19 research outputs found

    ATP and its N6-substituted analogues: parameterization, molecular dynamics simulation and conformational analysis

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    In this work we used a combination of classical molecular dynamics and simulated annealing techniques to shed more light on the conformational flexibility of 12 adenosine triphosphate (ATP) analogues in a water environment. We present simulations in AMBER force field for ATP and 12 published analogues [Shah et al. (1997) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94: 3565–3570]. The calculations were carried out using the generalized Born (GB) solvation model in the presence of the cation Mg2+. The ion was placed at a close distance (2 Å) from the charged oxygen atoms of the beta and gamma phosphate groups of the −3 negatively charged ATP analogue molecules. Analysis of the results revealed the distribution of inter-proton distances H8–H1′ and H8–H2′ versus the torsion angle ψ (C4–N9-C1′–O4′) for all conformations of ATP analogues. There are two gaps in the distribution of torsion angle ψ values: the first is between −30 and 30 degrees and is described by cis-conformation; and the second is between 90 and 175 degrees, which mostly covers a region of anti conformation. Our results compare favorably with results obtained in experimental assays [Jiang and Mao (2002) Polyhedron 21:435–438]

    Evaluation of the Safety of Neauvia Stimulate Injectable Product in Patients with Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases Based on Histopathological Examinations and Retrospective Analysis of Medical Records

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    The aim of this study was to test the effect of hyaluronic acid cross-linked with polyethylene glycol containing micronized portions of calcium hydroxyapatite (Neauvia Stimulate) on both local tissue and systemic consequences, which are crucial from the perspective of long-term safety, in patients suffering from Hashimoto's disease. This most common autoimmune disease is a frequently mentioned contraindication to the use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid as well as biostimulants based on calcium hydroxyapatite. Broad-spectrum aspects of histopathology were analyzed to identify key features of inflammatory infiltration before the procedure and 5, 21, and 150 days after the procedure. A statistically significant effect on the reduction of the intensity of the inflammatory infiltration in the tissue in relation to the state before the procedure was demonstrated, combined with a reduction in the occurrence of both antigen-recognizing (CD4) and cytotoxic (CD8) T lymphocytes. With complete statistical certainty, it was demonstrated that the treatment with Neauvia Stimulate had no effect on the levels of these antibodies. All this corresponds with the risk analysis that showed no alarming symptoms during the time of observation. The choice of hyaluronic acid fillers cross-linked with polyethylene glycol should be considered justified and safe in the case of patients suffering from Hashimoto's disease

    Application of Social Network Inferred Data to Churn Modeling in Telecoms

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    The subject of this work is the use of social network analysis to increase the effectiveness of methods used to predict churn of telephony network subscribers. The social network is created on the basis of operational data (CDR records). The result of the analysis is customer segmentation and additional predictor variables. Proposed hybrid predictor employs set of regression models tuned to specific customer segments. The verification was performed on data obtained from one of the Polish operators

    Application of the Kalman filter for the diagnosis of human biomechanics

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    W pracy przedstawiono prototyp zdigitalizowanego systemu pomiarowego do diagnostyki biomechaniki ludzkiego ciała. System pomiarowy zostanie zbudowany w ramach projektu dofinansowanego ze środków Unii Europejskiej, pod tytułem „Mobilne urządzenie do ortopedycznej diagnostyki biomechaniki i motoryki ludzkiego ciała”. W pracy przedstawiono dwie metody obliczania orientacji obiektu w przestrzeni 3D: metodę Madgwicka i filtr Kalmana. Zaprezentowano również stanowisko laboratoryjne do testowania zaproponowanych algorytmów oraz uzyskane wyniki badań.This paper presents assumptions and a prototype of a digitized measurement system for the diagnosis of human body biomechanics. The measurement system will be built as part of a project subsidized by the European Union, titled "Mobile device for orthopedic diagnostics of biomechanics and motility of the human body". The paper presents two methods for calculating the orientation of an object in 3D space: the Madgwick method and the Kalman filter. A laboratory stand for testing the proposed algorithms and obtained test results were also presented

    Technical aspects of circulating tumor cells (CTC) isolation using molecular sieve

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    W artykule przedstawiono charakterystykę krążących komórek nowotworowych (KKN) w kontekście ich wzbogacania. Pokazano możliwość stosowania sit molekularnych w procesie izolacji KKN. Wyróżniono istotne czynniki techniczne mające wpływ na skuteczność wzbogacania KKN z użyciem sit molekularnych oraz wskazano konieczność kompromisowego doboru tych parametrów. Przedstawiono konstrukcję sita 2D opracowaną w ramach działalności Centrum Inżynierii Biomedycznej WAT. Wskazano dalsze kierunki badań zakładające użycie tej konstrukcji do filtra molekularnego w formie stosu sit.The article presents the characteristics of circulating tumor cells (CTC) in the context of their enrichment. It presents the possibility of the use of molecular sieves in CTC isolation. It shows important technical factors affecting the efficiency of CTC enrichment using molecular sieves and indicates the necessity of compromise choice of these parameters. It shows 2D molecular sieve construction made within the Biomedical Engineering Centre of MUT. It presents the future directions of research which assumes the use of this construction for a molecular filter in the form of sieve stack

    Kojarzenie danych wektorowych, tworzących dokumentacje techniczną z informacjami osadzonymi w bazach grafowych

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    The paper analyzes the possibilities of further and fuller use of geometric models of empirical systems, including agriculture, created at the level of AutoCAD. The analysis focuses primarily on opportunities for better mapping of existing links between graphic elements, unreadable or impossible to present at the level of digital technical documentation in the form of a graph structures offered by Neo4j. Information technologies, recognized and presented as necessary to achieve that objective were subsequently used to design and produce an application as a plug-in for AutoCAD. This application allows generating and management of created connections between geometric objects and their visualization both in the AutoCAD and available client software integrated with Neo4j platform.Przeanalizowano możliwości dalszego, pełniejszego wykorzystania modeli geometrycznych systemów empirycznych, w tym dotyczących rolnictwa, tworzonych na poziomie AutoCAD-a. Analiza dotyczyła w głównej mierze możliwości pełniejszego odwzorowania istniejących powiązań pomiędzy elementami graficznymi, nieczytelnymi bądź niemożliwymi do przedstawienia na poziomie cyfrowej dokumentacji technicznej w formie struktur grafowych oferowanych przez Neo4j. Rozpoznano i przedstawiono niezbędne do realizacji tego celu technologie informatyczne, które następnie wykorzystano do zaprojektowania i wytworzenia aplikacji w formie plug-in dla AutoCAD. Aplikacja ta pozwala na generowanie, a następnie na zarządzanie utworzonymi powiązaniami pomiędzy obiektami geometrycznymi oraz ich wizualizację zarówno po stronie AutoCAD-a, jak i dostępnego programu klienckiego zintegrowanego z platformą Neo4j