1,048 research outputs found

    An Intriguing Approach to The Fractional Mellin Transform Method

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    We propose an adapted Mellin transform method that gives the solution of a fractional di ¤erential equation with variable coefficients in ordinary domain. After we mention a transformation of cosmic time to individual time (CTIT), we explain how it can reduce the problem from fractional form to ordinary form when it is used with Mellin transformation, via an example for 0 < alpha < 1; where alpha is the order of fractional derivative. Then, we give an application of the results

    Solving the Oscillation Equation With Fractional Order Damping Term Using a New Fourier Transform Method

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    We propose an adapted Fourier transform method that gives the solution of an oscillation equation with a fractional damping term in ordinary domain. After we mention a transformation of cosmic time to individual time (CTIT), we explain how it can reduce the problem from fractional form to ordinary form when it is used with Fourier transformation, via an example for 1 < alpha < 2; where alpha is the order of fractional derivative. Then, we give an application of the results

    Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Neurobiology, Diagnostic Problems and Clinical Features

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic, lifelong neurobeha-vioral disorder with childhood-onset, which seriously impairs the affected adults in a variety of daily living functions like academic, social and occupational functioning. Prevalence of ADHD declines with age in the general population. The approximate prevalence rates of ADHD is 8% in childhood, 6% in adolescence and 4% in adulthood. The unclear validity of DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for this condition can lead to reduced prevalence rates by underestimation of the prevalence of adult ADHD. The disorder is characterized by behavioral symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity across the life cycle and is associated with considerable morbidity and disability. Although its etiology remains unclear, considerable evidence documents its strong neurobiological and genetic underpinnings. ADHD is associated with a high percentage of comorbid psychiatric disorders in every lifespan. In adulthood between 65-89% of all patients with ADHD suffer from one or more additional psychiatric disorders, above all mood and anxiety disorders, substance use disorders and personality disorders, which complicate the clinical picture in terms of diagnostics, treatment and outcome issues. The high comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders, the resulting deficits in social competences and risky health behavior that often go along with a diminished life quality must be stressed in these patients. Preventive and therapeutic interventions should be taken at an early stage to counteract the possible negative influences of ADHD on functioning and relationships. In this paper, we reviewed the historical aspects, epidemiology, neurobiology, comorbidity, diagnostic difficulties and clinical features of adult ADHD

    Graphene-Semiconductor Composites as Visible Light-Induced Photocatalyst

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    Graphene-based composites produced by the incorporation of graphene into suitable semiconductors doped with various metals enable to induce the unique properties of the graphene, such as extended light absorption range, charge separation, and so high dye adsorption capacity. Therefore, graphene-based composites can provide to enhance the overall photocatalytic performance of the base semiconductor under the visible-light, and to open up new pathways to high-performance photocatalyst for the future applications. This chapter of the book focuses on the structural and optical properties of the graphene-semiconductor-based composite structure. Furthermore, final photocatalytic properties of the graphene-based composites can be controlled by applying different synthesis routes. Common synthesis methods of the graphene-semiconductor composites such as sol-gel, solution mixing, in situ growth, hydrothermal growth, and solvothermal method are discussed on the resultant visible-light photocatalytic property of the these composites. At the same time, doping of the graphene-semiconductor material with metal ions also allows an improvement of the visible light-induced photocatalytic activity. Therefore, studies related with the effect of the dopant agent on the visible light photocatalytic activity are also reviewed in this chapter

    Otpornost na trimetoprim-sulfametoksazol i stope osjetljivosti na fosfomicin kod nekompliciranih infekcija mokraćnog sustava – je li vrijeme za promjenu preporučenih antimikrobnih lijekova

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    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are among the most common bacterial infections in adult population. They are prevalent in all age groups both in women and men. Also, UTIs are the most frequent indication for empirical antibiotic treatment in emergency department. The aim of this study was to determine the antibiotic resistance rates in the treatment of uncomplicated UTIs. Adult patients admitted to emergency department with uncomplicated UTIs were included in this cross-sectional study. Mid-stream urine samples were obtained under sterile conditions and cultured quantitatively. After 24 hours, the samples showing 105 colony forming unit per milliliter (CFU/mL) were tested for antibiotic susceptibility. Resistance to fosfomycin-trometamol (FT), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (AC), ciprofloxacin (CIP), trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMPSMX) and cefpodoxime (CEF) was tested by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion system. Escherichia (E.) coli accounted for the vast majority (93.4%) of the organisms isolated in the study. Among the E. coli positive patients, resistance to TMP-SMX was the most common antibiotic resistance. The E. coli species detected in our study group were least resistant to FT (2.4%). The resistance rates, especially to CEF, AC and CIP, were significantly higher in patients over 50 years of age. In conclusion, in the treatment of uncomplicated UTIs, TMP-SMX should be excluded from empirical treatment, while fosfomycin could be a viable option in all age groups.Infekcije mokraćnog sustava (urinary tract infection, UTI) spadaju među najčešće bakterijske infekcije u odrasle populacije, a učestale su u svim dobnim skupinama i u oba spola. Isto tako, UTI su najčešća indikacija za empirijsko liječenje antibioticima u hitnoj službi. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi stope otpornosti na antibiotike u liječenju nekomplicirane UTI. U ovo poprečno ispitivanje bili su uključeni odrasli bolesnici primljeni na hitni odjel s nekompliciranom UTI. Uzorci srednjeg mlaza mokraće uzeti su pod sterilnim uvjetima i kvantitativno kultivirani. Nakon 24 sata uzorci koji su pokazivali 105 CFU/mL testirani su na osjetljivost na antibiotike. Otpornost na fosfomicin-trometamol (FT), amoksicilin-klavulansku kiselinu (AC), ciprofloksacin (CIP), trimetoprim-sulfametoksazol (TMP-SMX) i cefpodoksim (CEF) ispitana je pomoću Kirby-Bauerova sustava disk difuzije. Većinu organizama izoliranih u ovom istraživanju činila je Escherichia (E.) coli (93,4%). Među bolesnicima pozitivnim na E. coli najčešća je bila otpornost na TMP-SMX. Vrste E. coli otkrivene u ovoj skupini bolesnika pokazale su najmanju otpornost na FT (2,4%). Stope antibiotske otpornosti, poglavito na CEF, AC i CIP, bile su značajno više u bolesnika starijih od 50 godina. Zaključuje se kako bi u liječenju nekomplicirane UTI trebalo iz empirijskog liječenja isključiti TMP-SMX, dok bi fosfomicin mogao biti koristan u svim dobnim skupinama

