69 research outputs found

    Occurrence and antimicrobial resistance of arcobacter spp. Recovered from aquatic environments

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    Arcobacter spp. are emerging waterborne and foodborne zoonotic pathogens responsible for gastroenteritis in humans. In this work, we evaluated the occurrence and the antimicrobial resistance profile of Arcobacter isolates recovered from different aquatic sources. Besides, we searched for Arcobacter spp. in seaweeds and the corresponding seawater samples. Bacteriological and molecular methods applied to 100 samples led to the isolation of 28 Arcobacter isolates from 27 samples. The highest prevalence was detected in rivers followed by artificial ponds, streams, well waters, and spring waters. Seaweeds contained a higher percentage of Arcobacter than the corresponding sea-water samples. The isolates were identified as Arcobacter butzleri (96.4%) and Arcobacter cryaerophilus (3.6%). All the isolates showed a multi-drug resistance profile, being resistant to at least three different classes of antibiotics. Molecular analysis of genetic determinants responsible for tetracycline resistance in nine randomly chosen isolates revealed the presence of tetO and/or tetW. This work confirms the occurrence and the continuous emergence of antibiotic-resistant Arcobacter strains in environmental samples; also, the presence of quinolone-resistant Arcobacter spp. in aquatic sources used for water supply and irrigation represents a potential risk for human health

    Diversity and Distribution of the Inland Water Decapods of Sicily (Crustacea, Malacostraca)

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    The current knowledge of Sicilian inland water decapod malacostracans is scarce and an updated synopsis on species distribution is lacking. Therefore, we reviewed the checklist and recent distribution of Sicilian inland water decapods based on published and unpublished records and novel observations with the aim of providing an exhaustive repository, also to be used as a sound baseline for future surveys. Overall, five native decapod species occur in the study area, i.e., the atyid shrimp Atyaephyra desmarestii, the palaemonid shrimps Palaemon adspersus, P. antennarius, and P. elegans, and the freshwater crab Potamon fluviatile, and their current local distributions are described. In addition, three alien species were recorded: the common yabby Cherax destructor and the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii, strictly linked to inland waters, and the Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus, a mainly marine species that can also colonise the lower stretches of rivers and coastal brackish waters. The collected data suggest the existence of a partial segregation of native versus non-native species, with the latter currently confined to coastal water bodies and the lower stretches of rivers. Moreover, the exclusively freshwater caridean A. desmarestii and P. antennarius show a parapatric distribution in the study area, which may suggest the existence of mutual exclusion phenomena. The results obtained raise some concerns about the effects of alien species on the native biota, and dedicated monitoring and management strategies should be implemented in order to better understand and mitigate their impact

    First record of Temnosewellia minor (Platyhelminthes, Temnocephalidae) in Sicily, with a plea for a re-examination of the identity of the publicly available molecular sequences of the genus

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    Ectosymbiotic temnocephalan flatworms belonging to the genus Temnosewellia were collected on Cherax destructor in an aquaculture farm in Sicily, Italy. This represents the first record of a temnocephalan species for the fauna of the island. Morphological and molecular identification of the collected specimens proved that they belong to the allochthonous species Temnosewellia minor, which was introduced along with crayfishes bred in aquaculture farms. The phylogenetic analyses carried out for the molecular identification of the Sicilian population highlighted some inconsistencies in the grouping of the Temnosewellia sequences available online, thus stressing the opportunity of a careful re-examination of the voucher samples and their identifications. The risks of its unwary introduction in the wild and the need of monitoring its possible impacts on native biota are briefly discussed

    Multi-Locus Phylogenetic Analyses of the Almadablennius Clade Reveals Inconsistencies with the Present Taxonomy of Blenniid Fishes

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    We used a multi-locus phylogenetic approach (i.e., combining both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA fragments) to address some long-standing taxonomic inconsistencies within the diverse fish clade of Combtooth Blennies (Blenniidae—unranked clade Almadablennius). The obtained phylogenetic trees revealed some major inconsistencies in the current taxonomy of Parablennini, such as the paraphyletic status of the Salaria and Parablennius genera, casting some doubt regarding their actual phylogenetic relationship. Furthermore, a scarce-to-absent genetic differentiation was observed among the three species belonging to the genus Chasmodes. This study provides an updated taxonomy and phylogeny of the former genus Salaria, ascribing some species to the new genus Salariopsis gen. nov., and emphasizes the need for a revision of the genus Parablennius

    Spontaneous Resorption of an Occipital Meningocele: Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation

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    Cranial meningocele is a very rare variant of encephalocele. Meningocele can be associated with other disorders and may cause complications. Therapy is usually based on surgical treatment. To our knowledge, we describe the first case of spontaneous resorption of an occipital meningocele in a full-term newborn boy. A full-term newborn was noted to have a large non-skin covered, semitransparent cystic lump in the occipital bone. He underwent computed tomography and a diagnosis of meningocele was proposed. After a few hours, the cystic lump spontaneously readsorbed. After 1 week the patient underwent magnetic resonance. Histology confirmed the diagnosis


