7 research outputs found

    The role of p53 in the DNA damage-related ubiquitylation of S2P RNAPII

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    DNA double-strand breaks are one of the most deleterious lesions for the cells, therefore understanding the macromolecular interactions of the DNA repair-related mechanisms is essential. DNA damage triggers transcription silencing at the damage site, leading to the removal of the elongating RNA polymerase II (S2P RNAPII) from this locus, which provides accessibility for the repair factors to the lesion. We previously demonstrated that following transcription block, p53 plays a pivotal role in transcription elongation by interacting with S2P RNAPII. In the current study, we reveal that p53 is involved in the fine-tune regulation of S2P RNAPII ubiquitylation. Furthermore, we emphasize the potential role of p53 in delaying the premature ubiquitylation and the subsequent chromatin removal of S2P RNAPII as a response to transcription block

    SerpinB10, a Serine Protease Inhibitor, Is Implicated in UV-Induced Cellular Response

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    UV-induced DNA damage response and repair are extensively studied processes, as any malfunction in these pathways contributes to the activation of tumorigenesis. Although several proteins involved in these cellular mechanisms have been described, the entire repair cascade has remained unexplored. To identify new players in UV-induced repair, we performed a microarray screen, in which we found SerpinB10 (SPB10, Bomapin) as one of the most dramatically upregulated genes following UV irradiation. Here, we demonstrated that an increased mRNA level of SPB10 is a general cellular response following UV irradiation regardless of the cell type. We showed that although SPB10 is implicated in the UV-induced cellular response, it has no indispensable function in cell survival upon UV irradiation. Nonetheless, we revealed that SPB10 might be involved in delaying the duration of DNA repair in interphase and also in S-phase cells. Additionally, we also highlighted the interaction between SPB10 and H3. Based on our results, it seems that SPB10 protein is implicated in UV-induced stress as a “quality control protein”, presumably by slowing down the repair process

    BC-miR: Monitoring Breast Cancer-Related miRNA Profile in Blood Sera—A Prosperous Approach for Tumor Detection

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    Breast cancer is the most frequent cancer with a high fatality rate amongst women worldwide. Diagnosing at an early stage is challenging, and due to the limitations of the currently used techniques, including mammography and imaging diagnostics, it still remains unascertained. Serum biomarkers can be a solution for this as they can be isolated in a less painful, more cost-effective, and minimally invasive manner. In this study, we shed light on the relevant role of multiple microRNAs (miRNAs) as potential biomarkers in breast cancer diagnosis. We monitored the expressional changes of 15 pre-selected miRNAs in a large cohort, including 65 patients with breast cancer and 42 healthy individuals. We performed thorough statistical analyses on the cohort sample set and determined the diagnostic accuracy of individual and multiple miRNAs. Our study reveals a potential improvement in diagnostics by implicating the monitoring of miR-15a+miR-16+miR-221 expression in breast cancer management