16 research outputs found

    The Second Team Haemophilia Education Meeting, 2016, Frankfurt, Germany

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    The first Team Haemophilia Education (THE) Meeting was held on 7-8 May 2015 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It aimed to promote the optimal care of patients with haemophilia through education of the multidisciplinary treatment team. This was achieved by reviewing the latest developments in haemophilia management, considering how these can be implemented in the clinic to improve patient care and providing a platform for networking and debate for all haemophilia treatment team members. The second THE Meeting was held on 19-20 May in Frankfurt, Germany, and participants included doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, patient representatives and data management staff from 20 different countries. Topics covered the role of the multidisciplinary team in delivering the best haemophilia care, challenges in the management of haemophilia across Europe, available clotting factor treatments, future treatments and the use of genetics in advising carriers of haemophilia. This report is a summary of the key developments in haemophilia care presented by various investigators and healthcare professionals at THE Meeting 2016.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Considerations for shared decision management in previously untreated patients with hemophilia A or B

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    Recent advances in therapeutics are now providing a wide range of options for adults and children living with hemophilia. Although therapeutic choices are also increasing for the youngest individuals with severe disease, challenges remain about early management decisions, as supporting data are currently limited. Parents and healthcare professionals are tasked with helping children achieve an inclusive quality of life and maintain good joint health into adulthood. Primary prophylaxis is the gold standard to optimize outcomes and is recommended to start before 2 years of age. A range of topics need to be discussed with parents to aid their understanding of the decisions they can make and how these will affect the management of their child/children. For those with a family history of hemophilia, prenatal considerations include the possibility of genetic counseling, prenatal investigations, and planning for delivery, together with monitoring of the mother and neonate, as well as diagnosis of the newborn and treatment of any birth-associated bleeding. Subsequent considerations, which are also applicable to families where infant bleeding has resulted in a new diagnosis of sporadic hemophilia, involve explaining bleed recognition and treatment options, practical aspects of initiating/continuing prophylaxis, dealing with bleeds, and ongoing aspects of treatment, including possible inhibitor development. Over time, optimizing treatment efficacy, in which individualizing therapy around activities can play a role, and long-term considerations, including retaining joint health and tolerance maintenance, become increasingly important. The evolving treatment landscape is creating a need for continually updated guidance. Multidisciplinary teams and peers from patient organizations can help provide relevant information. Easily accessible, multidisciplinary comprehensive care remains a foundation to care. Equipping parents early with the knowledge to facilitate truly informed decision-making will help achieve the best possible longer-term health equity and quality of life for the child and family living with hemophilia. Plain language summary Points to be taken into account to help families make decisions to best care for children born with hemophilia Medical advances are providing a range of treatment options for adults and children with hemophilia. There is, however, relatively limited information about managing newborns with the condition. Doctors and nurses can help parents to understand the choices for infants born with hemophilia. We describe the various points doctors and nurses should ideally discuss with families to enable informed decision-making. We focus on infants who require early treatment to prevent spontaneous or traumatic bleeding (prophylaxis), which is recommended to start before 2 years of age. Families with a history of hemophilia may benefit from discussions before pregnancy, including how an affected child would be treated to protect against bleeds. When mothers are pregnant, doctors can explain investigations that can provide information about their unborn child, plan for the birth, and monitor mother and baby to minimize bleed risks at delivery. Testing will confirm whether the baby is affected by hemophilia. Not all infants with hemophilia will be born to families with a history of the condition. Identification of hemophilia for the first time in a family (which is ‘sporadic hemophilia’) occurs in previously undiagnosed infants who have bleeds requiring medical advice and possibly hospital treatment. Before any mothers and babies with hemophilia are discharged from hospital, doctors and nurses will explain to parents how to recognize bleeding and available treatment options can be discussed. Over time, ongoing discussions will help parents to make informed treatment decisions: • When and how to start, then continue, prophylaxis. • How to deal with bleeds (reinforcing previous discussions about bleed recognition and treatment) and other ongoing aspects of treatment.  ○ For instance, children may develop neutralizing antibodies (inhibitors) to treatment they are receiving, requiring a change to the planned approach. • Ensuring treatment remains effective as their child grows, considering the varied needs and activities of their child

    sj-docx-1-tah-10.1177_20406207231165857 – Supplemental material for Considerations for shared decision management in previously untreated patients with hemophilia A or B

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-tah-10.1177_20406207231165857 for Considerations for shared decision management in previously untreated patients with hemophilia A or B by Jan Astermark, Jan Blatný, Christoph Königs, Cédric Hermans, Victor Jiménez-Yuste and Daniel P. Hart in Therapeutic Advances in Hematology</p

    European principles of inhibitor management in patients with haemophilia

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    Abstract Background In spite of recent major advances in the understanding and treatment of inhibitor development in patients with haemophilia, multidisciplinary management of many of these patients remains suboptimal and highly heterogenous across Europe. Methods Following a series of multidisciplinary meetings and a review of the literature, the European haemophilia community of health professionals and patients jointly defined practical optimum standards for ensuring and harmonizing treatment and care for patients with an inhibitor. Results Ten complementary principles for the management of inhibitors in haemophilia have been developed, emphasizing the importance and benefits of a centralized, multidisciplinary, expert and holistic approach. Conclusions This document will serve as a benchmark to improve the multidisciplinary and practical management of patients with inhibitor. Implementation and adherence to each of these principles should have a major positive impact on the management and outcomes of patients developing an inhibitor