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    The Inflammatory Bowel Diseases(IBD), are a group of inflammatory diseases characterized by the presence of chronic inflammation, i the absenc of infectious ethiology. The two most well-known diseases in this group are: Crohn's disease (CD) and Ulcerative Colitis (UC). In cases where iti is not possible to distinguish between CD and UC, it is called Indeterminated Colitis. IBD can affect women pregnant. The causes of IBD are unknown, and the clinical course of the sdisease is characterized by phases of activity and remission. UC is a chronic inflammation of the mucosa of the colon and involving predominantly the left colon and rectum. It is associatred with presence of blood and mucus in the stool, diarrhea and anemia. characteristically, CD involves entire mgastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. In CD, the inflammatory infiltrate involves the entire intestinal wall. Clinically manifested by abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. The complications are stenosis, fistulas, abscesses, and perianal involvement. In IBD TNF_alpha and proinflammatory cytokines are overexpressed. The analysis of the scientific literature shows that fertility, in pregant women suffering from IBD, is preserved. It shows slightly reduced for CD and ileo-anal pouch. Women with active disease at the time of conception have an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, preterm birth, with low birth weight and congenital malformations of the fetus. The indications for surgical treatment are the same as for non-pregnant women. The inactive disease or ileo-anal pouch is not a contraindication to spontaneous vaginal delivery, as is happens in the case of active colitis or perirectal fistulas or rectovaginal fistulas. Safe drug during pregnancy are: 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), steroids, 6-Mercaptopurine (&MP), Atatioprine (AZA) and Infliximab. Contraindicateddrugs are Metrotrexate and Thalidomide. In conclusion, the expectations about pregnancy, in women affected of IBD, is similar to the general population, especiually if the conception occurs in inactive phase of the disease


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    Summary: This work reports a clinical trial performed at palermo University Hospital "paolo Giaccone". From January 2004 to December 2011, 79 patients were enrolled (40 men and 39 women). All patients suffered from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and were subjected to orthopedic consultation at the institute of Orthopaedics, University Hospital of palermo, for arthropathy to IBD. The patients were divided into two groups (A and B) and dealt with different therapies for the resolution of the inflammatory picture of the colonic mucosa and the treatment of the extraintestinal articular manifestations. Group A was treated with drug therapy: Diclofenac (75 mg im/ day for 10 days9 and Mesalazine (800 mg gastro-resistant tabletes, one tablet twice a day in mild forms, and one tablet three times per day in moderate forms). In group B, in addition to the previous treatment protocol, two probiotic mixture were added in a time of two weeks: in the first week, twice a day, one capsule containing mixture of Enterococcus faecium and saccharomices boluard was administered, with the main purpose to mitigate the intestinal inflammation; in the second week, twice a day too, one capsule containing a mixture of lactobacillus salivarius and lactobacillus acidophilus was administered, with the main purpose to mitigate the intestinal inflammation, in the second week, twice a day too, one capsule containing a mixture of lactobacillus salivarius and lactobacillus acidophilus was administered, with the aim to promote the restoration of a normal intestinal microenvironment. The attenuation of intestinal inflammation, improved by the presence of probiotics, could have important effects on the articular manifestations, resulting in a significant improvement of the arthropathy. All patients were evaluated with the Harvey-Bradshaw Index. Both Crohn Disease and Ulcerative Cholitis diagnosis was made with clinical, laboratory, endoscopic and instrumental tests; the degree of disease activity was evaluated using the criteria of Truelove and witts. The WOMAC-Score (Western Ontario Mcmaster) was used in our study to investigate the degree of articular involvement of the patients. The data were statistically evaluated and these are shown that the B group of patients treated with conventional therapy + probiotic mixture had a better resolution of the clinical and of this post-treatment parameters: WOMAC score, ESR, CRP and white blood cells; and also the B group of patients have a better response to standard therapy compared with patients who did not receive the probiotic with a remarkable statistic significance (p>0,0001)

    Pliocene colonization of the Mediterranean by Great White Shark inferred from fossil records, historical jaws, phylogeographic and divergence time analyses

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    Aim: Determine the evolutionary origin of the heretofore poorly characterized contemporary Great White Shark (GWS; Carcharodon carcharias) of the Mediterranean Sea, using phylogenetic and dispersal vicariance analyses to trace back its global palaeo-migration pattern. Location: Mediterranean Sea. Taxon: Carcharodon carcharias. Methods: We have built the largest mitochondrial DNA control region (CR) sequence dataset for the Mediterranean GWS from referenced historical jaws spanning the 19th and 20th centuries. Mediterranean and global GWS CR sequences were analysed for genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationships and divergence time. A Bayes factor approach was used to assess two scenarios of GWS lineage divergence and emergence of the Mediterranean GWS line using fossil records and palaeo-geographical events for calibration of the molecular clock. Results: The results confirmed a closer evolutionary relationship between Mediterranean GWS and populations from Australia–New Zealand and the North-eastern Pacific coast rather than populations from South African and North-western Atlantic. The Mediterranean GWS lineage showed the lowest genetic diversity at the global level, indicating its recent evolutionary origin. An evaluation of various divergence scenarios determined the Mediterranean GWS lineage most likely appeared some 3.23 million years ago by way dispersal/vicariance from Australian/Pacific palaeo-populations. Main conclusion: Based on the fossil records, phylogeographic patterns and divergence time, we revealed that the Mediterranean GWS population originated in the Pliocene following the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Colonization of the Mediterranean by GWS likely occurred via an eastward palaeo-migration of Australian/eastern Pacific elements through the Central American Seaway, before the complete closure of the Isthmus of Panama. This Pliocene origin scenario contrasts with a previously proposed scenario in which Australian GWS colonized the Mediterranean via antipodean northward migration resulting from navigational errors from South Africa during Quaternary climatic oscillations
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