2,679 research outputs found

    Natural entropy fluctuations discriminate similar looking electric signals emitted from systems of different dynamics

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    Complexity measures are introduced, that quantify the change of the natural entropy fluctuations at different length scales in time-series emitted from systems operating far from equilibrium. They identify impending sudden cardiac death (SD) by analyzing fifteen minutes electrocardiograms, and comparing to those of truly healthy humans (H). These measures seem to be complementary to the ones suggested recently [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 70}, 011106 (2004)] and altogether enable the classification of individuals into three categories: H, heart disease patients and SD. All the SD individuals, who exhibit critical dynamics, result in a common behavior.Comment: Published in Physical Review

    Galilean and Dynamical Invariance of Entanglement in Particle Scattering

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    Particle systems admit a variety of tensor product structures (TPSs) depending on the algebra of observables chosen for analysis. Global symmetry transformations and dynamical transformations may be resolved into local unitary operators with respect to certain TPSs and not with respect to others. Symmetry-invariant and dynamical-invariant TPSs are defined and various notions of entanglement are considered for scattering states.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; v.3 has typos corrected, a new reference, and a revised conclusio

    Entropy in the natural time-domain

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    A surrogate data analysis is presented, which is based on the fluctuations of the ``entropy'' SS defined in the natural time-domain [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 68}, 031106, 2003]. This entropy is not a static one as, for example, the Shannon entropy. The analysis is applied to three types of time-series, i.e., seismic electric signals, ``artificial'' noises and electrocardiograms, and ``recognizes'' the non-Markovianity in all these signals. Furthermore, it differentiates the electrocardiograms of healthy humans from those of the sudden cardiac death ones. If δS\delta S and δSshuf\delta S_{shuf} denote the standard deviation when calculating the entropy by means of a time-window sweeping through the original data and the ``shuffled'' (randomized) data, respectively, it seems that the ratio δSshuf/δS\delta S_{shuf}/\delta S plays a key-role. The physical meaning of δSshuf\delta S_{shuf} is investigated.Comment: Published in Physical Review

    How to reconcile the Rosenbluth and the polarization transfer method in the measurement of the proton form factors

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    The apparent discrepancy between the Rosenbluth and the polarization transfer method for the ratio of the electric to magnetic proton form factors can be explained by a two-photon exchange correction which does not destroy the linearity of the Rosenbluth plot. Though intrinsically small, of the order of a few percent of the cross section, this correction is kinematically enhanced in the Rosenbluth method while it is small for the polarization transfer method, at least in the range of (Q^2) where it has been used until now.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Stress-energy tensor for a quantised bulk scalar field in the Randall-Sundrum brane model

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    We calculate the vacuum expectation value of the stress-energy tensor for a quantised bulk scalar field in the Randall-Sundrum model, and discuss the consequences of its local behaviour for the self-consistency of the model. We find that, in general, the stress-energy tensor diverges in the vicinity of the branes. Our main conclusion is that the stress-energy tensor is sufficiently complicated that it has implications for the effective potential, or radion stabilisation, methods that have so far been used.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. Minor changes made and references added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Post-Newtonian corrections to the motion of spinning bodies in NRGR

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    In this paper we include spin and multipole moment effects in the formalism used to describe the motion of extended objects recently introduced in hep-th/0409156. A suitable description for spinning bodies is developed and spin-orbit, spin-spin and quadrupole-spin Hamiltonians are found at leading order. The existence of tidal, as well as self induced finite size effects is shown, and the contribution to the Hamiltonian is calculated in the latter. It is shown that tidal deformations start formally at O(v^6) and O(v^10) for maximally rotating general and compact objects respectively, whereas self induced effects can show up at leading order. Agreement is found for the cases where the results are known.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures. Typos corrected, to appear in Physical Review

    B\Bbar mixing with the bulk fields in the Randall-Sundrum model

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    We calculate the B\Bbar mixing in the Randall-Sundrum bulk model. In this model, all the Standard Model fields except the Higgs can reside in the bulk. Two suggestive models of "mixed" and "relaxed" scenarios are considered. We find that the enhancement of the loop function is 0.51% for the "relaxed" and 1.07% for the "mixed" scenario when the first 4th KK modes are included, for a bulk fermion mass parameter ν=0.3\nu=-0.3.Comment: REVTEX, 20 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum superposition principle and gravitational collapse: Scattering times for spherical shells

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    A quantum theory of spherically symmetric thin shells of null dust and their gravitational field is studied. In Nucl. Phys. 603 (2001) 515 (hep-th/0007005), it has been shown how superpositions of quantum states with different geometries can lead to a solution of the singularity problem and black hole information paradox: the shells bounce and re-expand and the evolution is unitary. The corresponding scattering times will be defined in the present paper. To this aim, a spherical mirror of radius R_m is introduced. The classical formula for scattering times of the shell reflected from the mirror is extended to quantum theory. The scattering times and their spreads are calculated. They have a regular limit for R_m\to 0 and they reveal a resonance at E_m = c^4R_m/2G. Except for the resonance, they are roughly of the order of the time the light needs to cross the flat space distance between the observer and the mirror. Some ideas are discussed of how the construction of the quantum theory could be changed so that the scattering times become considerably longer.Comment: 30 pages and 5 figures; the post-referee version: shortened and some formulations improved; to be published in Physical Revie

    Memory beyond memory in heart beating: an efficient way to detect pathological conditions

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    We study the long-range correlations of heartbeat fluctuations with the method of diffusion entropy. We show that this method of analysis yields a scaling parameter δ\delta that apparently conflicts with the direct evaluation of the distribution of times of sojourn in states with a given heartbeat frequency. The strength of the memory responsible for this discrepancy is given by a parameter ϵ2\epsilon^{2}, which is derived from real data. The distribution of patients in the (δ\delta, ϵ2\epsilon^{2})-plane yields a neat separation of the healthy from the congestive heart failure subjects.Comment: submitted to Physical Review Letters, 5 figure