3 research outputs found

    Development of the theory of economic disequilibrium and its place in the system of macroeconomic theories

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    D. Patinkin and R.W. Clower belong to the first criticists of the model IS-LM, and they have revealed its theoretical weaknesses. It was in the half of the sixties of the 20 century, i. e. at the time when there was nobody to make the effectiveness of the Keynes's policies dubious. These analyses have become a starting point of the theory of economic disequilibrium. It has reached its full development as late as in the seventies and eighties of the 20 century, especially in France. The research programme of the theory of economic disequilibrium is carried out by searching the microeconomic basic points of the Keynes macroeconomics. This proves, that although in the real economic life an economic subject tries to reach the optimum, he/she is forced to choose a solution which is not an optimum one. The fact that some economic subjects are subject to limitations has very important macroeconomic consequences, unemployment being one of them. The theory of economic disequilibrium brings some interesting facts into the analysis of recent unemployment. They are such facts as limitations, relative rigidity of wages, spill-over effect and finally reasoning the existence of unvoluntary unemployment. Due to these contributions it helped the creation of the new Keynes economy.Equilibrium with limitations, spill-over effect, dual decision-making, typology of the kinds of unemployment, mixed unemployment, tâtonnement

    La gestion de la migration qualifiée : les cas de la Slovaquie

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    Actuellement, les entreprises qui veulent s’affirmer sur le marché mondialisé ont besoin des technologies de l’information et de la communication car elles sont un facteur de croissance et de compétitivité. Mais, il ne suffit pas d’informatiser la fabrication ou les services pour créer une économie forte et compétitive: il faut aussi des travailleurs très qualifiés pour utiliser les nouveaux systèmes. C’est pourquoi, les pays de l’Union européenne (UE) s’attendent à une augmentation de la demande de travailleurs hautement qualifiés, notamment dans le domaine des technologies de l’information et de la communication, au cours des années à venir. Les Etats membres de l’UE devront utiliser leurs politiques pour limiter la fuite des cerveaux vers d’autres pays, pour stimuler l’émigration circulaire et pour attirer les cerveaux. Donc, ce problème a plusieurs aspects. D’un côté, les Etats membres devront favoriser la création des nouvelles entreprises pour freiner la fuite des cerveaux. De l’autre côté, la politique migratoire sélectionnée peut faciliter l’entrée de migrants qualifiés. Dans ce contexte, les politiques qui encouragent les étudiants en mobilité internationale à rester sur le territoire à l’issue de leurs études, sont aussi importantes. Dans cette contribution, on analysera la situation dans la République slovaque de point de vue de la politique migratoire nationale axée sur la capacité d’attirer des travailleurs hautement qualifié

    Migration processes and determinants: the case of the Slovak Republic

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    While the Slovak Republic is not one of the traditional immigration destinations, in recent years, the situation has changed. The current paper aims to analyse the migration processes in the Slovak Republic and identify the determinants for immigration. The results show that during the last three decades, the accession to the EU and Schengen area affected the migration patterns in Slovakia the most. One of the crucial determinants causing labour migration to the country is the domestic labour demand and labour shortage due to emigration flows. While the COVID-19 pandemic did not significantly influence the migration processes in the country, the restrictive measures are affecting the employment of foreigners. On the other hand, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has caused unprecedented immigration flows to the country. The latter calls for a modernisation of immigration and integration policies that will lead to a more efficient labour market and sustainable economic growth in the Slovak Republic. Creating an Immigration and Naturalisation Office, with the aim of bringing together all migration processing and provision of related services is a necessary step forward in migration policy management. This article focuses on the migration developments shaping the migration policy in Slovakia in the near future and provides policy recommendations. © 2022 Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw. All Rights Reserved.Vedecká Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR a SAV, VEGA: 1/0037/2