7 research outputs found

    Algunas constantes de la poesía centroamericana contemporánea escrita por mujeres: de objeto a sujeto literario

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    La crítica literaria viene señalando grandes novedades en la poesía centroamericana de las últimas décadas escrita por mujeres. Se trata de una poesía caracterizada por una gran presencia del erotismo y de la reivindicación sociopolítica, temas frecuentemente unidos bajo una voz confesional marcadamente femenina y comprometida. No basta con registrar estas novedades temáticas en la historia de la literatura, sino que ha de presentarse desde la conformación de una retórica, entendida . como un sistema de procedimientos formales y estilísticos propios. Señalar algunos de estos rasgos característicos es el objetivo de nuestro estudio. Como conclusión, destacamos que las novedades temáticas tienen también su expresión desde la retórica en la que se desarrolla este discurso poético de género.Literary criticism is pointing out great novelties in the Central American poetry written by women in recent decades. It is a kind of poetry characterized by the constant presence of eroticism and sociopolitical gender demands, issues frequently united under a markedly female confessional voice. It is not enough to record these thematic novelties in the History of Literature. If a new literary trend is taking place, this must be reflected on different rhetorical devices, understood as a series of formal and stylistic procedures. Reporting any of these characteristics is the aim of our study. In conclusion, the thematic developments must also be reflected on the rhetoric devices used by this poetic gender discourse

    Estimating the Relationship between Reading in Primary Education, Educational Attainment and Social Welfare. The Case of Extremadura (Spain)

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between the Social Welfare Index and the reading habits of primary school students in Extremadura (Spain). A study has been performed which consists of two parts. First, we conducted 4,288 surveys on reading habits in 87 municipalities. Second, we calculated the social welfare index. The statistical analysis refl ects two conclusions: firstly, educational and socio-economic policies have resulted in equal opportunities that allow for similar social possibilities throughout the territory; secondly, Educational Attainment of parents is the most decisive factor in obtaining the best results in terms of students' reading habits

    Algunas constantes de la poesía centroamericana contemporánea escrita por mujeres: de objeto a sujeto literario

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    La crítica literaria viene señalando grandes novedades en la poesía centroamericana de las últimas décadas escrita por mujeres. Se trata de una poesía caracterizada por una gran presencia del erotismo y de la reivindicación sociopolítica, temas frecuentemente unidos bajo una voz confesional marcadamente femenina y comprometida. No basta con registrar estas novedades temáticas en la historia de la literatura, sino que ha de presentarse desde la conformación de una retórica, entendida . como un sistema de procedimientos formales y estilísticos propios. Señalar algunos de estos rasgos característicos es el objetivo de nuestro estudio. Como conclusión, destacamos que las novedades temáticas tienen también su expresión desde la retórica en la que se desarrolla este discurso poético de género.Literary criticism is pointing out great novelties in the Central American poetry written by women in recent decades. It is a kind of poetry characterized by the constant presence of eroticism and sociopolitical gender demands, issues frequently united under a markedly female confessional voice. It is not enough to record these thematic novelties in the History of Literature. If a new literary trend is taking place, this must be reflected on different rhetorical devices, understood as a series of formal and stylistic procedures. Reporting any of these characteristics is the aim of our study. In conclusion, the thematic developments must also be reflected on the rhetoric devices used by this poetic gender discourse

    Estimating the Relationship between Reading in Primary Education, Educational Attainment and Social Welfare. The Case of Extremadura (Spain)

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between the Social Welfare Index and the reading habits of primary school students in Extremadura (Spain). A study has been performed which consists of two parts. First, we conducted 4,288 surveys on reading habits in 87 municipalities. Second, we calculated the social welfare index. The statistical analysis refl ects two conclusions: firstly, educational and socio-economic policies have resulted in equal opportunities that allow for similar social possibilities throughout the territory; secondly, Educational Attainment of parents is the most decisive factor in obtaining the best results in terms of students' reading habits