260 research outputs found

    The Inherent Power in Mapping Ownership

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    A Review of The Cadastral Map in the Service of the State: A History of Property Mapping by Roger J.P. Kain and Elizabeth Baigen

    Monitoring der myokardialen Pumpfunktion

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    Enzymfreisetzung und Aktivierung der Kallikrein-Kinin-Systeme bei experimenteller Pankreatitis

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    Das klinische Bild der akuten Pankreatitis wird entscheidend durch die sekundĂ€re SchĂ€digung von Herz-Kreislauf-System, Lunge und Niere bestimmt. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, durch Messungen in venösem Pankreasblut, Pankreaslymphe und Peritonealexsudat die Kompartimente zu bestimmen, ĂŒber die die systemischen SchĂ€digungen vermittelt werden. An anĂ€sthesierten Schweinen wurden die systemischen, hĂ€modynamischen Parameter durch gesteuerte Volumentherapie konstant gehalten. Die Schweine wurden randomisiert der Kontrollgruppe (n = 9) oder einer der Pankreatitisgruppen zugeteilt (jeweils n = 10). Die Pankreatitis wurde durch Infusion von freier FettsĂ€ure in die Pankreasarterien (FFS) oder durch Infusion einer 5%igen Natrium-Taurocholat-Lösung retrograd in den Pankreasgang (NaT) ausgelöst. Nach Isolation des Pankreas wurde venöses Pankreasblut, Pankreaslymphe und Peritonealexsudat gewonnen und die AktivitĂ€t von Lipase, Phospholipase A und Plasmaprokallikrein sowie die Konzentration von Organkallikrein und Kininogen bestimmt. In beiden Pankreatitismodellen fand sich ein Anstieg der EnzymaktivitĂ€ten. Die höchsten AktivitĂ€ten fanden sich im Peritonealexsudat (Phospholipase A nach 40 min: Kontrolle 10,0 U/1, NaT 72,2 U/1). In beiden Pankreatitismodellen fanden sich außerdem Hinweise fĂŒr eine Aktivierung des Organkallikrein-Kinin-Systems durch den Anstieg der Organkallikreinkonzentration und den Abfall der Gesamtkininogenkonzentration. Die stĂ€rksten VerĂ€nderungen fanden sich wieder im Peritonealexsudat (Organkallikrein nach 40 min: Kontrolle 14,7 ng/ml, NaT 452 ng/ml).The clinical course of acute pancreatitis is strongly influenced by secondary cardiac, pulmonary and renal damage. The aim of the present study was to gather information about the compartment promoting the systemic damage. Therefore the activity of lipase, phospholipase A and plasmaprokallikrein and the concentration of tissue kallikrein and kininogen were measured in portal venous blood, pancreatic lymph and peritoneal exudate. Anaesthetized pigs were subjected to fluid resuscitation to keep systemic haemodynamic parameters constant. The pancreas was isolated in situ. The pigs were randomly assigned to a control group (n = 9) or one of the two pancreatitis groups (n = 10 each). Pancreatitis was induced by i.a. infusion of free fatty acid (FFS) or retrograde infusion of 5 % sodium taurocholate intraductally (NaT). In both pancreatitis groups the activity of lipase and phospholipase A increased. The most pronounced changes were seen in the peritoneal exsudate (phospholipase A activity 40 min after induction: control 10.0 U/1, NaT 72.2 U/1). In both pancreatitis groups there was evidence for activation of the tissue kallikreinkinin system in the form of an increase in the kallikrein concentration and a decrease in the kininogen concentration. Again the changes were most pronounced in the peritoneal exsudate (tissue kallikrein 40 min after induction: control 14.7 ng/ml, NaT 452 ng/ml)

