3,259 research outputs found


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    Trends in fatal car-occupant accidents

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    Carry-over in automatic analysers

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    Suspending Lefschetz fibrations, with an application to Local Mirror Symmetry

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    We consider the suspension operation on Lefschetz fibrations, which takes p(x) to p(x)-y^2. This leaves the Fukaya category of the fibration invariant, and changes the category of the fibre (or more precisely, the subcategory consisting of a basis of vanishing cycles) in a specific way. As an application, we prove part of Homological Mirror Symmetry for the total spaces of canonical bundles over toric del Pezzo surfaces.Comment: v2: slightly expanded expositio

    An evaluation of the Beckman Astra 8 analyser

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    On the multiplicity of the hyperelliptic integrals

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    Let I(t)=δ(t)ωI(t)= \oint_{\delta(t)} \omega be an Abelian integral, where H=y2xn+1+P(x)H=y^2-x^{n+1}+P(x) is a hyperelliptic polynomial of Morse type, δ(t)\delta(t) a horizontal family of cycles in the curves {H=t}\{H=t\}, and ω\omega a polynomial 1-form in the variables xx and yy. We provide an upper bound on the multiplicity of I(t)I(t), away from the critical values of HH. Namely: $ord\ I(t) \leq n-1+\frac{n(n-1)}{2}if if \deg \omega <\deg H=n+1.Thereasoninggoesasfollows:weconsidertheanalyticcurveparameterizedbytheintegralsalong. The reasoning goes as follows: we consider the analytic curve parameterized by the integrals along \delta(t)ofthe of the nPetrovformsof ``Petrov'' forms of H(polynomial1formsthatfreelygeneratethemoduleofrelativecohomologyof (polynomial 1-forms that freely generate the module of relative cohomology of H),andinterpretthemultiplicityof), and interpret the multiplicity of I(t)astheorderofcontactof as the order of contact of \gamma(t)andalinearhyperplaneof and a linear hyperplane of \textbf C^ n.UsingthePicardFuchssystemsatisfiedby. Using the Picard-Fuchs system satisfied by \gamma(t),weestablishanalgebraicidentityinvolvingthewronskiandeterminantoftheintegralsoftheoriginalform, we establish an algebraic identity involving the wronskian determinant of the integrals of the original form \omegaalongabasisofthehomologyofthegenericfiberof along a basis of the homology of the generic fiber of H.Thelatterwronskianisanalyzedthroughthisidentity,whichyieldstheestimateonthemultiplicityof. The latter wronskian is analyzed through this identity, which yields the estimate on the multiplicity of I(t).Still,insomecases,relatedtothegeometryatinfinityofthecurves. Still, in some cases, related to the geometry at infinity of the curves \{H=t\} \subseteq \textbf C^2,thewronskianoccurstobezeroidentically.Inthisalternativeweshowhowtoadapttheargumenttoasystemofsmallerrank,andgetanontrivialwronskian.Foraform, the wronskian occurs to be zero identically. In this alternative we show how to adapt the argument to a system of smaller rank, and get a nontrivial wronskian. For a form \omegaofarbitrarydegree,weareledtoestimatingtheorderofcontactbetween of arbitrary degree, we are led to estimating the order of contact between \gamma(t)andasuitablealgebraichypersurfacein and a suitable algebraic hypersurface in \textbf C^{n+1}.Weobservethat. We observe that ord I(t)growslikeanaffinefunctionwithrespectto grows like an affine function with respect to \deg \omega$.Comment: 18 page