4,191 research outputs found

    The Spectral Evolution of Transient Anomalous X-ray Pulsar XTE J1810--197

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    (Abridged) We present a multi-epoch spectral study of the Transient Anomalous X-ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197 obtained with the XMM X-ray telescope. Four observations taken over the course of a year reveal strong spectral evolution as the source fades from outburst. The origin of this is traced to the individual decay rates of the pulsar's spectral components. A 2-T fit at each epoch requires nearly constant temperatures of kT=0.25 & 0.67 keV while the component luminosities decrease exponentially with tau=900 & 300d, respectively. One possible interpretation is that the slowly decaying cooler component is the radiation from a deep heating event that affected a large fraction of the crust, while the hotter component is powered by external surface heating at the foot-points of twisted magnetic field lines, by magnetospheric currents that are decaying more rapidly. The energy-dependent pulse profile of XTE J1810-197 is well modeled at all epochs by the sum of a sine and triangle function. These profiles peak at the same phase, suggesting a concentric surface emission geometry. The spectral and pulse evolution together argue against the presence of a significant ``power-law'' contribution to the X-ray spectrum below 8 keV. The extrapolated flux is projected to return to the historic quiescent level, characterized by an even cooler blackbody spectrum, by the year 2007.Comment: 12 pages, 6 Figures, Latex, emulateapj. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Long term hard X-ray variability of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1RXS J170849.0-400910 discovered with INTEGRAL

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    We report on a multi-band high-energy observing campaign aimed at studying the long term spectral variability of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar (AXP) 1RXS J170849.0-400910, one of the magnetar candidates. We observed 1RXS J170849.0-400910 in Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 simultaneously with Swift/XRT, in the 0.1-10 keV energy range, and with INTEGRAL/IBIS, in the 20-200 keV energy range. Furthermore, we also reanalyzed, using the latest calibration and software, all the publicly available INTEGRAL data since 2002, and the soft X-ray data starting from 1999 taken using BeppoSAX, Chandra, XMM, and Swift/XRT, in order to study the soft and hard X-ray spectral variability of 1RXS J170849.0-400910. We find a long-term variability of the hard X-ray flux, extending the hardness-intensity correlation proposed for this source over 2 orders of magnitude in energy.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics main journa

    Fading of the Transient Anomalous X-ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197

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    Three observations of the 5.54 s Transient Anomalous X-ray Pulsar XTE J1810-197 obtained over 6 months with the Newton X-Ray Multi-Mirror Mission (XMM-Newton) are used to study its spectrum and pulsed light curve as the source fades from outburst. The decay is consistent with an exponential of time constant 300 days, but not a power law as predicted in some models of sudden deep crustal heating events. All spectra are well fitted by a blackbody plus a steep power law, a problematic model that is commonly fitted to anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs). A two-temperature blackbody fit is also acceptable, and better motivated physically in view of the faint optical/IR fluxes, the X-ray pulse shapes that weakly depend on energy in XTE J1810-197, and the inferred emitting areas that are less than or equal to the surface area of a neutron star. The fitted temperatures remained the same while the flux declined by 46%, which can be interpreted as a decrease in area of the emitting regions. The pulsar continues to spin down, albeit at a reduced rate of (5.1+/-1.6)x10^{-12} s s^{-1}. The inferred characteristic age Tau_c = P/2Pdot ~17,000 yr, magnetic field strength B_s ~1.7x10^{14} G, and outburst properties are consistent with both the outburst and quiescent X-ray luminosities being powered by magnetic field decay, i.e., XTE J1810-197 is a magnetar.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap.

    Large Binocular Telescope observations of PSR J2043+2740

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    We present the results of deep optical imaging of the radio/γ\gamma-ray pulsar PSR J2043+2740, obtained with the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). With a characteristic age of 1.2 Myr, PSR J2043+2740 is one of the oldest (non recycled) pulsars detected in γ\gamma-rays, although with still a quite high rotational energy reservoir (E˙rot=5.6×1034\dot{E}_{\rm rot} = 5.6 \times 10^{34} erg s1^{-1}). The presumably close distance (a few hundred pc), suggested by the hydrogen column density (NH3.6×1020N_{\rm H} \lesssim 3.6 \times 10^{20} cm2^{-2}), would make it a viable target for deep optical observations, never attempted until now. We observed the pulsar with the Large Binocular Camera of the LBT. The only object (V=25.44±\pm0.05) detected within ~3" from the pulsar radio coordinates is unrelated to it. PSR J2043+2740 is, thus, undetected down to V~26.6 (3-σ\sigma), the deepest limit on its optical emission. We discuss the implications of this result on the pulsar emission properties.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Peculiar Spin Frequency and Radio Profile Evolution of PSR J1119-6127 Following Magnetar-like X-ray Bursts

