244 research outputs found

    The Cauchy problem for the logarithmic Schr\"odinger equation revisited

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    We revisit the Cauchy problem for the logarithmic Schr\"odinger equation and construct strong solutions in H1H^1, the energy space, and the H2H^2-energy space. The solutions are provided in a constructive way, which does not rely on compactness arguments, that a sequence of approximate solutions forms a Cauchy sequence in a complete function space and then actual convergence is shown to be in a strong sense.Comment: 30 page

    Expression of α-catenin in α-catenin–deficient cells increases resistance to sphingosine-induced apoptosis

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    α-Catenin, an intracellular protein, associates with the COOH-terminal region of cadherin cell adhesion molecules through interactions with either β-catenin or γ-catenin (plakoglobin). The full activity of cadherins requires a linkage to the actin cytoskeleton mediated by catenins. We transfected α-catenin–deficient colon carcinoma cells with a series of α-catenin constructs to determine that α-catenin expression increases the resistance to apoptosis induced by sphingosine. Two groups of constructs, containing deletions in either the middle segment of the molecule or the COOH terminus, induced morphological changes, cell compaction, and decreases in cell death. In α-catenin–expressing cells, inhibition of cadherin cell adhesion by treatment with anti–E-cadherin antibodies did not decrease the cells viability. α-Catenin expression partially suppressed the downregulation of Bcl-xL and the activation of caspase 3. Expression of p27kip1 protein, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, was increased by α-catenin expression in low density cell cultures. The increased levels of p27kip1 correlated with both increased resistance to cell death and morphological changes in transfectants containing deletion mutants. Transfection-mediated upregulation of p27kip1 decreases sphingosine-induced cell death in α-catenin–deficient cells. We postulate that α-catenin mediates transduction of signals from the cadherin–catenin complex to regulate the apoptotic cascade via p27kip1

    Low regularity solutions to the logarithmic Schrodinger equation

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    We consider the logarithmic Schr{\"o}dinger equation, in various geometric settings. We show that the flow map can be uniquely extended from H^1 to L^2 , and that this extension is Lipschitz continuous. Moreover, we prove the regularity of the flow map in intermediate Sobolev spaces.Comment: Some typos fixed. A flaw corrected in Section

    N-(1,10-Phenanthrolin-5-yl)-4-(2-pyridyl)­benzamide monohydrate

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    In the title mol­ecule, C24H16N4O·H2O, the benzene ring of the 1,10-phenanthroline group and that of the 2-phenyl­pyridine group are respectively twisted by 67.9 (1) and 15.3 (3)° from the carbamoyl group defined by the plane of the O=C—N group of atoms. The water mol­ecule is hydrogen bonded to one of the phenanthroline N atoms. In the crystal structure, significant π–π stacking inter­actions occur, with centroid-to-centroid separations in the range 3.567–3.681 (2) Å

    Chlorido(dimethyl sulfoxide-κS)[2-(2-pyrid­yl)phenyl-κ2 N,C 1]platinum(II)

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    In the title compound, [Pt(C11H8N)Cl(C2H6OS)], the S atom of dimethyl sulfoxide is trans to the pyridyl N atom [Pt—S = 2.2181 (11) Å] and the chlorido ligand is trans to the carbon donor of 2-(2-pyrid­yl)phenyl [Pt—Cl = 2.4202 (10) Å]. The [2-(2-pyrid­yl)phen­yl]platinum(II) unit forms a one-dimensional stack along the c axis with two independent inter­planar separations of 3.44 (9) and 3.50 (2) Å

    ニッカン セイショウネン ノ ジソン カンジョウ ニオケル ヒカク ケンキュウ チュウガク コウコウセイ オ タイショウ ト シタ イシキ チョウサ カラ

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    本稿は日本と韓国の中学・高校生における自尊感情の比較を通して、青少年における自尊感情を支える要因を分析する。先行研究により本稿では、家族や教師、友人との関係のように自尊感情を育む場と、学校生活や将来展望において影響を及ぼすとされる教育達成の観点から、青少年の自尊感情を支える要因を考察する。分析結果によれば、第1 に全体的に自尊感情を構成する項目は、日本と韓国の中高生に共通して高かったものの、身近な人々との充実感や肯定感にかかわる「他者関係性」は韓国より日本の方が高かった。第2 に自尊感情を規定する要因に関しては、日韓共通して、家庭生活の良さ等の社会化エージェントに関係する要因が正の影響を有した。各国独自の特徴としては、日本は女子生徒で、かつゲームを長時間操作する生徒ほど自尊感情に負の影響を及ぼす一方、韓国は部活動に加入する生徒ほど、自尊感情に正の影響を及ぼしていたことが判明した。In this article, I consider a comparative research of the social background and trends that support self-esteem levels in Japanese and South Korean students. According to the results, it turned out that both national groups scored highly for self-esteem levels. In the item of other relationships, which is concerned with their sense of fulfillment with familiar people, Japanese students were more affirmative than South Korea students. However, in the item of self-efficacy and self-evaluation, South Korean students were more affirmative. In the process of forming self-esteem, analysis showed that both national groups were influenced by socializing factors, such as their degree of adjustment to school and the quality of their family and / or teachers. Female students and students who regularly play video games for a long time tend to have a passive effect with Japanese students, while a high degree of learning time and normative consciousness tend to have a positive effect for South Korean student

