73 research outputs found

    SPECT/CT: an update on technological developments and clinical applications

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    Functional nuclear medicine imaging with single-photon emission CT (SPECT) in combination with anatomical CT has been commercially available since the beginning of this century. The combination of the two modalities has improved both the sensitivity and specificity of many clinical applications and CT in conjunction with SPECT that allows for spatial overlay of the SPECT data on good anatomy images. Introduction of diagnostic CT units as part of the SPECT/CT system has also potentially allowed for a more cost-efficient use of the equipment. Most of the SPECT systems available are based on the well-known Anger camera principle with NaI(Tl) as a scintillation material, parallel-hole collimators and multiple photomultiplier tubes, which, from the centroid of the scintillation light, determine the position of an event. Recently, solid-state detectors using cadmium-zinc-telluride became available and clinical SPECT cameras employing multiple pinhole collimators have been developed and introduced in the market. However, even if new systems become available with better hardware, the SPECT reconstruction will still be affected by photon attenuation and scatter and collimator response. Compensation for these effects is needed even for qualitative studies to avoid artefacts leading to false positives. This review highlights the recent progress for both new SPECT cameras systems as well as for various data-processing and compensation methods

    Data-driven respiratory signal estimation from temporally finely sampled projection data in conventional cardiac perfusion SPECT imaging

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    PURPOSE: The aim of this work was to revisit the data-driven approach of axial center-of-mass (COM) measurements to recover a surrogate respiratory signal from finely sampled (100 ms) single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) projection data derived from list-mode acquisitions. METHODS: For our initial evaluation, we acquired list-mode projection data from an anthropomorphic cardiac phantom mounted on a Quasar respiratory motion platform simulating 15 mm amplitude respiratory motion. We also selected 302 consecutive patients (138 males, 164 females) with list-mode acquisitions, external respiratory motion tracking, and written consent to evaluate the clinical efficacy of our data-driven approach. Linear regression, Pearson\u27s correlation coefficient (r), and standard error of the estimates (SEE) between the respiratory signals obtained with a visual tracking system (VTS) and COM measurements were calculated for individual projection data sets and for the patient group as a whole. Both the VTS- and COM-derived respiratory signals were used to estimate and correct respiratory motion. The reconstruction for six-degree of freedom rigid-body motion estimation was done in two ways: (1) using three iterations of ordered-subsets expectation-maximization (OSEM) with four subsets (16 projection angles per subset), or 12 iterations of maximum-likelihood expectation-maximization (MLEM). Respiratory motion compensation was done employing either OSEM with 16 subsets (four projection angles per subset) and five iterations or MLEM and 80 iterations, using the two respiratory estimates, respectively. Polar map quantification was also performed, calculating the percentage count difference (%Diff) between polar maps without and with respiratory motion included. Average % Diff was calculated in 17 segments (defined according to ASNC Guidelines). Paired t-tests were used to determine significance (p-values). RESULTS: The r-value calculated when comparing the VTS and COM respiratory signals varied widely between -0.01 and 0.96 with an average of 0.70, while the SEE varied between 0.80 and 6.48 mm with an average of 2.05 mm for our patient set, while the same values for the one anthropomorphic phantom acquisition are 0.91 and 1.11 mm, respectively. A comparison between the respiratory motion estimates for VTS and COM in the S-I direction yielded an r = 0.90 (0.94), and an SEE of 1.56 mm (1.20 mm) for OSEM (MLEM), respectively. Bland-Altman plots and calculated intraclass correlation coefficients also showed excellent agreement between the VTS and COM respiratory motion estimates. Average S-I respiratory estimates for the VTS (COM) were 9.04 (9.2 mm) and 9.01 mm (9.14 mm) for the OSEM and MLEM, respectively. The paired t-test approached significance when comparing VTS and COM estimated respiratory signals with p-values of 0.069 and 0.051 for OSEM and MLEM. The respiratory estimates from the anthropomorphic cardiac phantom experiment using the VTS (COM) were 12.62 (14.10 mm) and 12.55 mm (14.29 mm) for OSEM and MLEM, respectively. Polar map quantification yielded average % Diff consistently better when employing VTS-derived respiratory estimates to correct for respiration compared to the COM-derived estimates. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that our COM method has the potential to provide an automated data-driven correction of cardiac respiratory motion without the drawbacks of our VTS methodology. However, it is not generally equivalent to the VTS method in extent of correction

    Evaluation of Rigid-Body Motion Compensation in Cardiac Perfusion SPECT Employing Polar-Map Quantification

