106 research outputs found

    Les loess du Pléistocène supérieur en Belgique: comparaisons avec les séquences d'Europe centrale = The upper Pleistocene loesses of Belgium: comparisons with the sequences of central Europe

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    Recent research on the Upper Pleistocene loessic formations of northwestern and central Europe have shown that in both regions the main loess cover has been deposited between ±25 000 and ±20 000 B.P., essentially before the last maximum extend of the Scandinavian ice sheet. Nevertheless, in some areas of central Europe the loessic sedimentation was active up to the end of the Weichselian

    Le site paléolithique moyen de Mesvin

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    Paléolithique inférieur et moyen dans la région de Mons

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    Le site paléolithique moyen de Petit-Spiennes III

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    Sondages dans la nappe alluviale de Mesvin

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    L\u27industrie acheuléenne de la napppe alluviale de Mesvin

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    Sondage dans la nappe alluviale Ă  Petit-Spiennes

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    Additional data to the stratigraphy and the chronology of the Kostenki 1 (Poliakov) sequence, Voronezh, Russia:Le Sungirien, Saint-Petersbourg 2016

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    Kostenki 1 is one of the many sites of the Kostenki- Borshchevo site cluster south of Voronezh, which has a long sequence covering the Early and Mid Upper Palaeo- lithic, including the Streletskian Cultural Layer V. Here we present stratigraphic data from our 1994 eldwork (sections of the 1981-1982 excavations) and radiocarbon dates for the CL IV and V. For dating we used our cross- dating approach on high quality conifer charcoal with ABA and ABOx-SC pre-treatment on sub-samples of the same charcoal sample. Our results show that the Strelets- kian CL V dates to ~42,500 14C uncal BP and is signi - cantly older than previously though
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