14 research outputs found
Evaluasi Tata Letak Bangunan Terhadap Garis Sempadan Jalan Di Kawasan Central Business District Kota Semarang
Central Business District (CBD) consisting of Semarang City Pemuda, Pandanaran, Thamrin and Gajahmada street is located in the Urban Area Part I is an area that has a function as an office area, trade, and services. In this case many of the buildings or building plots outer (such as fences, etc.) don't stand in accordance with Regulation No.14 of 2011, and therefore interesting authors to evaluate buildings in the region that violates / does not comply with regulation Semarang No.14 of 2011. For secondary data, the authors conducted digitization of individual plots obtained from the interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery, as well as making a line of evaluation with a certain distance from the axle path. Evaluation of building layout Line Border Roads is a process of assessment of the outer building layout of the plots that have been on the local regulation is governed by a certain distance to the outer buildings as road / middle of the road. In doing this thesis the author requires data related to the study such as: Satellite Imagery; Road Network Map. The results of these studies will provide information that violates buildings with an area (m2) violations at Pemuda; Pandanaran; Thamrin; Gajahmada street set forth in the regulation of Semarang
Studi Eksperimental Pengaruh Perkuatan Sambungan Pada Struktur Jembatan Rangka Canai Dingin Terhadap Lendutan
Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi, ditemukan bahan yang mampu menyaingi jembatan rangka baja, yaitu baja ringan canai dingin (Cold Formed). Bahan ini memiliki kuat tarik yang tinggi, kuat, serta mudah dibentuk. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian kuat tarik baja canai dingin dan lendutan. Model struktur jembatan ini dibuat dengan dua dimensi tanpa pelat lantai. . Hasil pengujian kuat tarik baja canai dingin yang kita gunakan dengan lima benda uji didapatkan rata-rata tegangan ultimit (fu) 503,332 N/mm2. Berdasarkan uraian beberapa sumber dianggap nilai fy dan fu pada kelima benda uji adalah sama. Pengujian lendutan dilakukan pada ketiga model untuk mendapatkan beban maksium dan lendutan maksimum. Pada grafik perbandingan ketiga model didapatkan bahwa model 3 tidak bisa dianalisis lebih lanjut karena kemungkinan terjadi kesalahan prosedur pengujian. Setelah dianalisis lebih lanjut model 2 mengalami peningkatan kekuatan yang signifikan dibandingkan model 1. Jika ditinjau pada beban yang sama pengurangan lendutan yang didapatkan 10,5 % sedangkan jika ditinjau pada lendutan yang sama peningkatan kekuatan yang didapatkan 15%
Penerapan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (Phbs) pada Masyarakat untuk Mencegah Penularan Covid-19 di Wilayah Kota Depok
In the condition of the COVID-19 disease outbreak, this is something that must be stopped, namely by means of the community having access to clean water to always wash their hands with soap and not forgetting to increase their immunity, it is recommended to consume fruits and vegetables accompanied by physical activity every days, and for this smoking behavior, because smoking causes damage to the function of the lungs and respiratory tract of humans, it makes it increasingly difficult for COVID-19 sufferers to take oxygen or risk shortness of breath which can be fatal. This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the general description of the state of public health status based on aspects of implementing Clean and Healthy Behavior in the community to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in the Depok City Region. This study uses a descriptive quantitative method, namely a study conducted to describe a phenomenon. The data presented in the form of numbers in the form of secondary data collection (Depok Health Profile) and primary data collected using questionnaires from June to August 2021 in the Depok City Community. The population in this study was the entire Depok City Community and the sample in this study was as many as 1,018 people in Depok City. The results of this study showed that 550 (54.02%) informants had family members who smoked, this is a factor affected by Covid-19 in the Depok City Area. The conclusion of this study is that Covid-19 is something that must be stopped, namely smoking behavior, because smokers are one of the sufferers who are very at risk of complications and death from the corona virus