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    We have recently been successful in the development and testing of rigid-body motion tracking, estimation and compensation for cardiac perfusion SPECT based on a visual tracking system (VTS). The goal of this study was to evaluate in patients the effectiveness of our rigid-body motion compensation strategy. Sixty-four patient volunteers were asked to remain motionless or execute some predefined body motion during an additional second stress perfusion acquisition. Acquisitions were performed using the standard clinical protocol with 64 projections acquired through 180 degrees. All data were reconstructed with an ordered-subsets expectation-maximization (OSEM) algorithm using 4 projections per subset and 5 iterations. All physical degradation factors were addressed (attenuation, scatter, and distance dependent resolution), while a 3-dimensional Gaussian rotator was used during reconstruction to correct for six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) rigid-body motion estimated by the VTS. Polar map quantification was employed to evaluate compensation techniques. In 54.7% of the uncorrected second stress studies there was a statistically significant difference in the polar maps, and in 45.3% this made a difference in the interpretation of segmental perfusion. Motion correction reduced the impact of motion such that with it 32.8 % of the polar maps were statistically significantly different, and in 14.1% this difference changed the interpretation of segmental perfusion. The improvement shown in polar map quantitation translated to visually improved uniformity of the SPECT slices

    Monte Carlo simulations of the GE discovery alcyone CZT SPECT system

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    Compact SPECT systems with cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) solid-state detectors with improved energy resolution and shorter acquisition times have recently been introduced. These systems have, however, different energy characteristics compared to NaI(Tl) crystal-based cameras. There is therefore a need to develop new simulation models for these cameras. We modeled the charge transport within the CZT detectors for a GE Discovery 530c/570c SPECT system with multiple pinhole collimators employing the SIMIND Monte Carlo program and validated simulations against measurements. The incomplete charge collection between the anode and cathode in the pixilated CZT was modeled with the Hecht equation. The simulation also included charge-sharing effects across pixels due to physical interactions and charge diffusion. To validate our CZT-model 99mTc and 123I point sources and a 201Tl line source were acquired and measured energy spectra were compared with simulated energy spectra. The Monte Carlo simulated energy spectra agreed well with the experimental measurements within the photopeak, overestimated the k-edge x-ray escape peaks of Cd and Te, and slightly underestimated the remainder of the tail. Comparisons for a cardiac insert with a defect in an elliptical Data Spectrum phantom were also performed. Here, simulated projections were read into the GE Xeleris system for reconstruction. We found good agreement in image reconstruction visually. We conclude that it is feasible to simulate CZT detectors with good agreement using the SIMIND code

    4D non-local means post-filtering for cardiac gated SPECT

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    Cardiac gated images often suffer from increased noise in single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) due to reduced data counts compared to non-gated studies. We investigate a spatiotemporal post-processing approach based on a non-local means (NLM) filter for suppressing the noise in gated SPECT images. In this filter, the output at a voxel location is computed from a weighted average of voxels in its 4D neighborhood, wherein the filter coefficients are adjusted according to the similarity level in the local image pattern of individual voxels with respect to the output voxel. This adaptive property allows the filter to achieve noise reduction while avoiding excessive blur of the heart wall. In the experiments, we first evaluated the accuracy of the proposed NLM filtering approach using simulated SPECT imaging data. We then demonstrated the approach on eight sets of clinical acquisitions. In addition, we also explored the robustness of the NLM filter with imaging dose reduced by 50% in these clinical acquisitions. The quantitative results show that 4D NLM filtering could effectively reduce the noise level in gated images, leading to more accurate reconstruction of the myocardium. Compared to spatial filtering alone, using temporal filtering in NLM could reduce the mean-squared-error of the myocardium by 55.63% and improve the LV resolution by 19.92%. It could also improve the visibility of perfusion defects in gated images. Similar results are also observed on the clinical acquisitions both at standard dose and at 50% reduced dose. The 4D NLM results are also found to be comparable to that of a motion-compensated 4D reconstruction approach which is computationally more demanding

    Effect of Non-Alignment/Alignment of Attenuation Map Without/With Emission Motion Correction in Cardiac SPECT/CT

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    PURPOSE: We investigate the differences without/with respiratory motion correction in apparent imaging agent localization induced in reconstructed emission images when the attenuation maps used for attenuation correction (from CT) are misaligned with the patient anatomy during emission imaging due to differences in respiratory state. METHODS: We investigated use of attenuation maps acquired at different states of a 2 cm amplitude respiratory cycle (at end-expiration, at end-inspiration, the center map, the average transmission map, and a large breath-hold beyond range of respiration during emission imaging) to correct for attenuation in MLEM reconstruction for several anatomical variants of the NCAT phantom which included both with and without non-rigid motion between heart and sub-diaphragmatic regions (such as liver, kidneys etc). We tested these cases with and without emission motion correction and attenuation map alignment/non-alignment. RESULTS: For the NCAT default male anatomy the false count-reduction due to breathing was largely removed upon emission motion correction for the large majority of the cases. Exceptions (for the default male) were for the cases when using the large-breathhold end-inspiration map (TI_EXT), when we used the end-expiration (TE) map, and to a smaller extent, the end-inspiration map (TI). However moving the attenuation maps rigidly to align the heart region, reduced the remaining count-reduction artifacts. For the female patient count-reduction remained post motion correction using rigid map-alignment due to the breast soft-tissue misalignment. Quantitatively, after the transmission (rigid) alignment correction, the polar-map 17-segment RMS error with respect to the reference (motion-less case) reduced by 46.5% on average for the extreme breathhold case. The reductions were 40.8% for end-expiration map and 31.9% for end-inspiration cases on the average, comparable to the semi-ideal case where each state uses its own attenuation map for correction. CONCLUSIONS: Two main conclusions are that even rigid emission motion correction to rigidly align the heart region to the attenuation map helps in average cases to reduce the count-reduction artifacts and secondly, within the limits of the study (ex. rigid correction) when there is lung tissue inferior to the heart as with the NCAT phantom employed in this study endexpiration maps (TE) might best be avoided as they may create more artifacts than the end-inspiration (TI) maps

