15 research outputs found

    Policies for type 2 diabetes and non- communicable disease management during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya and Tanzania: A desk review and views of decision-makers

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    Background The COVID-19 pandemic caused disruptions in care that adversely affected the management of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) globally. Countries have responded in various ways to support people with NCDs during the pandemic. This study aimed to identify policy gaps, if any, in the management of NCDs, particularly diabetes, during COVID-19 in Kenya and Tanzania to inform recommendations for priority actions for NCD management during any future similar crises. Methods We undertook a desk review of pre-existing and newly developed national frameworks, policy models and guidelines for addressing NCDs including type 2 diabetes. This was followed by 13 key informant interviews with stakeholders involved in NCD decision-making: six in Kenya and seven in Tanzania. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the documents. Results Seventeen guidance documents were identified (Kenya=10; Tanzania=7). These included pre-existing and/or updated policies/strategic plans, guidelines, a letter, a policy brief and a report. Neither country had comprehensive policies/guidelines to ensure continuity of NCD care before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, efforts were made to update pre-existing documents and several more were developed during the pandemic to guide NCD care. Some measures were put in place during the COVID-19 period to ensure continuity of care for patients with NCDs such as longer supply of medicines. Inadequate attention was given to monitoring and evaluation and implementation issues. Conclusion Kenya and Tanzania developed and updated some policies/guidelines to include continuity of care in emergencies. However, there were gaps in the documents and between policy/guideline documents and practice. Health systems need to establish disaster preparedness plans that integrate attention to NCD care to enable them to better handle severe disruptions caused by emergencies such as pandemics. Such guidance needs to include contingency planning to enable adequate resources for NCD care and must also address evaluation of implementation effectiveness

    Exploring the potential of village community banking as a community-based financing system for house improvements and malaria vector control in rural Tanzania.

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    House improvement is associated with remarkable reductions in indoor mosquito bites and disease incidences, even in typical rural houses. However, its exploitation remains extremely poor in Tanzania and other endemic countries due to limited financial resources. Nevertheless, village community banks (VICOBA), practiced in Tanzania for nearly two decades, have proven to provide financial services to rural communities that would otherwise not be able to get them from formal financial institutions. This study explored the need, opinion, and willingness of VICOBA members to use VICOBA platforms as a source of finance for improving local houses and eventually controlling mosquito-borne diseases. A mixed-methods approach was used in this study, whereby a survey was administered to 150 participants and twelve focus group discussions were done in three villages in Ulanga district, rural Tanzania. The FGDs comprised eight participants each, with equal representation of males and females. The FGD guide was used to probe the opinions of study participants on malaria transmission, housing condition improvements, and financial resources. About 99% of all participants indicated the urgent need to improve their houses to prevent mosquito bites and were willing to utilize VICOBA for improving their houses. In the focus group discussion, the majority of people who participated were also in need of improving their houses. All participants confirmed that they were at the highest risk of getting mosquito-borne diseases, and they were willing to use money that was either saved or borrowed from their VICOBA for housing improvements and vector control. A self-sustaining financial system destined for house improvement and related interventions against malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases is crucial. The community members were willing to use VICOBA as a source of finance for house improvement and disease control; however, there was limited knowledge and sensitization on how they could utilize VICOBA for disease control