57 research outputs found

    Statistička analiza nanokapsuliranja niskomolekularnog heparina

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    The objective of this study was to use Box-Behnken design (BBD) to investigate the influence of formulation variables on the properties of heparin-loaded poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)-Eudragit-RLPO (E-RLPO) nanoparticles (NP) in terms of mean diameter (as size) and drug encapsulation efficiency. The NPs were prepared by the double emulsion solvent evaporation method. The independent variables were: X1 olymer mass ratio (PLGA:E-RLPO) in the oil phase, X2 concentration of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) as emulsion stabilizer, and X3 volume of the external aqueous phase (W2). Particle size (analyzed by dynamic light scattering) and encapsulation efficiency (EE, estimated by spectrophotometry) were the investigated responses. The polynomial equation obtained from regression analysis of the reduced model (p = 0.0002, F = 25.7952 and R2 = 0.96) provided an excellent fit. The optimal size for the NP was found to be 134.2 ± 16.5 nm with formulation variables of 48.2:61.8, 0.321 (%, m/V) and 263 mL for X1, X2 and X3, respectively. Probably, due to electrostatic interaction between the negatively charged drug and the positively charged E-RLPO, the percent EE of heparin was between 74.4 ± 6.5 % (lowest value) and 92.1 ± 5.3 % (highest value). The data suggest that BBD is a useful tool in rational design of heparin-loaded NPs.Box-Behnkenovo dizajniranje (BBD) primijenjeno je za praćenje utjecaja formulacijskih varijabli na svojstva nanočestica (NP) s heparinom. Za izradu nanočestica korišten je kopolimer mliječne i glikolne kiseline (PLGA) i Eudragit-RLPO (E-RLPO). Nanočestice su pripravljene metodom dvostruke evaporacije otapala iz emulzije. Nezavisne varijable bile su: X1 omjer masa polimera (PLGA : E-RLPO) u uljnoj fazi, X2 koncentracija polivinil alkohola (PVA) kao stabilizatora emulzije i X3 volumen vanjske vodene faze (W2). Zavisne varijable bile su veličina čestica (analizirana pomoću dinamičkog rasapa svjetlosti) i učinkovitost inkapsuliranja (EE) (praćena spektrofotometrijski). Polinomska jednadžba dobivena regresijskom analizom reduciranog modela odlično je odgovarala (p = 0,0002, F = 25,7952 i R2 = 0,96). Optimalna veličina nanočestica bila je 134,2 ± 16,5 nm s formulacijskim varijablama 48,2:61,8, 0,321 (%, m/V) i 263 mL for X1, X2 odnosno X3. Vjerojatno je zbog elektrostatskih interakcija između negativno nabijene ljekovite tvari i pozitivno nabijenog E-RLPO učinkovitost inkapsuliranja heparina varirala od 74,4 ± 6,5 % (najniža vrijednost) do 92,1 ± 5,3 % (najviša vrijednost). Rezultati sugeriraju da je BBD vrlo korisno u racionalnom dizajniranju nanočestica s heparinom

    Sudden infant death syndrome: Effect of breast and formula feeding on frontal cortex and brainstem lipid levels

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    MethodologyDocosahexaenoic acid levels were measured by gas chromatography in samples of frontal lobe and brainstem taken from 28 and 26 infants, respectively, who had died of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).ResultsSignificantly higher levels of docosahexaenoic acid were present in the frontal lobe tissues derived from the 13 breast fed infants (age range = 3.3-36.3 weeks; mean 15.9 +/- 11.3 weeks) compared to the 15 formula fed infants (age range = 6.9-47.7 weeks; mean 19.3 +/- 10.6 weeks); mean (+/- s.d.) levels were 8.5 +/- 1.1% and 7.6 +/- 0.8% of total fatty acids (P = 0.019). There was, however, no significant difference in brainstem docosahexaenoic acid levels between breast and formula fed infants.ConclusionsGiven these variable findings, further investigation of the relationship between dietary fatty acid intake and cerebral lipid levels may help to clarify whether different modes of feeding have a role in the pathogenesis of SIDS

    Competencias informacionales básicas para el ingreso a la la FHyCS-UNaM. 16H249

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    El proyecto se instala ante la necesidad percibida de conocer el grado de alfabetización informacional de los ingresantes, en la comunidad académica de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, con el fin de identificar los puntos sobresalientes de la brecha informacional, que se advierte como existente, frente a los requerimientos iniciales para acceder a la institución. El diseño explorara el conocimiento acumulado por investigaciones previas sobre nuestros ingresantes, facilitando su identificación y caracterización curricular. Nos proponemos: identificar y definir las competencias informacionales básicas requeridas por la institución; explicar el estado de la alfabetización informacional de los ingresantes de la FHyCS-UNaM, traducirlas a objetivos pedagógicos; para finalmente transformar los conceptos y procedimientos consensuados en estrategias que promuevan el acceso y la formación permanente. Las áreas abordadas: educación, informática y ciencias de la información, determinaron la discusión y conformación de un equipo interdisciplinario, y la complementariedad de paradigmas, teorías y enfoques metodológicos variados, para explicar y analizar el objeto de estudio. Como resultados se pretende aportar elementos teóricos, conceptuales y esquemas de acción que faciliten a través de las TIC, la accesibilidad y permanencia del alumnado ingresante en la comunidad universitaria