22 research outputs found

    Conceptual design of a hydroelectric power plant for a rehabilitation project

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    This study presents the conceptual design of a hydroelectric power plant, as a part of a large scale rehabilitation project for an existing power plant in Antalya, Turkey. The aim of the rehabilitation project is to increase the power and efficiency of the plant and its scope includes CFD aided turbine design, model production and tests, the design, production and implementation of the turbine, generator and the SCADA system. This study is the first attempt, as a preliminary study, to handle the problem and perform a conceptual design of the hydroelectric power plant. The existing plant is modeled to estimate the head and flow rate characteristics at various sections of the system. The net head and flow rate of the turbine are estimated. Transient analyses of the system are also performed to evaluate water hammer characteristics. The results of the transient analyses provide the inputs for the design of by-pass pipeline and pressure relief valve. The estimated net head and flow rate from the simulations are used as inputs for the preliminary design. The dimensions of the spiral case, the diameter of the stay vanes and guide vanes, wicket gate heights, runner diameter and rotational speed, runaway characteristics and preliminary output power are determined. The best efficiency point and the design point of the turbine are also obtained as the net head versus the flow rate. These results provide an idea on the feasibility of the increase in power.Papers presented to the 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Costa de Sol, Spain on 11-13 July 2016

    The comparative effect of propolis in two different vehicles; mouthwash and chewing-gum on plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation

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    Objective: In general, chemical plaque agents have been used in mouthwashes, gels, and dentifrices. In some situations, application of mouthwashes and dentifrices can be difficult. Therefore, different approaches for oral health-care have been needed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of propolis chewing-gum compared to propolis-containing mouthwash on gingival inflammation and plaque accumulation on patients that refrained from daily oral hygiene procedures for 5 days. Materials and Methods: 10 college students with systemically healthy and very good oral hygiene and gingival health were included in this randomized, single-blind, crossover 5-day plaque regrowth with a 3-day washout period clinical study. After plaque scores were reduced to zero, participants were asked to refrain from oral hygiene procedures and allocated to either propolis mouthwash or chewing-gum group. Chewing-gum was performed after meals 3 times a day for 20 min mouthwash group was instructed to rinse mouthwash 2 times a day for 1 min. On day 5, the clinical periodontal measurements containing plaque and gingival indexes were taken from the participants. Results: The both plaque and gingival indexes of propolis mouthwash group were significantly lower than that of the propolis chewing-gum group (P = 0.005). Conclusion: It was demonstrated that the propolis mouthwash was more effective than the propolis chewing gum on the plaque inhibition and the gingival inflammation. © 2015 Dental Investigations Society

    Kırıkkale'deki Köpeklerde Mikrokültür Yöntemi ve IFAT ile Visseral Leishmaniosisin Prevalansinin Araştirilmasi.

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    PubMed: 20340078This study was carried out in order to compare the seroprevalence of visceral leishmaniasis in dogs from different areas of Kirikkale between 2006-2008 using the microculture method (MCM) which is a new method, and the indirect fluorescent antigen test (IFAT). All of the blood collected from total of 50 dogs was found to be negative by MCM. Only one male Beagle strain dog (3 years old) was found to be seropositive at 1/128 titers (2%) for anti-Leishmania infantum IgG antibodies by IFAT

    Enzyme-linked amperometric electrochemical genosensor assay for the detection of PCR amplicons on a streptavidin-treated screen-printed carbon electrode

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    PubMed ID: 18311943A general purpose enzyme-based amperometric electrochemical genosensor assay was developed wherein polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons labeled with both biotin and fluorescein were detected with peroxidase-conjugated antifluorescein antibody on a screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE). As a proof of principle, the response selectivity of the genosensor was evaluated using PCR amplicons derived from lolB gene of Vibrio cholerae. Factors affecting immobilization, hybridization, and nonspecific binding were optimized to maximize sensitivity and reduce assay time. On the basis of the background amperometry signals obtained from nonspecific organisms and positive signals obtained from known V. cholerae, a threshold point of 4.20 µA signal was determined as positive. Under the optimum conditions, the limit of detection (LOD) of the assay was 10 CFU/mL of V. cholerae. The overall precision of this assay was good, with the coefficient of variation (CV) being 3.7% using SPCE and intermittent pulse amperometry (IPA) as an electrochemical technique. The assay is sensitive, safe, and cost-effective when compared to conventional agarose gel electrophoresis, real-time PCR, and other enzyme-linked assays for the detection of PCR amplicons. Furthermore, the use of a hand-held portable reader makes it suitable for use in the field. © 2008 American Chemical Society