    Serum heparan sulfate levels are elevated in endotoxemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increased vascular permeability is a characteristic feature of sepsis which, in the past, has been ascribed exclusively to a malfunction of endothelial cells. However, recently it has become evident that the endothelial glycocalyx is of considerable importance concerning various aspects of vascular physiology, e.g. the vascular barrier and inflammation. Heparan sulfate, one of its essential components is characteristically traceable in blood, in case the endothelial glycocalyx is damaged or destroyed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 15 pigs we investigated whether the administration of endotoxin from gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli) results in increased serum levels of heparan sulfate, signalizing a shedding of the glycocalyx. In addition, markers of inflammation (white blood cell count, platelet count, tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6) were evaluated over an observation period of 6 hours.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Serum heparan sulfate concentrations significantly increased over time in the endotoxin group and were significantly elevated in comparison to the control group 6 hours after administration of endotoxin (p < 0.001). In the endotoxin group all markers of inflammation significantly changed during the time course.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The administration of bacterial endotoxin induced a significant rise in degradation products of the endothelial glycocalyx.</p

    The endothelial glycocalyx prefers albumin for evoking shear stress-induced, nitric oxide-mediated coronary dilatation

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    Background: Shear stress induces coronary dilatation via production of nitric oxide ( NO). This should involve the endothelial glycocalyx ( EG). A greater effect was expected of albumin versus hydroxyethyl starch ( HES) perfusion, because albumin seals coronary leaks more effectively than HES in an EG-dependent way. Methods: Isolated hearts ( guinea pigs) were perfused at constant pressure with Krebs-Henseleit buffer augmented with 1/3 volume 5% human albumin or 6% HES ( 200/0.5 or 450/0.7). Coronary flow was also determined after EG digestion ( heparinase) and with nitro-L-arginine ( NO-L-Ag). Results: Coronary flow ( 9.50 +/- 1.09, 5.10 +/- 0.49, 4.87 +/- 1.19 and 4.15 +/- 0.09 ml/ min/ g for `albumin', `HES 200', `HES 450' and `control', respectively, n = 5-6) did not correlate with perfusate viscosity ( 0.83, 1.02, 1.24 and 0.77 cP, respectively). NO-L-Ag and heparinase diminished dilatation by albumin, but not additively. Alone NO-L-Ag suppressed coronary flow during infusion of HES 450. Electron microscopy revealed a coronary EG of 300 nm, reduced to 20 nm after heparinase. Cultured endothelial cells possessed an EG of 20 nm to begin with. Conclusions: Albumin induces greater endothelial shear stress than HES, despite lower viscosity, provided the EG contains negative groups. HES 450 causes some NO-mediated dilatation via even a rudimentary EG. Cultured endothelial cells express only a rudimentary glycocalyx, limiting their usefulness as a model system. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Enzymfreisetzung und Aktivierung der Kallikrein-Kinin-Systeme bei experimenteller Pankreatitis

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    Das klinische Bild der akuten Pankreatitis wird entscheidend durch die sekundĂ€re SchĂ€digung von Herz-Kreislauf-System, Lunge und Niere bestimmt. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, durch Messungen in venösem Pankreasblut, Pankreaslymphe und Peritonealexsudat die Kompartimente zu bestimmen, ĂŒber die die systemischen SchĂ€digungen vermittelt werden. An anĂ€sthesierten Schweinen wurden die systemischen, hĂ€modynamischen Parameter durch gesteuerte Volumentherapie konstant gehalten. Die Schweine wurden randomisiert der Kontrollgruppe (n = 9) oder einer der Pankreatitisgruppen zugeteilt (jeweils n = 10). Die Pankreatitis wurde durch Infusion von freier FettsĂ€ure in die Pankreasarterien (FFS) oder durch Infusion einer 5%igen Natrium-Taurocholat-Lösung retrograd in den Pankreasgang (NaT) ausgelöst. Nach Isolation des Pankreas wurde venöses Pankreasblut, Pankreaslymphe und Peritonealexsudat gewonnen und die AktivitĂ€t von Lipase, Phospholipase A und Plasmaprokallikrein sowie die Konzentration von Organkallikrein und Kininogen bestimmt. In beiden Pankreatitismodellen fand sich ein Anstieg der EnzymaktivitĂ€ten. Die höchsten AktivitĂ€ten fanden sich im Peritonealexsudat (Phospholipase A nach 40 min: Kontrolle 10,0 U/1, NaT 72,2 U/1). In beiden Pankreatitismodellen fanden sich außerdem Hinweise fĂŒr eine Aktivierung des Organkallikrein-Kinin-Systems durch den Anstieg der Organkallikreinkonzentration und den Abfall der Gesamtkininogenkonzentration. Die stĂ€rksten VerĂ€nderungen fanden sich wieder im Peritonealexsudat (Organkallikrein nach 40 min: Kontrolle 14,7 ng/ml, NaT 452 ng/ml).The clinical course of acute pancreatitis is strongly influenced by secondary cardiac, pulmonary and renal damage. The aim of the present study was to gather information about the compartment promoting the systemic damage. Therefore the activity of lipase, phospholipase A and plasmaprokallikrein and the concentration of tissue kallikrein and kininogen were measured in portal venous blood, pancreatic lymph and peritoneal exudate. Anaesthetized pigs were subjected to fluid resuscitation to keep systemic haemodynamic parameters constant. The pancreas was isolated in situ. The pigs were randomly assigned to a control group (n = 9) or one of the two pancreatitis groups (n = 10 each). Pancreatitis was induced by i.a. infusion of free fatty acid (FFS) or retrograde infusion of 5 % sodium taurocholate intraductally (NaT). In both pancreatitis groups the activity of lipase and phospholipase A increased. The most pronounced changes were seen in the peritoneal exsudate (phospholipase A activity 40 min after induction: control 10.0 U/1, NaT 72.2 U/1). In both pancreatitis groups there was evidence for activation of the tissue kallikreinkinin system in the form of an increase in the kallikrein concentration and a decrease in the kininogen concentration. Again the changes were most pronounced in the peritoneal exsudate (tissue kallikrein 40 min after induction: control 14.7 ng/ml, NaT 452 ng/ml)

    Strengthening the morphological study of informal settlements

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    Methods of articulating the morphological structure of slums can have considerable potential in better planning for site-specific design or policy responses for these areas in the contemporary city. Although urban morphology traditionally studies landscapes as stratified residues with distinct divisions between lot and boundary, built and unbuilt, the authors find these definitions insufficient to address the complexity of slum morphology. Through this article, the authors’ identify that morphological analysis of informal settlements needs to be sensitive to the dynamics and the absence (or blurring) of physical boundaries. By analyzing the spatial impact of social, economic, and political factors, situational and site factors, building typologies, and configurations of circulation space, an attempt to articulate the morphological structure of slums is made. Aiming to overcome the current polarization in the literature between the formal and informal city, this article adds to the ongoing research on the study of challenges within contemporary cities, by providing new methodologies for studying the morphology of slum urbanization and shaping planning practice

    Identifying Trends in Masterplanning: A Typological Classification System

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Robert Adam, and Claire Jamieson, ‘Identifying trends in masterplanning: A typological classification system’, URBAN DESIGN International, Vol. 19 (4): 274-290, December 2014. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1057/udi.2013.24.This article reports research carried out to develop a new typological method for the analysis of masterplans. This quantitative method of analysis can be used to produce comparative data that will help in the comparison of urban design typologies and their development over time. This article sets out the research to date, describing how the initial aims have developed from simple analysis to the creation of an analytical tool with wide applications. Comprising a detailed taxonomy of urban design features gathered from a wide database of recent and emerging masterplans, the system provides opportunities for further study such as trends, qualitative comparison against quantitative measurement, and comparison of aims and outcomes. This article will describe the methodology and process of research, while elaborating on the potential of the tool.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    The recent intellectual structure of geography

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    An active learning project in an introductory graduate course used multidimensional scaling of the name index in Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century, by Gary Gaile and Cort Willmott, to reveal some features of the discipline\u27s recent intellectual structure relevant to the relationship between human and physical geography. Previous analyses, dating to the 1980s, used citation indices or Association of American Geographers spe- cialty-group rosters to conclude that either the regional or the methods and environmental subdisciplines bridge human and physical geography. The name index has advantages over those databases, and its analysis reveals that the minimal connectivity that occurs between human and physical geography has recently operated more through environmental than through either methods or regional subdisciplines