    オヤ ノ キョウイク キタイ ガ セイショウネン ノ チイ タッセイ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ ニホン カンコク ノ チュウコウセイ オ コ ニ モツ ホゴシャ オ タイショウ トシタ シツモンシ チョウサ オ モトニ

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    本稿では、日本と韓国の子どもの教育格差の拡大が起こる背景に関して、学校外教育投資と社会階層との関係をもとに、貧困層─富裕層間の教育格差の有する特徴を精査する。分析する際のキーワードとして、「家庭の経済力や親の教育意識(意欲や選好)によって、子どもの教育達成に格差や不平等が生まれる」ペアレントクラシー概念を用いて分析を行う。 分析結果によれば、第1 に日韓中高生の基本的な学習傾向は、日本より韓国の方が学校外教育機関を多く利用しているうえ、高校受験の有無と各生徒における受験競争へのコミットメントの程度が、学校外教育利用を左右するとみられる。第2 に学校外教育利用を絡む教育格差が存在することは確認できたものの、日本の場合は教育アスピレーション、韓国の場合は成績というように、日韓における教育システムの違いを背景にペアレントクラシーの進行が日韓で異なったと考えられる。This article investigates the parentocracy hypothesis, which is related to socio-economic status and educational expectation from their parents, and shows its validity for Japanese and South Korean students. Although Japanese and South Korean students commonly tend to expand their use of shadow education (eg. cram school and private tutors etc.), there are differences in various of their lives, such as child-rearing costs’ parental educational consciousness, the institution of admission exam to higher education and so on. Therefore, I attempt to analyze the use of shadow education and regulated factors inroled with parentocracy effect on their respective students.  According to the results of analysis, Japanese students tend to make the most use of cram schools in the 9th grade, because of their preparation for high school admission exams. South Korean students tend to make greater use of cram schools after graduating from high school. With regard to the parentocracy effect, it was shown that both students in both countries have a common tendency to be significantly influenced by their parents’ of guardians, socio-economic status and educational expectation Specifically, it turns at that the factors influenced by the parentocracy effect were different between the two countries(Japanese students: school grades, Korean students: educational aspiration)

    CD151 regulates epithelial cell–cell adhesion through PKC- and Cdc42-dependent actin cytoskeletal reorganization

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    CD151, a member of the tetraspanin family proteins, tightly associates with integrin α3β1 and localizes at basolateral surfaces of epithelial cells. We found that overexpression of CD151 in A431 cells accelerated intercellular adhesion, whereas treatment of cells with anti-CD151 mAb perturbed the integrity of cortical actin filaments and cell polarity. E-Cadherin puncta formation, indicative of filopodia-based adhesion zipper formation, as well as E-cadherin anchorage to detergent-insoluble cytoskeletal matrix, was enhanced in CD151-overexpressing cells. Levels of GTP-bound Cdc42 and Rac were also elevated in CD151-overexpressing cells, suggesting the role of CD151 in E-cadherin–mediated cell–cell adhesion as a modulator of actin cytoskeletal reorganization. Consistent with this possibility, engagement of CD151 by the substrate-adsorbed anti-CD151 mAb induced prominent Cdc42-dependent filopodial extension, which along with E-cadherin puncta formation, was strongly inhibited by calphostin C, a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor. Together, these results indicate that CD151 is involved in epithelial cell–cell adhesion as a modulator of PKC- and Cdc42-dependent actin cytoskeletal reorganization

    セイショウネン ノ ユウジン カンケイ ノ ツカイワケ シコウ ト ガッコウ セイカツ ニッカン チュウコウセイ オ タイショウ トシタ イシキ チョウサ オ モトニ

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    東京都とソウルに住む中学・高校生に対する質問紙調査をもとに、友人との付き合い方やコミュニケーションの相違点を把握した上で、友人関係の使い分け志向を促す要因を検討する。分析結果によれば、第1 に基本的に日韓の中高生は共通して友人関係作りを回避しているわけではないが、友人との関係は一定の距離を保ちあまりお互いに深入りしない。ただし友人関係の選択化に関わる項目に関しては、日本は友人との話題、韓国は友人付き合いを使い分ける対象に違いがある。第2 に友人関係の使い分け志向を肯定する規定要因に関しては、日韓両国ともon-line 上の友人関係がいる場合は、日常接する友人とは異なる話題や接触方法でコミュニケーションをとる傾向にある。日本の中高生は、学校に適応しており、学習時間や携帯電話の操作時間が長いほど友人関係の使い分けをしやすい。韓国の中高生は、出身階層が高いほど、友人の使い分けをしやすい傾向が現れた。 This article is a study on the difference in youth communication between friends, based on a questionnaire administered in Japan and South Korea, two countries that share a similar educational standard and geographical proximity. The central projects of this article focus on the differences in communication among junior high school and high school students in both Japan and South Korea, based on their school life, and on the investigation of the regulating factor, which leads to an affirmation of selective friendship. It was found that students in both Japan and South Korea generally showed a positive inclination about selective friendship (that is a relationship to make friends according to the occasion); however, they varied in terms of what they look for and value in the selection of a friend. Japanese students tend to value the topic of conversation with friends, while South Korean students tend to value the quality for their friendship. It was shown that students who use selective friendship have a greater number of friends. On the other hand, the regulating factor to affirm selective friendship in Japanese and South Korean students had a significant influence on the degree of an affirmative orientation for relationships with friends. And it turned out that the social stratified factor, which has been pointed out through Japan-South Korea comparison research, did not appear to have any significant influence on selective friendship, apart from the academic background of the father