4,428 research outputs found

    Pressure drop across micro-pin heat sinks under boiling conditions

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    Two-phase pressure drop was studied in four different micro pin fin heat sinks. Micro pin fin heat sinks used in the current studies were operated under boiling conditions using water and R-123 as working fluids. It was observed that once boiling was initiated severe temperature fluctuations and flow oscillations were recorded for three of the micro pin fin heat sinks, which was characterized as unstable boiling. Pressure drop signals were presented just before and after the unstable boiling conditions. Flow images and FFT (fast Fourier Transform) profiles of pressure signals were used to explain experimental results and unstable nature in flow boiling observed in the three of the devices. Stable boiling conditions where the temperature and pressure drop had a steady and stable profile could be only obtained from one micro pin fin heat sink at high mass velocities. The two-phase pressure drop in this hydrofoil-based micro pin fin heat sink has been investigated using R-123 as the working fluid. Two-phase frictional multipliers have been obtained over mass fluxes from 976 to 2349 kg/m2. It has been found that the two-phase frictional multiplier is strongly dependent on flow pattern. The theoretical prediction using Martinelli parameter based on the laminar fluid and laminar gas flow represented the experimental data fairly well for the spray-annular flow. For the bubbly and wavy-intermittent flow, however, large deviations from the experimental data were recorded. The Martinelli parameter was used successfully to determine the flow patterns, which were bubbly, wavy-intermittent, and spray-annular flow in the current study

    Classroom Environment and EFL Students' Feelings of Alienation: Reflections on Bahcesehir University Setting

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    Teaching and learning languages is not innocuously simple straightforward processes, rather, there exist a plethora of psychosocial and cultural parameters. The complexities and intricacies are noticed in all cognitive, affective and behavioral domains of human intellectual effort for learning and transmitting information. EFL students have shown entirely different psychological and cultural specificities reflecting their particular personality type, ethnic background, emotional status, and culture. This diversity has also been noticed in their different degree of academic success and failure, diverse emotional orientations including their motivation, anxiety, risk taking, self-image, self-confidence, etc. Students' different learning techniques, styles and strategies can lead to successful learning and felicitous discourse with the teachers; conversely, they can experience educational failure, isolation, powerlessness, anomaly, and breakage of proper communication with the teacher. One of the repercussions of the traditional learning environments is lack of the proper interaction and felicitous discourse among the teachers and the students. These affective parameters can be the aftermath of the psychologically destructive state called '' Alienation''. In this study, an attempt was made to decipher the interplay between students' gender, ethnic backgrounds, and cultural specificities and their feelings of alienation at Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey. Keywords: classroom environment, alienation, academic achievement, task engagemen

    Measuring Public Preferential Polarization

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    We adapt an axiomatically derived measure of polarization due to Esteban and Ray (1994) to measure polarization of political preferences. Previous work used different measures such as variance, kurtosis, Cronbach's alpha, median distance to median and the mean distance between groups. Yet, none of these measures are theoretically connected to a notion of polarization. Although the initiation of the current one is in the lieu of income inequality measurement, it is conceptually suitable for preferential polarization as well. This paper offers a methodology for that purpose. The second contribution of the paper is that we use the Aldrich-McKelvey Scaling to correct for differential-item functioning in estimating ideal points of the individuals. We use the American National Election Survey Data for years between 1984-2008 to implement the theory offered in the paper. Our findings suggest that there is not a statistically significant increasing trend in polarization in this time period in many issue dimensions but there is an upward trend in the latent ideology dimension which is significant during the 1990s

    A thoracic-epidural granulocytic sarcoma case that was diagnosed preceding the onset of and that recurred co-incidental to acute promyelocytic leukemia, which developed after surgical treatment.

