2,271 research outputs found
How Stands Collapse II
I review ten problems associated with the dynamical wave function collapse
program, which were described in the first of these two papers. Five of these,
the \textit{interaction, preferred basis, trigger, symmetry} and
\textit{superluminal} problems, were discussed as resolved there. In this
volume in honor of Abner Shimony, I discuss the five remaining problems,
\textit{tails, conservation law, experimental, relativity, legitimization}.
Particular emphasis is given to the tails problem, first raised by Abner. The
discussion of legitimization contains a new argument, that the energy density
of the fluctuating field which causes collapse should exert a gravitational
force. This force can be repulsive, since this energy density can be negative.
Speculative illustrations of cosmological implications are offered.Comment: 37 page
Oblique amplitude modulation of dust-acoustic plasma waves
Theoretical and numerical studies are presented of the nonlinear amplitude
modulation of dust-acoustic (DA) waves propagating in an unmagnetized three
component, weakly-coupled, fully ionized plasma consisting of electrons,
positive ions and charged dust particles, considering perturbations oblique to
the carrier wave propagation direction. The stability analysis, based on a
nonlinear Schroedinger-type equation (NLSE), shows that the wave may become
unstable; the stability criteria depend on the angle between the
modulation and propagation directions. Explicit expressions for the instability
rate and threshold have been obtained in terms of the dispersion laws of the
system. The possibility and conditions for the existence of different types of
localized excitations have also been discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Physica Script
Cosmic censorship and spherical gravitational collapse with tangential pressure
We study the spherical gravitational collapse of a compact object under the
approximation that the radial pressure is identically zero, and the tangential
pressure is related to the density by a linear equation of state. It turns out
that the Einstein equations can be reduced to the solution of an integral for
the evolution of the area radius. We show that for positive pressure there is a
finite region near the center which necessarily expands outwards, if collapse
begins from rest. This region could be surrounded by an inward moving one which
could collapse to a singularity - any such singularity will necessarily be
covered by a horizon. For negative pressure the entire object collapses
inwards, but any singularities that could arise are not naked. Thus the nature
of the evolution is very different from that of dust, even when the ratio of
pressure to density is infinitesimally small.Comment: 16 pages, Latex file, two figures, uses epsf.st
Visibility diagrams and experimental stripe structure in the quantum Hall effect
We analyze various properties of the visibility diagrams that can be used in
the context of modular symmetries and confront them to some recent experimental
developments in the Quantum Hall Effect. We show that a suitable physical
interpretation of the visibility diagrams which permits one to describe
successfully the observed architecture of the Quantum Hall states gives rise
naturally to a stripe structure reproducing some of the experimental features
that have been observed in the study of the quantum fluctuations of the Hall
conductance. Furthermore, we exhibit new properties of the visibility diagrams
stemming from the structure of subgroups of the full modular group.Comment: 8 pages in plain TeX, 7 figures in a single postscript fil
Dynamical generalization of a solvable family of two-electron model atoms with general interparticle repulsion
Holas, Howard and March [Phys. Lett. A {\bf 310}, 451 (2003)] have obtained
analytic solutions for ground-state properties of a whole family of
two-electron spin-compensated harmonically confined model atoms whose different
members are characterized by a specific interparticle potential energy
u(). Here, we make a start on the dynamic generalization of the
harmonic external potential, the motivation being the serious criticism
levelled recently against the foundations of time-dependent density-functional
theory (e.g. [J. Schirmer and A. Dreuw, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 75}, 022513 (2007)]).
In this context, we derive a simplified expression for the time-dependent
electron density for arbitrary interparticle interaction, which is fully
determined by an one-dimensional non-interacting Hamiltonian. Moreover, a
closed solution for the momentum space density in the Moshinsky model is
obtained.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to J. Phys.
Critical Exponents of the Three Dimensional Random Field Ising Model
The phase transition of the three--dimensional random field Ising model with
a discrete () field distribution is investigated by extensive Monte
Carlo simulations. Values of the critical exponents for the correlation length,
specific heat, susceptibility, disconnected susceptibility and magnetization
are determined simultaneously via finite size scaling. While the exponents for
the magnetization and disconnected susceptibility are consistent with a first
order transition, the specific heat appears to saturate indicating no latent
heat. Sample to sample fluctuations of the susceptibilty are consistent with
the droplet picture for the transition.Comment: Revtex, 10 pages + 4 figures included as Latex files and 1 in
Cognition-Enhancing Drugs: Can We Say No?
Normative analysis of cognition-enhancing drugs frequently weighs the liberty interests of drug users against egalitarian commitments to a level playing field. Yet those who would refuse to engage in neuroenhancement may well find their liberty to do so limited in a society where such drugs are widespread. To the extent that unvarnished emotional responses are world-disclosive, neurocosmetic practices also threaten to provide a form of faulty data to their users. This essay examines underappreciated liberty-based and epistemic rationales for regulating cognition-enhancing drugs
Language of Lullabies: The Russification and De-Russification of the Baltic States
This article argues that the laws for promotion of the national languages are a legitimate means for the Baltic states to establish their cultural independence from Russia and the former Soviet Union
Gravitating defects of codimension-two
Thin gravitating defects with conical singularities in higher codimensions
and with generalized Israel matching conditions are known to be inconsistent
for generic energy-momentum. A way to remove this inconsistency is proposed and
is realized for an axially symmetric gravitating codimension-two defect in six
dimensional Einstein gravity. By varying with respect to the brane embedding
fields, alternative matching conditions are derived, which are generalizations
of the Nambu-Goto equations of motion of the defect, consistent with bulk
gravity. For a maximally symmetric defect the standard picture is recovered.
The four-dimensional perfect fluid cosmology coincides with conventional FRW in
the case of radiation, but for dust it has rho^{4/3} instead of rho. A
four-dimensional black hole solution is presented having the Schwarzschild form
with a short-distance correction r^{-2}.Comment: Minor changes, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit
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