parameters were determined to maximize the stability of herringbone grooved journal bearings. Parameters optimized were groove depth, width, length, and angle. Optimization was performed using a small eccentricity, infinite groove analysis in conjunction with: (1) a previously developed Newton-Raphson procedure for bearings with the smooth member rotating or with the grooved member rotating at low compressibility numbers, and (2) a newly-developed vector technique for bearings with the grooved member rotating at high compressibility numbers. The design curves enable one to choose the optimum bearing for a wide range of operating conditions. These include: (1) compressibility numbers from 0 (incompressible) to 80, (2) length to diameter ratios from 1/4 to 2, and (3) smooth or grooved member rotating. Compared to bearings optimized to maximize load capacity, bearings optimized for stability: (1) allow a thousandfold increase in bearing-supported mass in some cases before onset of instability (the most dramatic increase are for bearings with small L/D operating at high compressibility numbers), and (2) lose no more than 77-percent of their load capacity in any case studied. Stability is much greater when the grooved member rotates
Considering Harm and Safety in Youth Mental Health: A Call for Attention and Action
The possibility of harm from mental health provision, and in particular harm from youth mental health provision, has been largely overlooked. We contend that if we continue to assume youth mental health services can do no harm, and all that is needed is more services, we continue to risk the possibility that the safety of children and young people is unintentionally compromised. We propose a three level framework for considering harm from youth mental health provision (1. ineffective engagement, 2. ineffective practice and 3. adverse events) and suggest how this framework could be used to support quality improvement in services
Metamodelling of multivariable engine models for real-time flight simulation.
Sophisticated real-time distributed flight simulation environments may be constructed from a wide range of modelling and simulation tools. In this way accuracy, detail and model flexibility may be incorporated into the simulator. Distributed components may be constructed by a wide range of methods, from high level environments such as Matlab, through coded environments such as C or Fortran to hardware-in-the- loop. In this paper the Response Surface Methodology is combined with a hyper-heuristic (evolutionary algorithm) and applied to the representation of computationally intensive non-linear multivariable engine modelling. The paper investigates the potential for metamodelling (models of models) dynamic models which were previously too slow to be included in multi-component, high resolution real-time simulation environments. A multi-dimensional gas turbine model with five primary control inputs, six environmental inputs and eleven outputs is considered. An investigation has been conducted to ascertain to what extent these systems can be approximated by response surfaces with experiments which have been designed by hyper-heuristics as a first step towards automatic modelling methodology
Shallow grooves in journal improve air bearing performance
Bearing designs, which shape the surface to create artificial fluid-film wedges in the absence of any applied radial load, generate radial restoring forces to keep journals from whirling. Helical- or herringbone-grooved journals or rotors show most promise of stable operation, with no sacrifice in load capacity
Series-hybrid bearing - An approach to extending bearing fatigue life at high speeds
Fluid film bearing of hybrid device consists of orifice compensated annular thrust bearing and self-acting journal bearing. In series hybrid bearing, both ball bearing and annular thrust bearing carry full system thrust load, but two bearings share speed. Operation of system is stable and automatically fail-safe
Major epidemiological changes in sudden infant death syndrome : a 20-year population-based study in the UK
Results of case-control studies in the past 5 years suggest that the epidemiology of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has changed since the 1991 UK Back to Sleep campaign. The campaign's advice that parents put babies on their back to sleep led to a fall in death rates. We used a longitudinal dataset to assess these potential changes.
Population-based data from home visits have been collected for 369 consecutive unexpected infant deaths (300 SIDS and 69 explained deaths) in Avon over 20 years (1984â2003). Data obtained between 1993 and 1996 from 1300 controls with a chosen âreferenceâ sleep before interview have been used for comparison.
Over the past 20 years, the proportion of children who died from SIDS while co-sleeping with their parents, has risen from 12% to 50% (p<0·0001), but the actual number of SIDS deaths in the parental bed has halved (p=0·01). The proportion seems to have increased partly because the Back to Sleep campaign led to fewer deaths in infants sleeping aloneârather than because of a rise in deaths of infants who bed-shared, and partly because of an increase in the number of deaths in infants sleeping with their parents on a sofa. The proportion of deaths in families from deprived socioeconomic backgrounds has risen from 47% to 74% (p=0·003), the prevalence of maternal smoking during pregnancy from 57% to 86% (p=0·0004), and the proportion of pre-term infants from 12% to 34% (p=0·0001). Although many SIDS infants come from large families, first-born infants are now the largest group. The age of infants who bed-share is significantly smaller than that before the campaign, and fewer are breastfed.
Factors that contribute to SIDS have changed in their importance over the past 20 years. Although the reasons for the rise in deaths when a parent sleeps with their infant on a sofa are still unclear, we strongly recommend that parents avoid this sleeping environment. Most SIDS deaths now occur in deprived families. To better understand contributory factors and plan preventive measures we need control data from similarly deprived families, and particularly, infant sleep environments
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