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    Granulocytic sarcoma or chloroma is a tumor seen in myelocytic leukemia. Spinal epidural onset is rare and is generally seen before or together with the onset of myelocytic leukemia. An epidural mass located at the 2nd-5th thoracic levels in an 18-year-old male patient was pathologically diagnosed as granulocytic sarcoma. Radiotherapy was performed after surgical intervention. Ten months later, he was re-admitted with abdominal pain. At this time, an epidural mass at the 6th-9th thoracic levels was detected on magnetic resonance imaging, and acute promyelocytic leukemia was diagnosed. After systemic chemotherapy, partial remission was achieved. We aimed to present this rare case with its remarkable follow-up findings.</p


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    It is clear that there are different studies conducted on the tourism sector of different countries. In contrast, it is quite difficult to find out similar studies thatconducted on Albanian tourism sector that is revealed by the literature review ofthis study. This is one of the main motivations of this study.The purpose of this study is to measure the views and perception of university students on the issue on the basis of empirical data which have been collected for this study. The researchers asked about 24 questions to universities' students.Before conducting the survey, the study had chosen two private and five state run universities from different cities of Albania. The survey conducted by surveyor who had been thought how to conduct survey. These surveyors asked those some 423 students to fill in the survey's questions. After they answered the questions, the surveys had been collected by those surveyors. To investigate which factors have more importance on development of tourism sector including Infrastructure,Transportation, Diversity of Tourism, Promotion, Service Quality and Price.The study are adopting the hypothesis that mean factor ratings are same betweenmale and female, universities and employment status.This study has employed a quantitative method. Within this method, in order toanalyse the data One way Anova Tests is applied. Based on the analysis all factors that has been asked are found as important, however, their contribution level to thetourism development are different. Among factors contributing to tourism,Promotion is considered to have different level of contribution according to different universities' students, while evaluation of factors on other demographic indicators is seen similar within significance level 0.05

    An Overview of the Construction Sector in Albania

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    The Construction sector during the last decade has turned out to be an important pillar and one of the most dynamic sectors of the Albanian economy, comprising an average of 10% of GDP and above during this period. Mostly the construction activities are focused in the major urban centers of the country. In the last two years insufficient domestic demand and higher financing costs caused a slowdown on this sector of the economy causing the investment pace to relatively slow down, compared with the previous years. In this paper we will try to give an overview of the construction sector in Albania during the period 2002-2012 by focusing mainly on the contribution share this sector has had on GDP throughout the years and it Gross Value Added, the effect this sector has on employment rates, building permits and their value on periodical basis. After making a thorough literature revising we will give our own insights upon the trend this sector has had and its current and prospective role it will have in the Albanian economy

    A decision forest based feature selection framework for action recognition from RGB-Depth cameras

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    In this paper, we present an action recognition framework leveraging data mining capabilities of random decision forests trained on kinematic features. We describe human motion via a rich collection of kinematic feature time-series computed from the skeletal representation of the body in motion. We discriminatively optimize a random decision forest model over this collection to identify the most effective subset of features, localized both in time and space. Later, we train a support vector machine classifier on the selected features. This approach improves upon the baseline performance obtained using the whole feature set with a significantly less number of features (one tenth of the original). On MSRC-12 dataset (12 classes), our method achieves 94% accuracy. On the WorkoutSU-10 dataset, collected by our group (10 physical exercise classes), the accuracy is 98%. The approach can also be used to provide insights on the spatiotemporal dynamics of human actions

    Interactome analysis and docking sites prediction of (AtCHR8, AtCUL4 and AtERCC1/UVR7) proteins in Arabidopsis Thaliana

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    The UV irradiation is a major DNA damaging factor in plants. Arabidopsis thaliana uses various repair pathways for these kinds of DNA lesions. One of them is the nucleotide excision repair pathway. The AtCUL4, ERCC1/UVR7 and CHR8 are vital proteins for nucleotide excision pathway and mutations in these proteins cause flaws in the repair mechanism. Two of these proteins play crucial role during DNA damage recognition and the other is involved in the excision of damaged bases. During NER processes, Arabidopsis uses different sets of proteins during the DNA damage recognition for transcriptionally active and genomic DNA. In order to get better insight into these proteins, we used bioinformatics tools to predict, analyze, and validate 3D structures of ERCC1/UVR7, AtCUL4 and CHR8. We also predicted the subcellular and sub-nuclear localization of proteins. Subsequently, we predicted the docking sites for each individual proteins and searched for interacting residues which mediate the protein-protein interactions.&nbsp