2,885 research outputs found

    Hispanic Ethnicity Is Associated With Increased Hospital Charges After Radical Cystectomy in the United States

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    Objective: To examine the impact of race and ethnicity on financial charges associated with radical cystectomy (RC). Data Sources/Study Setting: The Nationwide Inpatient Sample was used to identify patients who underwent RC for bladder cancer between 1998 and 2010. Study Design: The primary outcome was total hospital charges adjusted for inflation. Multivariate analysis was performed using a generalized linear model on the logarithmically transformed outcome variable (total hospital charges) after adjusting for age, sex, race, Elixhauser comorbidities, surgical approach, year, primary payer, hospital and surgeon annual RC volume, hospital characteristics, and postoperative complications. Principle findings: A total of 14,873 patients were identified. Hispanic and black patients were more likely to be treated by low-volume surgeons and/or institutions (both P=.07). Conclusions: Hispanic ethnicity but not black race predicts higher hospital charges after RC

    Measuring Baryon Acoustic Oscillations with Millions of Supernovae

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    Since type Ia Supernovae (SNe) explode in galaxies, they can, in principle, be used as the same tracer of the large-scale structure as their hosts to measure baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs). To realize this, one must obtain a dense integrated sampling of SNe over a large fraction of the sky, which may only be achievable photometrically with future projects such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. The advantage of SN BAOs is that SNe have more uniform luminosities and more accurate photometric redshifts than galaxies, but the disadvantage is that they are transitory and hard to obtain in large number at high redshift. We find that a half-sky photometric SN survey to redshift z = 0.8 is able to measure the baryon signature in the SN spatial power spectrum. Although dark energy constraints from SN BAOs are weak, they can significantly improve the results from SN luminosity distances of the same data, and the combination of the two is no longer sensitive to cosmic microwave background priors.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, ApJL accepte

    Discovery of a Galaxy Cluster via Weak Lensing

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    We report the discovery of a cluster of galaxies via its weak gravitational lensing effect on background galaxies, the first spectroscopically confirmed cluster to be discovered through its gravitational effects rather than by its electromagnetic radiation. This fundamentally different selection mechanism promises to yield mass-selected, rather than baryon or photon-selected, samples of these important cosmological probes. We have confirmed this cluster with spectroscopic redshifts of fifteen members at z=0.276, with a velocity dispersion of 615 km/s. We use the tangential shear as a function of source photometric redshift to estimate the lens redshift independently and find z_l = 0.30 +- 0.08. The good agreement with the spectroscopy indicates that the redshift evolution of the mass function may be measurable from the imaging data alone in shear-selected surveys.Comment: revised version with minor changes, to appear in ApJ

    A Bayesian Approach to the Detection Problem in Gravitational Wave Astronomy

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    The analysis of data from gravitational wave detectors can be divided into three phases: search, characterization, and evaluation. The evaluation of the detection - determining whether a candidate event is astrophysical in origin or some artifact created by instrument noise - is a crucial step in the analysis. The on-going analyses of data from ground based detectors employ a frequentist approach to the detection problem. A detection statistic is chosen, for which background levels and detection efficiencies are estimated from Monte Carlo studies. This approach frames the detection problem in terms of an infinite collection of trials, with the actual measurement corresponding to some realization of this hypothetical set. Here we explore an alternative, Bayesian approach to the detection problem, that considers prior information and the actual data in hand. Our particular focus is on the computational techniques used to implement the Bayesian analysis. We find that the Parallel Tempered Markov Chain Monte Carlo (PTMCMC) algorithm is able to address all three phases of the anaylsis in a coherent framework. The signals are found by locating the posterior modes, the model parameters are characterized by mapping out the joint posterior distribution, and finally, the model evidence is computed by thermodynamic integration. As a demonstration, we consider the detection problem of selecting between models describing the data as instrument noise, or instrument noise plus the signal from a single compact galactic binary. The evidence ratios, or Bayes factors, computed by the PTMCMC algorithm are found to be in close agreement with those computed using a Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, revised to address referee's comment

    Machine Learned Particle Detector Simulations

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    The use of machine learning algorithms is an attractive way to produce very fast detector simulations for scattering reactions that can otherwise be computationally expensive. Here we develop a factorised approach where we deal with each particle produced in a reaction individually: first determine if it was detected (acceptance) and second determine its reconstructed variables such as four momentum (reconstruction). For the acceptance we propose using a probability classification density ratio technique to determine the probability the particle was detected as a function of many variables. Neural Network and Boosted Decision Tree classifiers were tested for this purpose and we found using a combination of both, through a reweighting stage, provided the most reliable results. For reconstruction a simple method of synthetic data generation, based on nearest neighbour or decision trees was developed. Using a toy parameterised detector we demonstrate that such a method can reliably and accurately reproduce kinematic distributions from a physics reaction. The relatively simple algorithms allow for small training overheads whilst producing reliable results. Possible applications for such fast simulated data include Toy-MC studies of parameter extraction, preprocessing expensive simulations or generating templates for background distributions shapes

    Adaptive thermal compensation of test masses in advanced LIGO

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    As the first generation of laser interferometric gravitational wave detectors near operation, research and development has begun on increasing the instrument's sensitivity while utilizing the existing infrastructure. In the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO), significant improvements are being planned for installation in ~2007, increasing strain sensitivity through improved suspensions and test mass substrates, active seismic isolation, and higher input laser power. Even with the highest quality optics available today, however, finite absorption of laser power within transmissive optics, coupled with the tremendous amount of optical power circulating in various parts of the interferometer, result in critical wavefront deformations which would cripple the performance of the instrument. Discussed is a method of active wavefront correction via direct thermal actuation on optical elements of the interferometer. A simple nichrome heating element suspended off the face of an affected optic will, through radiative heating, remove the gross axisymmetric part of the original thermal distortion. A scanning heating laser will then be used to remove any remaining non-axisymmetric wavefront distortion, generated by inhomogeneities in the substrate's absorption, thermal conductivity, etc. A proof-of-principle experiment has been constructed at MIT, selected data of which are presented.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Rings of Dark Matter in Collisions Between Clusters of Galaxies

