7,532 research outputs found
Quantum and Classical in Adiabatic Computation
Adiabatic transport provides a powerful way to manipulate quantum states. By
preparing a system in a readily initialised state and then slowly changing its
Hamiltonian, one may achieve quantum states that would otherwise be
inaccessible. Moreover, a judicious choice of final Hamiltonian whose
groundstate encodes the solution to a problem allows adiabatic transport to be
used for universal quantum computation. However, the dephasing effects of the
environment limit the quantum correlations that an open system can support and
degrade the power of such adiabatic computation. We quantify this effect by
allowing the system to evolve over a restricted set of quantum states,
providing a link between physically inspired classical optimisation algorithms
and quantum adiabatic optimisation. This new perspective allows us to develop
benchmarks to bound the quantum correlations harnessed by an adiabatic
computation. We apply these to the D-Wave Vesuvius machine with revealing -
though inconclusive - results
Breaking the cycle? The effect of education on welfare receipt among children of welfare recipients
We examine the impact of high school graduation on the probability individuals from welfare backgrounds use welfare themselves. Our data consists of administrative educational records for grade 12 students in a Canadian province linked with their own and their parents' welfare records. We address potential endogeneity problems by: 1) controlling for ability using past test scores; 2) using an instrument for graduation based on school principal fixed effects; and 3) using a Heckman- Singer type unobserved heterogeneity estimator. Graduation would reduce welfare receipt of dropoutsby Ý to 3/4. Effects are larger for individuals from troubled family backgrounds and low income neighbourhoods.
Thermal fluctuations in moderately damped Josephson junctions: Multiple escape and retrapping, switching- and return-current distributions and hysteresis
A crossover at a temperature T* in the temperature dependence of the width s
of the distribution of switching currents of moderately damped Josephson
junctions has been reported in a number of recent publications, with positive
ds/dT and IV characteristics associated with underdamped behaviour for lower
temperatures T<T*, and negative ds/dT and IV characteristics resembling
overdamped behaviour for higher temperatures T>T*. We have investigated in
detail the behaviour of Josephson junctions around the temperature T* by using
Monte Carlo simulations including retrapping from the running state into the
supercurrent state as given by the model of Ben-Jacob et al. We develop
discussion of the important role of multiple escape and retrapping events in
the moderate-damping regime, in particular considering the behaviour in the
region close to T*. We show that the behaviour is more fully understood by
considering two crossover temperatures, and that the shape of the distribution
and s(T) around T*, as well as at lower T<T*, are largely determined by the
shape of the conventional thermally activated switching distribution. We show
that the characteristic temperatures T* are not unique for a particular
Josephson junction, but have some dependence on the ramp rate of the applied
bias current. We also consider hysteresis in moderately damped Josephson
junctions and discuss the less commonly measured distribution of return
currents for a decreasing current ramp. We find that some hysteresis should be
expected to persist above T* and we highlight the importance, even well below
T*, of accounting properly for thermal fluctuations when determining the
damping parameter Q.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR
Optically probing the fine structure of a single Mn atom in an InAs quantum dot
We report on the optical spectroscopy of a single InAs/GaAs quantum dot (QD)
doped with a single Mn atom in a longitudinal magnetic field of a few Tesla.
Our findings show that the Mn impurity is a neutral acceptor state A^0 whose
effective spin J=1 is significantly perturbed by the QD potential and its
associated strain field. The spin interaction with photo-carriers injected in
the quantum dot is shown to be ferromagnetic for holes, with an effective
coupling constant of a few hundreds of micro-eV, but vanishingly small for
electrons.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Coulomb interactions in single, charged self-assembled quantum dots: radiative lifetime and recombination energy
We present results on the charge dependence of the radiative recombination
lifetime, Tau, and the emission energy of excitons confined to single
self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots. There are significant dot-to-dot
fluctuations in the lifetimes for a particular emission energy. To reach
general conclusions, we present the statistical behavior by analyzing data
recorded on a large number of individual quantum dots. Exciton charge is
controlled with extremely high fidelity through an n-type field effect
structure, providing access to the neutral exciton (X0), the biexciton (2X0)
and the positively (X1+) and negatively (X1-) charged excitons. We find
significant differences in the recombination lifetime of each exciton such
that, on average, Tau(X1-) / Tau(X0) = 1.25, Tau(X1+) / Tau(X0) = 1.58 and
Tau(2X0) / Tau(X0) = 0.65. We attribute the change in lifetime to significant
changes in the single particle hole wave function on charging the dot, an
effect more pronounced on charging X0 with a single hole than with a single
electron. We verify this interpretation by recasting the experimental data on
exciton energies in terms of Coulomb energies. We show directly that the
electron-hole Coulomb energy is charge dependent, reducing in value by 5-10% in
the presence of an additional electron, and that the electron-electron and
hole-hole Coulomb energies are almost equal.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Fano resonance resulting from a tunable interaction between molecular vibrational modes and a double-continuum of a plasmonic metamolecule
Coupling between tuneable broadband modes of an array of plasmonic
metamolecules and a vibrational mode of carbonyl bond of poly(methyl
methacrylate) is shown experimentally to produce a Fano resonance, which can be
tuned in situ by varying the polarization of incident light. The interaction
between the plasmon modes and the molecular resonance is investigated using
both rigorous electromagnetic calculations and a quantum mechanical model
describing the quantum interference between a discrete state and two continua.
The predictions of the quantum mechanical model are in good agreement with the
experimental data and provide an intuitive interpretation, at the quantum
level, of the plasmon-molecule coupling
Power-law carrier dynamics in semiconductor nanocrystals at nanosecond time scales
We report the observation of power law dynamics on nanosecond to microsecond
time scales in the fluorescence decay from semiconductor nanocrystals, and draw
a comparison between this behavior and power-law fluorescence blinking from
single nanocrystals. The link is supported by comparison of blinking and
lifetime data measured simultaneously from the same nanocrystal. Our results
reveal that the power law coefficient changes little over the nine decades in
time from 10 ns to 10 s, in contrast with the predictions of some diffusion
based models of power law behavior.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, compressed for submission to Applied Physics
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