28 research outputs found

    Channel Density Regulation of Firing Patterns in a Cortical Neuron Model

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    AbstractModifying the density and distribution of ion channels in a neuron (by natural up- and downregulation or by pharmacological intervention or by spontaneous mutations) changes its activity pattern. In this investigation we analyzed how the impulse patterns are regulated by the density of voltage-gated channels in a neuron model based on voltage-clamp measurements of hippocampal interneurons. At least three distinct oscillatory patterns, associated with three distinct regions in the Na-K channel density plane, were found. A stability analysis showed that the different regions are characterized by saddle-node, double-orbit, and Hopf-bifurcation threshold dynamics, respectively. Single, strongly graded action potentials occur in an area outside the oscillatory regions, but less graded action potentials occur together with repetitive firing over a considerable range of channel densities. The relationship found here between channel densities and oscillatory behavior may partly explain the difference between the principal spiking patterns previously described for crab axons (class 1 and 2) and cortical neurons (regular firing and fast spiking)

    Ion Channel Density Regulates Switches between Regular and Fast Spiking in Soma but Not in Axons

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    The threshold firing frequency of a neuron is a characterizing feature of its dynamical behaviour, in turn determining its role in the oscillatory activity of the brain. Two main types of dynamics have been identified in brain neurons. Type 1 dynamics (regular spiking) shows a continuous relationship between frequency and stimulation current (f-Istim) and, thus, an arbitrarily low frequency at threshold current; Type 2 (fast spiking) shows a discontinuous f-Istim relationship and a minimum threshold frequency. In a previous study of a hippocampal neuron model, we demonstrated that its dynamics could be of both Type 1 and Type 2, depending on ion channel density. In the present study we analyse the effect of varying channel density on threshold firing frequency on two well-studied axon membranes, namely the frog myelinated axon and the squid giant axon. Moreover, we analyse the hippocampal neuron model in more detail. The models are all based on voltage-clamp studies, thus comprising experimentally measurable parameters. The choice of analysing effects of channel density modifications is due to their physiological and pharmacological relevance. We show, using bifurcation analysis, that both axon models display exclusively Type 2 dynamics, independently of ion channel density. Nevertheless, both models have a region in the channel-density plane characterized by an N-shaped steady-state current-voltage relationship (a prerequisite for Type 1 dynamics and associated with this type of dynamics in the hippocampal model). In summary, our results suggest that the hippocampal soma and the two axon membranes represent two distinct kinds of membranes; membranes with a channel-density dependent switching between Type 1 and 2 dynamics, and membranes with a channel-density independent dynamics. The difference between the two membrane types suggests functional differences, compatible with a more flexible role of the soma membrane than that of the axon membrane

    Going beyond diverse worldviews for conservation: response to Kohler et al

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    Kohler et al. (2019) propose that effective conservation requires a pluralistic approach that engages seriously with the worldviews of all stakeholders. The authors argue that taking into account “alternative framings of the biosocial complex that recognize nature’s intrinsic value” can motivate both social change and effective conservation on a local scale. We agree with the importance of incorporating a broader range of worldviews into conservationist practice and concur that legal innovations that articulate the rights of nature represent a step forward. Nonetheless, we believe Kohler et al.’s proposal does not include a number of issues—extensively studied in the social sciences—that must be considered to achieve a conservation that truly embraces diversity: that multiculturalism offers a false promise; the oversimplification of indigenous and local perspectives; that power relations between different types of knowledge need foregrounding; and that local knowledge and practice are not separate, discrete entities.Fil: Carman, Maria. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Instituto de Investigaciones "Gino Germani"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: González Carman, Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; Argentin