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    We present the spin frequency and profile evolution of the radio pulsar J1119-6127 following magnetar-like X-ray bursts from the system in 2016 July. Using data from the Parkes radio telescope, we observe a smooth and fast spin-down process subsequent to the X-ray bursts resulting in a net change in the pulsar rotational frequency of Δν4×104\Delta\nu\approx-4\times10^{-4}\,Hz. During the transition, a net spin-down rate increase of Δν˙1×1010\Delta\dot\nu\approx-1\times10^{-10}\,Hz\,s1^{-1} is observed, followed by a return of ν˙\dot{\nu} to its original value. In addition, the radio pulsations disappeared after the X-ray bursts and reappeared about two weeks later with the flux density at 1.4\,GHz increased by a factor of five. The flux density then decreased and undershot the normal flux density followed by a slow recovery back to normal. The pulsar's integrated profile underwent dramatic and short-term changes in total intensity, polarization and position angle. Despite the complex evolution, we observe correlations between the spin-down rate, pulse profile shape and radio flux density. Strong single pulses have been detected after the X-ray bursts with their energy distributions evolving with time. The peculiar but smooth spin frequency evolution of PSR~J1119-6127 accompanied by systematic pulse profile and flux density changes are most likely to be a result of either reconfiguration of the surface magnetic fields or particle winds triggered by the X-ray bursts. The recovery of spin-down rate and pulse profile to normal provides us the best case to study the connection between high magnetic-field pulsars and magnetars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS on 2018 July 2

    Magnetars' Giant Flares: the case of SGR 1806-20

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    We first review on the peculiar characteristics of the bursting and flaring activity of the Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters and Anomalous X-ray Pulsars. We then report on the properties of the SGR 1806-20's Giant Flare occurred on 2004 December 27th, with particular interest on the pre and post flare intensity/hardness correlated variability. We show that these findings are consistent with the picture of a twisted internal magnetic field which stresses the star solid crust that finally cracks causing the giant flare (and the observed torsional oscillations). This crustal fracturing is accompanied by a simplification of the external magnetic field with a (partial) untwisting of the magnetosphere.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; accepted for publication in the Chinese Journal for Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vulcano conference - 2005

    X-ray and radio observations of the magnetar Swift J1834.9-0846 and its dust-scattering halo

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    We present a long-term study of the 2011 outburst of the magnetar Swift J1834.9-0846 carried out using new Chandra observations, as well as all the available Swift, RXTE, and XMM-Newton data. The last observation was performed on 2011 November 12, about 100 days after the onset of the bursting activity that had led to the discovery of the source on 2011 August 07. This long time span enabled us to refine the rotational ephemeris and observe a downturn in the decay of the X-ray flux. Assuming a broken power law for the long-term light curve, the break was at ~46 d after the outburst onset, when the decay index changed from alpha ~ 0.4 to ~4.5. The flux decreased by a factor ~2 in the first ~50 d and then by a factor ~40 until November 2011 (overall, by a factor ~70 in ~100 d). At the same time, the spectrum, which was well described by an absorbed blackbody all along the outburst, softened, the temperature dropping from ~1 to ~0.6 keV. Diffuse X-ray emission extending up to 20" from the source was clearly detected in all Chandra observations. Its spatial and spectral properties, as well as its time evolution, are consistent with a dust-scattering halo due to a single cloud located at a distance of \approx200 pc from Swift J1834.9-0846, which should be in turn located at a distance of ~5 kpc. Considering the time delay of the scattered photons, the same dust cloud might also be responsible for the more extended emission detected in XMM-Newton data taken in September 2011. We searched for the radio signature of Swift J1834.9-0846 at radio frequencies using the Green Bank Radio Telescope and in archival data collected at Parkes from 1998 to 2003. No evidence for radio emission was found, down to a flux density of 0.05 mJy (at 2 GHz) during the outburst and ~0.2-0.3 mJy (at 1.4 GHz) in the older data.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Accurate X-ray position and multiwavelength observations of the isolated neutron star RBS 1774

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    We report on X-ray, optical, infrared and radio observations of the X-ray dim isolated neutron star (XDINS) 1RXS J214303.7+065419 (also known as RBS 1774). The X-ray observation was performed with the High Resolution Camera on board of the Chandra X-ray Observatory, allowing us to derive the most accurate position for this source (alpha = 21h43m3.38s, delta= +6deg54'17".53; 90% uncertainty of 0."6). Furthermore, we confirmed with a higher spatial accuracy the point-like nature of this X-ray source. Optical and infrared observations were taken in B, V, r', i', J, H and Ks filters using the Keck, VLT, Blanco and Magellan telescopes, while radio observations were obtained from the ATNF Parkes single dish at 2.9GHz and 708MHz. No plausible optical and/or infrared counterpart for RBS 1774 was detected within the refined sub-arsecond Chandra X-ray error circle. Present upper limits to the optical and infrared magnitudes are r'>25.7 and J>22.6 (5 sigma confidence level). Radio observations did not show evidence for radio pulsations down to a luminosity at 1.4 GHz of L < 0.02 mJy kpc^2, the deepest limit up to date for any XDINS, and lower than what expected for the majority of radio pulsars. We can hence conclude that, if RBS 1774 is active as radio pulsar, its non detection is more probably due to a geometrical bias rather than to a luminosity bias. Furthermore, no convincing evidence for RRAT-like radio bursts have been found. Our results on RBS 1774 are discussed and compared with the known properties of other thermally emitting neutron stars and of the radio pulsar population.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication on MNRA