2 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja dan Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan

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    S The study perceives the effectiveness of leadership from the effect of leader`s style that orientation task and employee on the employee`s job performance and employee`s job satisfaction. The study aims at : (1) finding out significantly effects of the leader`s style that orientation task and employee on employee`s job performance, (2) finding out significantly effects of the leader`s style that orientation task and employee on employee`s job satisfaction, and (3) ) finding out significantly effects of the leader`s style that orientation task and employee on employee`s job performance and employee`s job satisfaction directly and indirectly. This is a survey research involving the employees of PT. Semen Gresik , at the analysis unit, with sample of 68 from 212 employees a quastionaire was used. Hipothesis testing was done by path analysis. The result of study showed that : (1) leader`s style that orientation task and employee are significantly affected the employee`s job performance, (2) leader`s style that orientation task and employee are significantly affected the employee`s job satisfaction, and (3) leader`s style that orientation task and employee are significantly effected the employee`s job performance and employee`s job satisfaction. Based on the finding, therefore, it is suggested that the leder`s style on orientation task is basically dominant variable in influencing the employee`s job performance and employee`s job satisfaction. We also suggested that the organization pay more attention to their employee`s need to get their goals

    Social Capital in Fishermen Livelihood: Case Study in "Kelompok Usaha Bersama" (Kube) Ketapang, Pangkalpinang, Bangka

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    The empowerment of social community in a sustainable way becomes an unavoidable need, including within the fishermen community. As one of the economically marginalized social communities, the Fisherman community needs more serious attention from all related parties to create a join business group (Kelompok Usaha Bersama/KUBE) to improve their welfare. This article intends to find out how KUBE in Ketapang strengthen social capital in their groups as a strategy to increase the welfare of their members. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach through observation and in-depth interviews with 5 (five) fisherman informants as data collection techniques. The results showed that economic capital was not the main factor in increasing the empowerment of fishermen, but the social capital of KUBE group, such as networks, trust, and social bonds (bonding), have played a more important role in increasing the welfare of their members.Upaya untuk mengembangkan pemberdayaan kelompok sosial secara berkelanjutan saat ini menjadi suatu kebutuhan tak elakkan, termasuk dalam hal ini adalah kelompok nelayan. Sebagai salah satu kelompok sosial yang termarginalisasi secara ekonomi, kelompok ini membutuhkan intervensi dari berbagai pihak untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Salah satu strategi yang dilakukan oleh Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUBE) di Ketapang, Pangkalpinang, Bangka adalah dengan memperkuat modal sosial dalam kelompok tersebut. Artikel ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya KUBE untuk menguatkan modal sosial di kelompok mereka sehingga mendorong para nelayan untuk menjadi lebih berdaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap 5 (lima) orang informan nelayan anggota KUBE. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal ekonomi tidak menjadi faktor utama dalam meningkatkan keberdayaan nelayan, namun di kelompok KUBE ini modal sosial berupa jaringan, kepercayaan, dan ikatan sosial (bonding) memegang peranan yang lebih penting. Melalui kedua modal ini nelayan dapat saling membantu kebutuhan ekonomi satu sama lain, dan meningkatkan keberdayaan mereka dalam mencapai akses sumberdaya ekonomi yang lebih baik