    Monte Carlo Simulations of the GE Discovery Alcyone CZT SPECT Systems

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    Compact SPECT systems with cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) solid-state detectors with improved energy resolution and shorter acquisition times have recently been introduced. These systems have, however, different energy characteristics compared to NaI(Tl) crystal-based cameras; therefore, a need exists to develop new simulation models for these cameras. We modeled the charge transport within the CZT detectors for a GE Discovery 530c/570c SPECT system with multiple pinhole collimators employing the SIMIND Monte Carlo program and validated simulations against measurements. The incomplete charge collection between the anode and cathode in the pixilated CZT was modeled with the Hecht equation. The simulation also included charge-sharing effects across pixels due to physical interactions and charge diffusion. To validate our CZT-model, Tc-99m and I-123 point sources and a Tl-201 line source were acquired and measured. Measured energy spectra were compared with simulated energy spectra. The Monte Carlo simulated energy spectra agreed well with the experimental measurements within the photopeak, overestimated the k-edge x-ray escape peaks of cadmium and telluride, and slightly underestimated the remainder of the tail. Comparisons of system sensitivity and spatial resolution were also conducted for an array of point source locations with results showing excellent agreement. Lastly, to demonstrate a clinically realistic case, a simulation of an anthropomorphic phantom with a cardiac insert and an inferior defect was performed. Simulated projections were processed using the GE Xeleris software confirming the accuracy of the SIMIND geometry. We conclude that it is feasible to simulate the GE Discovery 530c/570c SPECT system using the SIMIND code

    Investigation of the physical effects of respiratory motion compensation in a large population of patients undergoing Tc-99m cardiac perfusion SPECT/CT stress imaging

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    BACKGROUND: Respiratory motion can deteriorate image fidelity in cardiac perfusion SPECT. We determined the extent of respiratory motion, assessed its impact on image fidelity, and investigated the existence of gender differences, thereby examining the influence of respiratory motion in a large population of patients. METHODS: One thousand one hundred and three SPECT/CT patients underwent visual tracking of markers on their anterior surface during stress acquisition to track respiratory motion. The extent of motion was estimated by registration. Visual indicators of changes in cardiac slices with motion correction, and the correlation between the extent of motion with changes in segmental-counts were assessed. RESULTS: Respiratory motion in the head-to-feet direction was the largest component of motion, varying between 1.1 and 37.4 mm, and was statistically significantly higher (p = 0.002) for males than females. In 33.0% of the patients, motion estimates were larger than 10 mm. Patients progressively show more distinct visual changes with an increase in the extent of motion. The increase in segmental-count differences in the anterior, antero-lateral, and inferior segments correlated with the extent of motion. CONCLUSIONS: Respiratory motion correction diminished the artefactual reduction in anterior and inferior wall counts associated with respiratory motion. The extent of improvement was strongly related to the magnitude of motion

    A method to synchronize signals from multiple patient monitoring devices through a single input channel for inclusion in list-mode acquisitions

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    PURPOSE: This technical note documents a method that the authors developed for combining a signal to synchronize a patient-monitoring device with a second physiological signal for inclusion into list-mode acquisition. Our specific application requires synchronizing an external patient motion-tracking system with a medical imaging system by multiplexing the tracking input with the ECG input. The authors believe that their methodology can be adapted for use in a variety of medical imaging modalities including single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET). METHODS: The authors insert a unique pulse sequence into a single physiological input channel. This sequence is then recorded in the list-mode acquisition along with the R-wave pulse used for ECG gating. The specific form of our pulse sequence allows for recognition of the time point being synchronized even when portions of the pulse sequence are lost due to collisions with R-wave pulses. This was achieved by altering our software used in binning the list-mode data to recognize even a portion of our pulse sequence. Limitations on heart rates at which our pulse sequence could be reliably detected were investigated by simulating the mixing of the two signals as a function of heart rate and time point during the cardiac cycle at which our pulse sequence is mixed with the cardiac signal. RESULTS: The authors have successfully achieved accurate temporal synchronization of our motion-tracking system with acquisition of SPECT projections used in 17 recent clinical research cases. In our simulation analysis the authors determined that synchronization to enable compensation for body and respiratory motion could be achieved for heart rates up to 125 beats-per-minute (bpm). CONCLUSIONS: Synchronization of list-mode acquisition with external patient monitoring devices such as those employed in motion-tracking can reliably be achieved using a simple method that can be implemented using minimal external hardware and software modification through a single input channel, while still recording cardiac gating signals
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