43 research outputs found

    Local Rheology Relation with Variable Yield Stress Ratio across Dry, Wet, Dense, and Dilute Granular Flows

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    Dry, wet, dense, and dilute granular flows have been previously considered fundamentally different and thus described by distinct, and in many cases incompatible, rheologies. We carry out extensive simulations of granular flows, including wet and dry conditions, various geometries and driving mechanisms (boundary driven, fluid driven, and gravity driven), many of which are not captured by standard rheology models. For all simulated conditions, except for fluid-driven and gravity-driven flows close to the flow threshold, we find that the Mohr-Coulomb friction coefficient Îź\mu scales with the square root of the local P\'eclet number Pe\mathrm{Pe} provided that the particle diameter exceeds the particle mean free path. With decreasing Pe\mathrm{Pe} and granular temperature gradient MM, this general scaling breaks down, leading to a yield condition with a variable yield stress ratio characterized by MM

    The critical role of the boundary layer thickness for the Initiation of aeolian sediment transport

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    Here, we propose a conceptual framework of Aeolian sediment transport initiation that includes the role of turbulence. Upon increasing the wind shear stress τ above a threshold value τ′t , particles resting at the bed surface begin to rock in their pockets because the largest turbulent fluctuations of the instantaneous wind velocity above its mean value u¯ induce fluid torques that exceed resisting torques. Upon a slight further increase of τ , rocking turns into a rolling regime (i.e., rolling threshold τt≃τ′t ) provided that the ratio between the integral time scale Ti∝δ/u¯ (where δ is the boundary layer thickness) and the time Te∝√d/[(1−1/s)g] required for entrainment (where d is the particle diameter and s the particle–air–density ratio) is sufficiently large. Rolling then evolves into mean-wind-sustained saltation transport provided that the mean wind is able to compensate energy losses from particle-bed rebounds. However, when Ti/Te is too small, the threshold ratio scales as τt/τ′t∝Te/Ti∝sd2/δ2 , consistent with experiments. Because δ/d controls Ti/Te and the relative amplitude of turbulent wind velocity fluctuations, we qualitatively predict that Aeolian sediment transport in natural atmospheres can be initiated under weaker (potentially much weaker) winds than in wind tunnels, consistent with indirect observational evidence on Earth and Mars

    Analytical model for flux saturation in sediment transport

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    The transport of sediment by a fluid along the surface is responsible for dune formation, dust entrainment and for a rich diversity of patterns on the bottom of oceans, rivers, and planetary surfaces. Most previous models of sediment transport have focused on the equilibrium (or saturated) particle flux. However, the morphodynamics of sediment landscapes emerging due to surface transport of sediment is controlled by situations out-of-equilibrium. In particular, it is controlled by the saturation length characterizing the distance it takes for the particle flux to reach a new equilibrium after a change in flow conditions. The saturation of mass density of particles entrained into transport and the relaxation of particle and fluid velocities constitute the main relevant relaxation mechanisms leading to saturation of the sediment flux. Here we present a theoretical model for sediment transport which, for the first time, accounts for both these relaxation mechanisms and for the different types of sediment entrainment prevailing under different environmental conditions. Our analytical treatment allows us to derive a closed expression for the saturation length of sediment flux, which is general and can thus be applied under different physical conditions