934 research outputs found

    Fermi Edge Resonances in Non-equilibrium States of Fermi Gases

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    We formulate the problem of the Fermi Edge Singularity in non-equilibrium states of a Fermi gas as a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem with an integrable kernel. This formulation is the most suitable for studying the singular behavior at each edge of non-equilibrium Fermi states by means of the method of steepest descent, and also reveals the integrable structure of the problem. We supplement this result by extending the familiar approach to the problem of the Fermi Edge Singularity via the bosonic representation of the electronic operators to non-equilibrium settings. It provides a compact way to extract the leading asymptotes.Comment: Accepted for publication, J. Phys.

    Orthogonality catastrophe and shock waves in a non-equilibrium Fermi gas

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    A semiclassical wave-packet propagating in a dissipationless Fermi gas inevitably enters a "gradient catastrophe" regime, where an initially smooth front develops large gradients and undergoes a dramatic shock wave phenomenon. The non-linear effects in electronic transport are due to the curvature of the electronic spectrum at the Fermi surface. They can be probed by a sudden switching of a local potential. In equilibrium, this process produces a large number of particle-hole pairs, a phenomenon closely related to the Orthogonality Catastrophe. We study a generalization of this phenomenon to the non-equilibrium regime and show how the Orthogonality Catastrophe cures the Gradient Catastrophe, providing a dispersive regularization mechanism. We show that a wave packet overturns and collapses into modulated oscillations with the wave vector determined by the height of the initial wave. The oscillations occupy a growing region extending forward with velocity proportional to the initial height of the packet. We derive a fundamental equation for the transition rates (MKP-equation) and solve it by means of the Whitham modulation theory.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, revtex4, pr

    Gradient Catastrophe and Fermi Edge Resonances in Fermi Gas

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    A smooth spatial disturbance of the Fermi surface in a Fermi gas inevitably becomes sharp. This phenomenon, called {\it the gradient catastrophe}, causes the breakdown of a Fermi sea to disconnected parts with multiple Fermi points. We study how the gradient catastrophe effects probing the Fermi system via a Fermi edge singularity measurement. We show that the gradient catastrophe transforms the single-peaked Fermi-edge singularity of the tunneling (or absorption) spectrum to a set of multiple asymmetric singular resonances. Also we gave a mathematical formulation of FES as a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem

    Verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli serologic responses in patients with hemolytic uremic syndrome

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    Copyright © 2008. University of Chicago Press. All rights reserved

    An Escherichia coli O157 : H7 outbreak?

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    © 2000 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved

    SIDS risk factors: time for new interpretations. The role of bacteria

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    The aim of this paper is to help draw attention to perceived ideas regarding the risk factors and the implied pathogenesis of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and SIDS research in general. Our paper shows there is little if any evidence to support the broadly held notion of an association between respiratory function and sudden infant death syndrome. Researchers who hold to this approach to explain the risk factors of bed-sharing and prone sleep position, etc. have failed to meet the standards of scientific endeavour that we would expect of good research. To counter this imbalance we have proposed an evidence-based explanation for SIDS risk factors showing that microbiological studies of SIDS corroborate epidemiologic and pathological data in establishing a plausible pathogenetic mechanism. We reviewed recent publications on current research and the epidemiology of SIDS and publications on the microbiology of SIDS. Conclusion: Comparison of the data presented, suggest that the risk factors of bed-sharing, and smoke exposure, prone sleep position and alcohol can be explained by the theories of a microbiological infection model of SIDS pathogenesis.Paul N. Goldwater and Karl A. Bettelhei

    Quantum Shock Waves - the case for non-linear effects in dynamics of electronic liquids

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    Using the Calogero model as an example, we show that the transport in interacting non-dissipative electronic systems is essentially non-linear. Non-linear effects are due to the curvature of the electronic spectrum near the Fermi energy. As is typical for non-linear systems, propagating wave packets are unstable. At finite time shock wave singularities develop, the wave packet collapses, and oscillatory features arise. They evolve into regularly structured localized pulses carrying a fractionally quantized charge - {\it soliton trains}. We briefly discuss perspectives of observation of Quantum Shock Waves in edge states of Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and a direct measurement of the fractional charge

    Tip-splitting evolution in the idealized Saffman-Taylor problem

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    We derive a formula describing the evolution of tip-splittings of Saffman-Taylor fingers in a Hele-Shaw cell, at zero surface tension

    Singular limit of Hele-Shaw flow and dispersive regularization of shock waves

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    We study a family of solutions to the Saffman-Taylor problem with zero surface tension at a critical regime. In this regime, the interface develops a thin singular finger. The flow of an isolated finger is given by the Whitham equations for the KdV integrable hierarchy. We show that the flow describing bubble break-off is identical to the Gurevich-Pitaevsky solution for regularization of shock waves in dispersive media. The method provides a scheme for the continuation of the flow through singularites.Comment: Some typos corrected, added journal referenc
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