    Keeping zero tariffs is good economics, but the EU's political interest matters too

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    Tariffs are a key element in any trade deal negotiated between the EU and the UK. Ozlem Taytas Ozturk (LSE) explains why and writes that while a zero tariff arrangement is in the economic interests of all the business sectors involved, the final deal may be swayed by politics. The EU may impose some tariffs in order to discourage non-EU countries from seeking a better deal with the bloc, and discourage restless members from leaving

    Prvi zabilježeni slučaj Ixodes ricinus (Acari; Ixodidae) u blavora (Pseudopus apodus; Anguidae) i studije ektoparazita u reptila od prošlosti do danas u Turskoj

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    Three adult European glass lizards (Pseudopus apodus Klembara) were caught in the garden of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ondokuz Mayis University (Samsun, Turkey) and were observed to have a tick infestation. During macroscopic examination, tick samples were collected from the lateral groove on both sides of the lizard by using blunt-tip tweezers. All the samples were examined under the microscope and belonged to Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus) larvae and nymphs. This is the first report of a tick species or infestation in European glass lizard. In addition, we provide a detailed review of all studies conducted to date on reptile ectoparasites in Turkey.Tri odrasla blavora (Pseudopus apodus Klembara) uhvaćena su u vrtu Veterinarskog fakulteta, Sveučilišta Ondokuz Mayis (Samsun, Turska) te je otkrivena infestacija krpeljima. Tijekom makroskopskog pregleda, uzorci su prikupljeni iz bočnog utora s obje strane guštera uporabom pincete s tupim vrhom. Tijekom stereo-mikroskopske analize otkriveno je da svi uzorci pripadaju ličinkama i nimfama Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus). Ova studija prvi je zapis o vrsti krpelja ili infestaciji blavora. Uz to, ova studija provela je detaljnu analizu do sada provedenih studija na ektoparazitima reptila u Turskoj

    Circulating irisin levels in newly diagnosed obstructive sleep apnea patients

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    Introduction: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is commonly associated with obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, and coronary artery disease. Irisin is a newly identified myokine and its serum concentration was found to be correlated with cardiac troponin and creatin kinase-MB in acute myocardial infarction patients. Furthermore, irisin levels were positively associated with endothelium-dependent vasodilation in type 2 diabetic patients.Aim: In this study, we aimed to investigate serum irisin level in the newly diagnosed OSAS patients.Materials and Methods: After obtaining ethical approval, 32 OSAS patients were included. All patients gave written informed consent. Diagnosis of OSAS was verified by an overnight polysomnography (PSG) and made by an apnea hypopnea index equal to or higher than 5. Venous blood samples were collected in the morning between 08.00 – 10.00 after PSG (n=25) or after one-night CPAP treatment (n=7). Serum irisin concentrations were studied by ELISA.Results and Conclusion: Serum irisin concentrations were significantly higher in newly diagnosed OSAS group than in OSAS group after one night of CPAP treatment (199.7±42.4 vs 159.7±18.3 ng/mL respectively; p<0.01). These results suggest that increased serum irisin levels can be reduced by CPAP treatment and elevated serum irisin levels may be due to increased respiratory muscle activity and body temperature.

    The Real Crisis Waiting for the World: Oil Problem and Energy Security

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    It can be said that the global crisis in the world in 2008 deeply affected all states and changed almost all balances. Such crises experienced in the world during this period and possible same crises in the future are important. However, such crises have monetary solutions although they have resulted in serious destruction of economic and social structures of the countries. Nevertheless, if the necessary measures are not taken, a more serious crisis will arise in a future not too far from now. The difference of this crisis that will arise compared to the former ones is that there won’t be a monetary solution for it. Continuous growth in the increase of energy consumption in the world is an inevitable problem. This situation makes many countries around the world face the problem of energy independence and energy security. In this study, the classification and characteristics of energy sources will be discussed first. Then, energy independence and security problem created by termination of energy sources and their being under control of specific countries will be examined by comparative analysis method based on statistical data. Keywords: Energy Security; Oil Problem; Energy Crisis; Real Crisis; Energy Policy JEL Classifications: Q42; Q43; Q4