123 research outputs found

    Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Puget Sound: A Comparison of Spatial and Temporal Levels and Occurrence

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    The occurrence and fate of Contaminants of Emerging Concern (CECs) in the environment is a function of source strength, hydrodynamics, and susceptibility to environmental degradation. Puget Sound is an ideal location for the investigation of CECs due to the wide variety and magnitude of anthropogenic impacts on source strength. In this study, the spatial and temporal variability of a suite of CECs was investigated in samples collected in the estuarine waters of Puget Sound. The investigated CECs were comprised of approximately 20 pharmaceuticals (acetaminophen, ibuprofen), food ingredients (caffeine, sucralose), metabolites (paraxanthine, cotinine), and herbicides (atrazine, mecoprop). Spatial variability was investigated via a 3-day, “snapshot” sampling event coordinated with citizen scientists in June of 2013 that encompassed sampling locations ranging from Padilla Bay in Anacortes to Budd Inlet in South Puget Sound. Temporal variability was investigated through repeated monitoring of the Thea Foss Waterway in Tacoma over approximately 6 months. Approximately 1 liter of water was collected at all sampling locations, filtered through 0.2 micron filters, adjusted to pH 8, extracted with solid phase extraction, and eluted with organic solvent. Final extract volumes were approximately 1.5 ml, (a concentration factor of approximately 1000). Extracts were analyzed with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (triple quadrupole mass analyzers). Method detection limits for most CECs investigated were below 5 ng/L (mass CEC per sample volume). Some of the CECs investigated were ubiquitous (Detection Frequency greater than 75%) in both the spatial and temporal variability sample sets, including caffeine, sucralose, mecoprop, and sulfamethoxazole. However, the measured CEC concentrations exhibited pronounced differences depending on the CEC, from mean concentrations of ~25 ng/L for sucralose to below 0.25 ng/L for mecoprop in the snapshot samples. In the snapshot samples, positive correlations (R2 greater than 0.6) were observed between carbamazepine and sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine and sucralose, and theobromine and paraxanthine. These measurements of CECs represent some of the first of their kind in Puget Sound and demonstrate variability, or lack thereof, in CEC concentrations in space and time

    Activating Background Knowledge: Strategies for Beginning and Poor Readers

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    Reflective Thinking and Growth in Novices\u27 Teaching Abilities

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    Despite considerable differences in interpretations and agendas, reflective teaching programs are governed by the assumption that thoughtful and critically questioning novices will develop expertise in teaching abilities. However, there is no reported research that specifically examines prospective teachers\u27 reflective thoughts in relation to improvement in teaching. This study examined the relationship between future teachers\u27 reflections and growth in their teaching abilities in an early field placement. Data gathered over one semester from reflective journals and multiple observations were analyzed and descriptive statistics included. Results suggest that teacher preparation programs should foster reflective thinking as an important facet of growth in teaching abilities

    Wind Micro-Turbines for Domestic Hydrogen Production?

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    Whole Language Teaching and Mandated District Objectives Are Compatible

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    Many teachers with a whole language philosophical orientation question how to cover mandated district objectives using whole language instruction. One problem is that curriculum objectives are usually presented in discrete, isolated fragments. Second, teachers are also expected to document what skills they have covered. Third, specific guidelines which demonstrate how teachers can structure whole language classroom activities are lacking. This paper presents a vignette which provides answers to teachers who wish to initiate whole language instruction and also cover district objectives. The teacher in the vignette follows curriculum guidelines and: (1) allows her students\u27 interests and instructional needs to determine what is directly taught and reviewed; (2) incorporates reading/language arts lessons with multiple disciplines when appropriate; (3) integrates and interrelates reading and writing instruction; (4) promotes student/teacher collaboration and student discussion and decision making; (5) makes learning meaningful, personal and functional; and (6) helps students to participate actively in their own learning