3 research outputs found

    Estimated Assessment of the Potential Impact of Driverassistance Systems Used in Automated Vehicles on the Level of Road Safety in Poland

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    Strengthening road safety in the face of the enormous development of the automotive in recent decades is crucial. The safety benefits of automated vehicles are paramount. Automated vehicles have the potential to remove human error in road traffic, which will help protect drivers and passengers, as well as pedestrians and bicyclists. The carried-out forecasts are pioneering for Polish road traffic conditions. In England, studies have been carried out to determine the estimated impact of autonomous vehicles on road safety in simulated traffic conditions on the motorway. In Poland, preliminary forecasts of the reduction in the number of road accidents were made; however, they were based on other assumptions. Therefore, estimating the impact of using autonomous vehicles in order to increase the level of road safety is an innovative activity for Polish road conditions. For the purposes of this article, available statistical data on vehicles registered in Poland, their equipment with advanced driver-assistance systems as well as accident data and their causes were analyzed. A diagnosis of Road Safety in Poland in 2018 (base year for further estimations) was made, taking into account the trend of recent years together with an indication of the most common causes of road accidents. These data were compiled with statistical data from other countries about the influence of driversupport systems on traffic safety. Possible potential for increasing Road Safety in Poland by the year 2030 was estimated. The analyses were prepared assuming different types of processes related to traffic, road safety, and the recent development of the passenger car fleet in Poland. Presented results show four scenarios of road safety change, where the number of accidents is reduced with statistical average of 5000 reduction in the year 2030. These expectations are based on various predictable factors connected with upgrade of car fleet quality and take into account changes in road safety observed in recent years. Based on the current trend of driving automation and rapid development of driver-support systems, the provided estimations were found reliable and likely. The conducted research shows the benefits and the need for the use of driver-assistance systems in vehicles as they can measurably affect the level of road safety

    User Requirements for Autonomous Vehicles – a Comparative Analysis of Expert and Non-expert-based Approach

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    Given the rapid progress being made in the design and development of autonomous vehicles, society is reaching the situation whereby customers will be able to access a range of semi-autonomous vehicles. These vehicles have the capability to drive autonomously in certain circumstances, with minimal input from the driver, except situations when a Request to Intervene is issued. While user requirements differ across and between types of users, there is no unified set of user requirements which will be acceptable to all drivers. Motivated by the recent explosion of interest around autonomous mobility, the authors made an attempt to extract, rank and compare the requirements that should be met according to different types of users - experts and non-experts. An initial set of user requirements was obtained, recognizing that drivers will have different priorities and preferences in this most critical of handover scenarios

    The conception of evaluation of the impact of intelligent transport systems on road traffic safety and traffic efficiency with the use of a high class of driving simulators

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    W niniejszym artykule opisano koncepcję oceny wpływu inteligentnych systemów transportowych na bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego i efektywność ruchu z użyciem wysokiej klasy symulatorów jazdy. Przedstawiono i omówiono najważniejsze parametry rejestrowane przy użyciu symulatora jazdy AS 1200-6, jakim dysponuje Instytut Transportu Samochodowego oraz oprogramowanie symulacyjne, które będzie wykorzystywane do badań prowadzonych w ramach realizacji projektu pt. „Wpływ stosowania usług Inteligentnych Systemów Transportowych na poziom bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego”. Wyniki przeprowadzonych eksperymentów posłużą do opracowania wskaźników służących ocenie wpływu usług ITS na efektywność i bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego a także wytycznych w zakresie rozmieszczenia usług ITS, w celu ich poprawy.This article describes the concept of impact assessment of intelligent transport systems on road safety and traffic efficiency using high-performance driving simulators. The paper discussed the most important parameters recorded using the AS 1200-6 driving simulator, which is available at the Motor Transport Institute, and simulation software, which will be used for research carried out within the project implementation, "The impact of using Intelligent Transport Systems on the level of road safety". The results of the experiments will be used to develop indicators for assessing the impact of ITS services on road safety and efficiency, as well as guidelines for the deployment of ITS services, to improve them