222 research outputs found

    Crossover from Percolation to Self-Organized Criticality

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    We include immunity against fire as a new parameter into the self-organized critical forest-fire model. When the immunity assumes a critical value, clusters of burnt trees are identical to percolation clusters of random bond percolation. As long as the immunity is below its critical value, the asymptotic critical exponents are those of the original self-organized critical model, i.e. the system performs a crossover from percolation to self-organized criticality. We present a scaling theory and computer simulation results.Comment: 4 pages Revtex, two figures included, to be published in PR

    Boolean networks with reliable dynamics

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    We investigated the properties of Boolean networks that follow a given reliable trajectory in state space. A reliable trajectory is defined as a sequence of states which is independent of the order in which the nodes are updated. We explored numerically the topology, the update functions, and the state space structure of these networks, which we constructed using a minimum number of links and the simplest update functions. We found that the clustering coefficient is larger than in random networks, and that the probability distribution of three-node motifs is similar to that found in gene regulation networks. Among the update functions, only a subset of all possible functions occur, and they can be classified according to their probability. More homogeneous functions occur more often, leading to a dominance of canalyzing functions. Finally, we studied the entire state space of the networks. We observed that with increasing systems size, fixed points become more dominant, moving the networks close to the frozen phase.Comment: 11 Pages, 15 figure

    Scaling laws and simulation results for the self--organized critical forest--fire model

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    We discuss the properties of a self--organized critical forest--fire model which has been introduced recently. We derive scaling laws and define critical exponents. The values of these critical exponents are determined by computer simulations in 1 to 8 dimensions. The simulations suggest a critical dimension dc=6d_c=6 above which the critical exponents assume their mean--field values. Changing the lattice symmetry and allowing trees to be immune against fire, we show that the critical exponents are universal.Comment: 12 pages, postscript uuencoded, figures included, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Renormalization group approach to the critical behavior of the forest fire model

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    We introduce a Renormalization scheme for the one and two dimensional Forest-Fire models in order to characterize the nature of the critical state and its scale invariant dynamics. We show the existence of a relevant scaling field associated with a repulsive fixed point. This model is therefore critical in the usual sense because the control parameter has to be tuned to its critical value in order to get criticality. It turns out that this is not just the condition for a time scale separation. The critical exponents are computed analytically and we obtain ν=1.0\nu=1.0, τ=1.0\tau=1.0 and ν=0.65\nu=0.65, τ=1.16\tau=1.16 respectively for the one and two dimensional case, in very good agreement with numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 uuencoded Postcript figure

    Forest fires and other examples of self-organized criticality

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    We review the properties of the self-organized critical (SOC) forest-fire model. The paradigm of self-organized criticality refers to the tendency of certain large dissipative systems to drive themselves into a critical state independent of the initial conditions and without fine-tuning of the parameters. After an introduction, we define the rules of the model and discuss various large-scale structures which may appear in this system. The origin of the critical behavior is explained, critical exponents are introduced, and scaling relations between the exponents are derived. Results of computer simulations and analytical calculations are summarized. The existence of an upper critical dimension and the universality of the critical behavior under changes of lattice symmetry or the introduction of immunity are discussed. A survey of interesting modifications of the forest-fire model is given. Finally, several other important SOC models are briefly described.Comment: 37 pages RevTeX, 13 PostScript figures (Figs 1, 4, 13 are of reduced quality to keep download times small

    Exact Results for the One-Dimensional Self-Organized Critical Forest-Fire Model

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    We present the analytic solution of the self-organized critical (SOC) forest-fire model in one dimension proving SOC in systems without conservation laws by analytic means. Under the condition that the system is in the steady state and very close to the critical point, we calculate the probability that a string of nn neighboring sites is occupied by a given configuration of trees. The critical exponent describing the size distribution of forest clusters is exactly τ=2\tau = 2 and does not change under certain changes of the model rules. Computer simulations confirm the analytic results.Comment: 12 pages REVTEX, 2 figures upon request, dro/93/

    The self-organized critical forest-fire model on large scales

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    We discuss the scaling behavior of the self-organized critical forest-fire model on large length scales. As indicated in earlier publications, the forest-fire model does not show conventional critical scaling, but has two qualitatively different types of fires that superimpose to give the effective exponents typically measured in simulations. We show that this explains not only why the exponent characterizing the fire-size distribution changes with increasing correlation length, but allows also to predict its asymptotic value. We support our arguments by computer simulations of a coarse-grained model, by scaling arguments and by analyzing states that are created artificially by superimposing the two types of fires.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Boolean networks with robust and reliable trajectories

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    We construct and investigate Boolean networks that follow a given reliable trajectory in state space, which is insensitive to fluctuations in the updating schedule, and which is also robust against noise. Robustness is quantified as the probability that the dynamics return to the reliable trajectory after a perturbation of the state of a single node. In order to achieve high robustness, we navigate through the space of possible update functions by using an evolutionary algorithm. We constrain the networks to having the minimum number of connections required to obtain the reliable trajectory. Surprisingly, we find that robustness always reaches values close to 100 percent during the evolutionary optimization process. The set of update functions can be evolved such that it differs only slightly from that of networks that were not optimized with respect to robustness. The state space of the optimized networks is dominated by the basin of attraction of the reliable trajectory.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    The complex scaling behavior of non--conserved self--organized critical systems

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    The Olami--Feder--Christensen earthquake model is often considered the prototype dissipative self--organized critical model. It is shown that the size distribution of events in this model results from a complex interplay of several different phenomena, including limited floating--point precision. Parallels between the dynamics of synchronized regions and those of a system with periodic boundary conditions are pointed out, and the asymptotic avalanche size distribution is conjectured to be dominated by avalanches of size one, with the weight of larger avalanches converging towards zero as the system size increases.Comment: 4 pages revtex4, 5 figure

    Noise in random Boolean networks

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    We investigate the effect of noise on Random Boolean Networks. Noise is implemented as a probability pp that a node does not obey its deterministic update rule. We define two order parameters, the long-time average of the Hamming distance between a network with and without noise, and the average frozenness, which is a measure of the extent to which a node prefers one of the two Boolean states. We evaluate both order parameters as function of the noise strength, finding a smooth transition from deterministic (p=0p=0) to fully stochastic (p=1/2p=1/2) dynamics for networks with K2K\le2, and a first order transition at p=0p=0 for K>2K>2. Most of the results obtained by computer simulation are also derived analytically. The average Hamming distance can be evaluated using the annealed approximation. In order to obtain the distribution of frozenness as function of the noise strength, more sophisticated self-consistent calculations had to be performed. This distribution is a collection of delta peaks for K=1, and it has a fractal sructure for K>1K>1, approaching a continuous distribution in the limit K1K\gg1.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl