32 research outputs found
Strumenti di cattura. Per una critica dell\u2019immaginario tecno-capitalista.
La logica culturale del nostro tempo si avvita intorno al perno indiscusso dell\u2019accumulazione economica, del dominio tecnocratico e dello spirito di appropriazione. Esso porta con s\ue9 un senso crescente di separazione dagli altri e da se stessi, che scatena reazioni psicologiche difficili da gestire e aggrava la percezione di un drammatico passaggio di fase in cui sono coinvolti tutti i popoli della Terra, prima marginalizzati e poi occidentalizzati da una mondializzazione univoca a misura di capitale. Consigliere e Bartolini provano a interrogare la crisi di presenza che attraversa l\u2019Occidente e a rintracciare forme di resistenza capaci di smascherare le incongruenze dell\u2019immaginario tecno-capitalista e di denunciarne l\u2019insostenibilit\ue0 nel breve, medio e lungo periodo. Muovendosi all\u2019incrocio tra filosofia, antropologia e psicologie del profondo, gli autori individuano alcuni dei meccanismi fondamentali che operano all\u2019interfaccia tra soggettivazione e vita culturale, offrendo al lettore la possibilit\ue0 di portare a consapevolezza l\u2019esistenza di mondi altri che, per il semplice fatto di darsi, mettono in crisi la pretesa uniformante del biopotere e dei suoi dispositivi psicopolitici. Per uscire vivi dal sortilegio che ci avvince, non si tratta di votare tutte le nostre energie a una pratica antagonista fine a se stessa, quanto piuttosto di produrre alternative concrete di pensiero, relazione e immaginazione, partendo da alcune parole chiave capaci di tracciare, qui e ora, le coordinate di un possibile vivere-altrimenti: Legami, Felicit\ue0, Fare Attenzione, Interrompere, Molteplicit\ue0, Sufficienza Intensiva, Limite, Esperienza, Mondi Altri, Sacro, Nuovo Internazionalismo
Subacromial impingement syndrome: management challenges
Paolo Consigliere,1 Omar Haddo,2 Ofer Levy,1,3 Giuseppe Sforza1 1The Reading Shoulder Unit, Berkshire Independent Hospital Coley Park, Swallows Croft, Reading, Berkshire, UK; 2The Whittington Hospital NHS FT, London, UK; 3The Reading Shoulder Unit, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust, Reading, Berkshire, UK Abstract: The painful shoulder is the most common condition seen in specialist shoulder clinics. It is often associated with lack of range of motion and reduced shoulder function. Lack of sleep and difficulties in performing basic daily life activities are common findings. Subacromial Impingement Syndrome (SAIS) has been considered as the most common cause of shoulder pain since it was described in 1852. Charles Neer, in 1972, described the presence of a “proliferative spur and ridge” on the undersurface of the acromion, which needs to be removed to improve the symptoms (acromioplasty). Neer’s “impingement” hegemony was undisputed for at least 30 years. A more extensive knowledge of the pathogenesis of SAIS, however, has led authors to challenge the role of “impingement” in the shoulder pain and the role of surgical intervention. The aim of this review was to understand if there is still a role for surgical decompression in patients with SAIS. A literature review was performed in PubMed, PEDro, Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials using impingement, subacromial space, rotator cuff tears, tendinopathy, and tendinitis as key words. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) with long-term follow-up comparing surgical intervention and conservative treatments in SAIS were preferred; however, prospective articles studying the outcome of surgical decompression and physiotherapy were also included. The majority of the studies showed no difference in the outcome between patients randomized to surgical decompression or conservative management. However, some studies reported better results after surgery, especially in the long term. Interpretation of the results is very difficult as most of the studies are of poor quality and have short follow-up. In our opinion, the type of subacromial lesion needs to be considered; this may offer an explanation to the difference in severity of symptoms and to the varying degrees of response to certain treatments, including surgery. Further studies are mandatory to better understand the role of surgery in SAIS. Keywords: impingement, bursitis, supraspinatus tendon, rotator cuff, rotator cuff tears, tendinopathy, tendiniti
Guarire ieri e oggi. Domani?
Atti del 3\ub0 Colloquio Europeo di Etnofarmacologia e della 1a Conferenza Internazionale di Antropologia e Storia della Salute e della Malattia
Transurethral alprostadil for the treatment of erectile dysfunction: Results of a multicentre trial
Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore296727-731AAMS