49 research outputs found

    An Architectural Framework for Collaboration of Heterogeneous Communication Devices Using WAP and Mobile Device Augmented(MDA)Gateway Integration

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    Within the last couple of years, the challenge of displaying collaborative multimedia information has become very important with the large diversity of communication devices such as Personal Computers, laptops, notebooks and handheld devices. The shared data and information may be presented with different views depending on the communication device used by a particular collaborator. The use of various web tools (HTML, WML etc) offers some solutions to the problem but if the target application requires more complex features such as rich multimedia data than is manageable using HTML or WML format, something else need to be done. In this paper, we propose a framework that integrates WAP and MDA Gateway to support collaboration among virtual teams and nomadic workers using heterogeneous communication devices. We then discuss an approach for augmenting mobile device small screen capabilities with surrounding large screen display device


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    The antibiotics susceptibility pattern of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from processed and unprocessed meats were investigated. Isolation of Listeria monocytogenes was done using the FDA BAM method. A total of fifty (50) retail meat samples consisting of twenty (20) raw meats, 15 fresh processed meat samples and 15 processed ready-to-eat samples were analyzed on Listeria Selective Agar and Listeria Chromogenic Agar following pre-enrichment. Isolates were screened for thei


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     This study investigated the prevalence of multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria in wastewaters of sixaquaculture farms from Ijebu Ode, Ijebu Igbo and Ago Iwoye towns of Ogun State, South-western Nigeria

    Socio-Economic Characteristics Analysis of Backyard Poultry Farming in Etsako Central Local Government Area, Edo State, Nigeria

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    The study analyzed the Socio-Economic Characteristics of Backyard Poultry Farming in Etsako Central Local Government Area, Edo State, Nigeria using multi-stage sampling technique to select three out of six districts in the Local Government Area with a well structure questionnaire administered to 150 randomly selected respondents while only 107 were retrieved. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics tools. The results revealed that majority (72%) of the respondents were female with most (65.4%) of them not older than 40 years in age. Most (86%) of them has one formal education or the other and are involved in only poultry rearing (58.9%) while 41.1% rears both poultry and small ruminants with 68.2% of them rearing local breeds of poultry. The result revealed that majority (72.9%) of the respondents practice extensive system of rearing with no fewer than 49.5% having flock size of between 1 and 10 birds. Most respondents (84.1%) engaged in backyard poultry rearing for income purpose. Inadequate funding (79.4%) and activities of predators (77.6%) remain the most reported severe constraints to backyard poultry rearing in the study area. It is recommended that Stake holders should make financial supports in terms of grants and single digit loan available to the respondents while the farmers too could group themselves into cooperative and thrift societies to enable them create avenue for soft loan among themselves

    Assessing the Effect of a Dumpsite on Groundwater Quality: A Case Study of Aduramigba Estate within Osogbo Metropolis

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    This research assessed the impact of an open dumpsite, on the quality of groundwater within the vicinity of Aduuramigba Estate. Twenty water samples were collected and analyzed for physic-chemical parameters, major ions and trace metal using AAS, Iron Chromatographic and titrimetric methods. The result showed that almost all the physico chemical parameters such as pH (7.5-10.8), temperature (27.4oC-31.5oC,) EC (70µS/cm-364 µS/cm), TDS (49-248mg/l) fall within limits as recommended by WHO and NSDWQ. Chemical parameters has the following results: Cl- (122-720mg/l), SO42- (0-7.41mg/l), NO3-(0.64-1.64mg/l), HCO3- (12.20-91.5mg/l), Ca2+ (3.95-65.12mg/l), mg2+ (0.73-17.28mg/l), Fe2+ (0-1.36mg/l), Na+ (3.45-27.37mg/l), k+ (1.04-24.41mg/l) Mn2+ (0-0.57mg/l). All major ions revealed concentration within the acceptable limit of both standards except Chloride and Sodium in some of the wells, this is due to the addition of a disinfectant named Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (C3N3O3CL2Na) commonly called water guard and weathering of feldspars which characterized the basement rocks underlying the area. Most of the trace metals tested for were below detectable limit of the AAS except Zinc, Iron and Manganese. Iron and Zinc concentrations fall well within the acceptable limit of both WHO and NSDWQ standards while Manganese concentration were above the limit in most of the surface and shallow groundwater at the down slope of the Dumpsite. This could be attributed to the impact of the leachates from the waste and because of the persistent nature of manganese within the medium, it may not be easily attenuated. Keywords: Leachates, dumpsite, groundwater, conductivity, basement rocks