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that the galaxy cluster Cl0024+17, an apparently relaxed system, is actually a collision of two clusters, the interaction occurring along our line of sight. Recent lensing observations suggest the presence of a ring-like dark matter structure, which has been interpreted as the result of such a collision. In this paper we present NN-body simulations of cluster collisions along the line of sight to investigate the detectability of such features. We use realistic dark matter density profiles as determined from cosmological simulations. Our simulations show a "shoulder" in the dark matter distribution after the collision, but no ring feature even when the initial particle velocity distribution is highly tangentially anisotropic (σθ/σr>>1\sigma_\theta/\sigma_r >> 1). Only when the initial particle velocity distribution is circular do our simulations show such a feature. Even modestly anisotropic velocity distributions are inconsistent with the halo velocity distributions seen in cosmological simulations, and would require highly fine-tuned initial conditions. Our investigation leaves us without an explanation for the dark matter ring-like feature in Cl 0024+17 suggested by lensing observations.Comment: 7 pages (emulateapj), 9 figures. Expanded figures and text to match accepted versio

    The Faint End Slopes Of Galaxy Luminosity Functions In The COSMOS 2-Square Degree Field

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    We examine the faint-end slope of the rest-frame V-band luminosity function (LF), with respect to galaxy spectral type, of field galaxies with redshift z<0.5, using a sample of 80,820 galaxies with photometric redshifts in the Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field. For all galaxy spectral types combined, the LF slope, alpha, ranges from -1.24 to -1.12, from the lowest redshift bin to the highest. In the lowest redshift bin (0.02<z<0.1), where the magnitude limit is M(V) ~ -13, the slope ranges from ~ -1.1 for galaxies with early-type spectral energy distributions (SEDs), to ~ -1.9 for galaxies with low-extinction starburst SEDs. In each galaxy SED category (Ell, Sbc, Scd/Irr, and starburst), the faint-end slopes grow shallower with increasing redshift; in the highest redshift bin (0.4<z<0.5), the slope is ~ -0.5 and ~ -1.3 for early-types and starbursts respectively. The steepness of alpha at lower redshift could be qualitatively explained by large numbers of faint dwarf galaxies, perhaps of low surface brightness, which are not detected at higher redshifts.Comment: 24 pages including 5 figures, accepted to ApJ

    Synoptic Sky Surveys and the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background: Removing Astrophysical Uncertainties and Revealing Invisible Supernovae

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    The cumulative (anti)neutrino production from all core-collapse supernovae within our cosmic horizon gives rise to the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB), which is on the verge of detectability. The observed flux depends on supernova physics, but also on the cosmic history of supernova explosions; currently, the cosmic supernova rate introduces a substantial (+/-40%) uncertainty, largely through its absolute normalization. However, a new class of wide-field, repeated-scan (synoptic) optical sky surveys is coming online, and will map the sky in the time domain with unprecedented depth, completeness, and dynamic range. We show that these surveys will obtain the cosmic supernova rate by direct counting, in an unbiased way and with high statistics, and thus will allow for precise predictions of the DSNB. Upcoming sky surveys will substantially reduce the uncertainties in the DSNB source history to an anticipated +/-5% that is dominated by systematics, so that the observed high-energy flux thus will test supernova neutrino physics. The portion of the universe (z < 1) accessible to upcoming sky surveys includes the progenitors of a large fraction (~ 87%) of the expected 10-26 MeV DSNB event rate. We show that precision determination of the (optically detected) cosmic supernova history will also make the DSNB into a strong probe of an extra flux of neutrinos from optically invisible supernovae, which may be unseen either due to unexpected large dust obscuration in host galaxies, or because some core-collapse events proceed directly to black hole formation and fail to give an optical outburst.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Two-sided estimates of minimum-error distinguishability of mixed quantum states via generalized Holevo-Curlander bounds

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    We prove a concise factor-of-2 estimate for the failure rate of optimally distinguishing an arbitrary ensemble of mixed quantum states, generalizing work of Holevo [Theor. Probab. Appl. 23, 411 (1978)] and Curlander [Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, 1979]. A modification to the minimal principle of Cocha and Poor [Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement, and Computing (Rinton, Princeton, NJ, 2003)] is used to derive a suboptimal measurement which has an error rate within a factor of 2 of the optimal by construction. This measurement is quadratically weighted and has appeared as the first iterate of a sequence of measurements proposed by Jezek et al. [Phys. Rev. A 65, 060301 (2002)]. Unlike the so-called pretty good measurement, it coincides with Holevo's asymptotically optimal measurement in the case of nonequiprobable pure states. A quadratically weighted version of the measurement bound by Barnum and Knill [J. Math. Phys. 43, 2097 (2002)] is proven. Bounds on the distinguishability of syndromes in the sense of Schumacher and Westmoreland [Phys. Rev. A 56, 131 (1997)] appear as a corollary. An appendix relates our bounds to the trace-Jensen inequality.Comment: It was not realized at the time of publication that the lower bound of Theorem 10 has a simple generalization using matrix monotonicity (See [J. Math. Phys. 50, 062102]). Furthermore, this generalization is a trivial variation of a previously-obtained bound of Ogawa and Nagaoka [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 45, 2486-2489 (1999)], which had been overlooked by the autho