97 research outputs found

    Simulating seeded vacuum decay in a cold atom system

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    We propose to test the concept of seeded vacuum decay in cosmology using an analogue gravity Bose-Einstein condensate system. The role of the nucleation seed is played by a vortex within the condensate. We present two complementary theoretical analyses that demonstrate seeded decay is the dominant decay mechanism of the false vacuum. First, we adapt the standard instanton methods to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Second, we use the truncated Wigner method to study vacuum decay.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 figures, new intro in v

    Mean-field analog of the Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment with bright solitons

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    In the present work, we theoretically propose and numerically illustrate a mean-field analog of the Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment with bright solitons.More specifically, we scatter two solitons off of each other (in our setup,the bright solitons play the role of a classical analog to the quantum photons of the original experiment), while the role of the beam splitter is played by a repulsive Gaussian barrier. In our classical scenario, distinguishability of the particles yields, as expected, a 0.5 split mass on either side. Nevertheless, for very slight deviations from the completely symmetric scenario, a near-perfect transmission can be constructed instead, very similarly to the quantum-mechanical output. We demonstrate this as a generic feature under slight variations of the relative soliton speed, or of the relative amplitude in a wide parametric regime. We also explore how variations of the properties of the “beam splitter” (i.e., the Gaussian barrier) affect this phenomenology

    Quantum Droplets in Imbalanced Atomic Mixtures

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    Quantum droplets are a quantum analogue to classical fluid droplets in that they are self-bound and display liquid-like properties -- such as incompressibility and surface tension -- though their stability is the result of quantum fluctuations. One of the major systems for observing quantum droplets is two-component Bose gases. Two-component droplets are typically considered to be balanced, having a fixed ratio between the densities of the two component. This work goes beyond the fixed density ratio by investigating spherical droplets in imbalanced mixtures. With increasing imbalance, the droplet is able to lower its energy up to a limit, at which point the droplet becomes saturated with the atoms of the majority component and any further atoms added to this component cannot bind to the droplet. Analysing the breathing mode dynamics of imbalanced droplets indicates that the droplet can emit particles, as in balanced mixtures, but the imbalance leads to an intricate superposition of multiple simultaneously decaying collective oscillations.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Trapped Imbalanced Quantum Droplets

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    A two-component quantum droplet is an attractive mixture of ultracold bosons stabilised against collapse by quantum fluctuations. Commonly, two-component quantum droplets are studied within a balanced mixture. However, the mixture can be imbalanced resulting in a lower energy but less stably bound droplet, or even a droplet submerged in a gas. This work focuses on the experimentally relevant question: how are imbalanced droplets modified by harmonic trap potentials? Droplet ground states and breathing modes are analysed across the two-dimensional parameter space of imbalance and trap strength. The robustness of the droplet imbalance is also studied by releasing the droplet from the trap, demonstrating that this can lead to the creation of free-space, imbalanced droplets.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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