6,116 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of the three-dimensional Anderson model of localization with random hopping

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    We examine the localization properties of the three-dimensional (3D) Anderson Hamiltonian with off-diagonal disorder using the transfer-matrix method (TMM) and finite-size scaling (FSS). The nearest-neighbor hopping elements are chosen randomly according to tij[c1/2,c+1/2]t_{ij} \in [c-1/2, c + 1/2]. We find that the off-diagonal disorder is not strong enough to localize all states in the spectrum in contradistinction to the usual case of diagonal disorder. Thus for any off-diagonal disorder, there exist extended states and, consequently, the TMM converges very slowly. From the TMM results we compute critical exponents of the metal-insulator transitions (MIT), the mobility edge EcE_c, and study the energy-disorder phase diagram.Comment: 4 pages, 5 EPS figures, uses annalen.cls style [included]; presented at Localization 1999, to appear in Annalen der Physik [supplement

    Earnings of Black and White Youth and Their Relation to Poverty

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    This paper examines the relation between youth employment and poverty for black and white families. An increase in the employment proportions of black men ages 16–19, which have lagged far behind their white counterparts, would reduce poverty among blacks to a moderate but meaningful degree. We provide evidence of a small positive feedback relation between black youth employment and family incomes that would magnify gains in both variables if either variable were increased. We also provide evidence that improvements in labor market conditions that affect youth employment, in the educational attainments of black youth, and in other policy-related variables would raise both youth employment and their family incomes.

    Implementation of liquid culture for tuberculosis diagnosis in a remote setting: lessons learned.

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    Although sputum smear microscopy is the primary method for tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis in low-resource settings, it has low sensitivity. The World Health Organization recommends the use of liquid culture techniques for TB diagnosis and drug susceptibility testing in low- and middle-income countries. An evaluation of samples from southern Sudan found that culture was able to detect cases of active pulmonary TB and extra-pulmonary TB missed by conventional smear microscopy. However, the long delays involved in obtaining culture results meant that they were usually not clinically useful, and high rates of non-tuberculous mycobacteria isolation made interpretation of results difficult. Improvements in diagnostic capacity and rapid speciation facilities, either on-site or through a local reference laboratory, are crucial

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    Two-dimensional electron gas in a modulation-doped SrTiO3/Sr(Ti,Zr)O3 heterostructure

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    A two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in SrTiO3 is created via modulation doping by interfacing undoped SrTiO3 with a wider-band-gap material, SrTi1-xZrxO3, that is doped n-type with La. All layers are grown using hybrid molecular beam epitaxy. Using magnetoresistance measurements, we show that electrons are transferred into the SrTiO3, and a 2DEG is formed. In particular, Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations are shown to depend only on the perpendicular magnetic field. Experimental Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations are compared with calculations that assume multiple occupied subbands.Comment: Submitted to Applied Physics Letter

    Thinking Along With Foucault (Book Review of \u27Ways of Reading: An Anthology for Writers,\u27 5th ed., edited by David Bartholomae and Anthony Petrosky)

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    Book review by Jeffrey Cain. Bartholomae, David and Anthony Petrosky. Ways of Reading: An Anthology for Writers. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin\u27s, 1999. ISBN 978031217893

    Michael Sweeney, In Memory of the Fast Break

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    Book review by Jeffrey Cain of Michael Sweeney, In Memory of the Fast Break, Austin, TX: Plain View Press, 2008

    Our Purpose

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    Changing Requirements for the Database Course Curriculum

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    Database technology is growing in importance and is rapidly expanding to include many new concepts. The purpose of this research is to explore how our School of Business, which has a total undergraduate enrollment of about one thousand students, can teach database to our CIS majors. The findings of this study can be generalized to colleges offering similar programs. We have found that it is now necessary to offer two courses, a required one for juniors, and an optional one for seniors. In both courses, theoretical topics are interleaved with hands-on computer assignments. dBASE IV is the software used in the required course; ORACLE is used in the optional course. This paper discusses the curricula of the two courses and gives our reasons for our choice of software. Both dBASE and ORACLE use relational data. dBASE, the microcomputer database product most commonly used in industry, processes data a record at a time and has a complete programming language allowing students to build menu-driven systems for end-users. The Oracle Corporation is a leader in SQL-based relational database management systems. Their products are very important in industry and are available with a wide variety of small and large machines, operating systems, and network configurations. ORACLE is an excellent teaching tool because of the manner in which it combines SQL programming with fourth generation development methodology

    Blood Culture and the Problem of Decadence

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    This paper examines the commodification of hunting practices via the deterritorializing function of capitalism described by Deleuze and Guattari. It also studies counter trends-- predicted by or consistent with Deleuzean theory--that indicate a subtending authenticity displayed by certain hunting practices apparently resistant to commercial exploitation. Blood culture is my term for inauthentic hunting activity--a distinction drawn directly by Deleuze in his televised interviews with Claire Parnet. Aspects of becoming-animal and other transversal and cross-disciplinary flows of thought are also of course in play. As in some of my former work, I again argue for a Deleuzean cultural mechanics of the Actual/Virtual, a rigorous system that informs the hunting body as a special case of the Body without Organs. In order to track and kill game the authentic hunter must be open to multiplicity in the form of becoming animal; she or he must become less totalized, geometric, stratified, closed, and centripetal; in short, less civilized. It is important to note that the mechanics of culture I am postulating (here and elsewhere) does not derive from morality, psychoanalysis, textualism, or organicism. It is, rather, based on Deleuze and Deleuze and Guattari\u27s concepts of the Actual, the Virtual, the Plane of the Real and the Plane of Immanence, De-and re-territorializations of various kinds, the BwO, flows, stratifications, segmentations, inorganic potentialities, percepts and affects, and numerous other conceptual artifacts culled from their works and other disciplines